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Start of the tracker construction in Italy: flight sensors and ladder testing

Start of the tracker construction in Italy: flight sensors and ladder testing. Luca Latronico. Tracker construction roadmap. Tower Structure (walls, fasteners) Engineering: SLAC, Hytec Procurement: SLAC. SSD Procurement, Testing Japan, Italy, SLAC. SSD Ladder Assembly Italy.

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Start of the tracker construction in Italy: flight sensors and ladder testing

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Start of the tracker construction in Italy: flight sensors and ladder testing Luca Latronico

  2. Tracker construction roadmap Tower Structure (walls, fasteners) Engineering: SLAC, Hytec Procurement: SLAC SSD Procurement, Testing Japan, Italy, SLAC SSD Ladder Assembly Italy Tower Assembly and Test SLAC (2) Italy (16) 10,368 2592 Tray Assembly and Test Italy 342 18 Electronics Design, Fabrication & Test UCSC, SLAC 648 Composite Panel & Converters Engineering: SLAC, Hytec, and Italy Procurement: Italy Cable Plant UCSC

  3. Flight sensors testing activity - I

  4. Flight sensors testing activity - II

  5. SSD storage and handling 1484 SSDs (~14% of total) received so far • SSD come in vacuum sealed boxes • Boxes are stored in a clean room • Clean room class during operation was between 1000 and 10000 • (thanks to observation of strict regulations, e.g. mandatory disposable • coat, hat, overshoes, gloves, face mask) • SSD are flushed in N2 when boxes are open • Vacuum pens are used for SSD handling • SSD exit clean room after a new vacuum seal • Every process step in registered in a DB

  6. SSD and Tracker Construction DB see www.pi.infn.it/glast for full documentation on construction DB • discussion with tracker institutions (SLAC, UCSC, Hiroshima) started around one year ago • guidelines documents produced (e.g. LAT-TD-00376, LAT-TD- 00384) • working protoype developed and used in Pisa • continuous vital interplay between DB development – measurements requirements in the clean room – statistical analysis of data – data transfer between manufacturers and institutions • all results shown were produced using our DB • finally publish DB and analysis tool on the web for LAT managers to use

  7. Analysis of data from HPK • HPK provides: • at batch level - from an SSD taken at sample in the batch, min, max, avg • values of the following: • strip bias resistor • strip coupling capacitance • strip resistance • at single SSD level: • IV scan 0-200V (Ileak is I measured at 150V) • CV scan 0-200V (Cbulk is C at 150V) • Vdep – defined as V where F(V) - F(V-5) < 0.0039, with F=1/C2[nF] • bad strips ID and defect type Currently working on a common DB, in collaboration with HPK engineers to maximize data transfer efficiency

  8. Analysis of data from HPK see www.pi.infn.it/glast/database/dbmain.html for full report Ileak specs: I < 600nA single SSD I < 200nA averaged on 100 SSD Stdev(Cbulk) ~ 2 mm all within specification

  9. Analysis of data from HPK see www.pi.infn.it/glast/database/dbmain.html for full report Vdep specs: V <150V Chans specs: Bad chans rate < 0.2% < 3/single SSD still two clusters of bulk resistivity but most SSD stand at the preferred higher values all within specification

  10. Analysis of data from HPK

  11. SSD Pisa clean room measurements see www.pi.infn.it/glast/lattd/ssd_insp_proc.doc (LAT-TD-00454) • Electrical • strips (p+) grounded / back plane (n) at variable V(+) • use calibrated instrumentations (Vsource,p-ammeter,LCR) • read through GPIB/LabView • data can upload DB automatically CV scan 0-200V Cbulk at 150V Vdep with: 2 fit intersection HPK definition IV scan 0-200V Ileak at 150V

  12. SSD electrical measurements: data analysis

  13. SSD electrical measurements: data analysis

  14. SSD electrical measurements: data analysis

  15. SSD clean room measurements see www.pi.infn.it/glast/lattd/ssd_insp_proc.doc (LAT-TD-00454) Geometrical • pixel/mm calibration on • reference cross • measure distance of • reference cross centre • to X and Y edge (all • corners, DXA,DYA,DXB…) • cut alignment evaluated • with: Shift= (DyA+DyD)/2 Rotation=DyA-DyD

  16. SSD geometrical measurements: data analysis distribution stdev compatible with experimental error

  17. Ladders qualification see www.pi.infn.it/glast/lattd/lad_ass_meas.doc(soon LAT-TD … ) • Currently qualifying two suppliers • G&A Engineering • MIPOT Ladders assembled with flight sensors and final tools Alignment Glueing

  18. Ladders qualification SSD alignment check

  19. Ladders qualification: mechanics • bonding pull strength between 6-9 gr. (measured at Mipot) • bonding encapsulation (at G&A): dam (3M Scotchweld 2216 A/B ) + fill (General Electric 615) pure epoxy (3M Scotchweld 2216 A/B) both good but more experience with dam&fill

  20. Ladders qualification: leakage current Long term test started: observed steady current increase of ~40 % in first 12 hrs.

  21. Ladders qualification: leakage current

  22. Conclusions • Flight sensors testing proceeds at full speed : • primary activity of the whole italian collaboration • involves people from all institutions • goes on everyday for 8 hrs. (electrical) + 4 hrs. (geometrical) • already at maximum speed for electrical (20min/SSD) • possible little speed up for geometrical (now 12min/SSD) if images are automatically processed • still some room for optimization in data transfer to DB from electrical and geometrical measurements setups • new requirements from data analysis and data transfer every day – big impact on DB development • Ladder qualification: • two manufacturers involved in the process • both gave successful results

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