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Academic work requires an extremely high level of English in terms of both range and accuracy. ... as compulsory courses in the first and second semester respectively. ...
Slide 1:2010-2011 Academic Year
Slide 2:Role of English as medium of instruction and learning at Eastern Mediterranean University. Role of English as international language in academic, scientific and professional world.
Slide 3:Listening and note-taking skills Understanding long, complex and specialized text. Writing essays and reports, and academic theses. Presenting work in seminars. Writing and defending an extended thesis. Publishing in international journals; presenting work through the web and at international conferences.
Slide 4:Academic work requires an extremely high level of English in terms of both range and accuracy. Employers too are looking for employees with top level English language skills, communication skills and presentation skills. This highly competitive and demanding environment realistically requires a minimum level of IELTS 7.0, and preferably higher.
Slide 5: Therefore, we strongly encourage all postgraduate students at EMU to consider participating in the English Language and Study Skills Programme as fully as possible.
Slide 6:The official requirement for entry to EMU Graduate Studies is: IELTS 6.5, TOEFL IBT 80 or equivalent. EMU Proficiency 75% http://grad.emu.edu.tr/newgrad/Graduate/Admissions.aspx With these scores, there is no official requirement to take any English language courses.
Slide 7: Students with a score of 6.0 minimum IELTS or TOEFL equivalent (but below 6.5), or a score of 60 - 74% on the EMU Proficiency Test are required to take: ENGL 502 as a compulsory course
Slide 8:Students with a score below 6.0 IELTS or TOEFL equivalent, or with a score of 30-59% on the EMU Proficiency Test are required to take: ENGL 503 and ENGL 502 as compulsory courses in the first and second semester respectively. If you are in this category, please register in ENGL 503, Groups 1-5 only.
Slide 9:Students with an EMU Proficiency Score of less than 30% should enrol on: ENGL 503 Group 6 This is an extended 10 hour language programme.
Slide 10: If you do not have an internationally accredited language qualification (IELTS, TOEFL), you must take the EMU Proficiency Test, so that we have enough information to guide you with your English language studies.
Slide 11: Like other universities, you have achieved the minimum required standard for entering a course of study. Successfully writing a thesis, publishing and presenting means most of us have to continually improve our skills further. You should seriously consider taking ENGL 501 and ENGL 504 in the second year of study.
Slide 12: Four hours a week of classroom-based language work is not a lot. And developing a strong command of English is fundamental to your academic success. It is not taking your time away. In the long run it is saving it.
Slide 13: Academic English for post-graduate students (ENGL 503) Advanced academic English for IELTS (ENGL 502) Advanced Thesis Writing (ENGL 501) Advanced Academic Speaking (ENGL 504) And: PLD Workshops and Seminars Tutorials Online Support
Slide 14: The first course in the sequence functions at around 6.0 on the IELTS banding system. The course covers all the major language skills from an academic perspective. From the outset, course work is very closely linked with participants own individual academic studies.
Slide 15:In the second course, participants develop their skills further with a particular focus on the IELTS exam. Participants are therefore prepared for and encouraged to take this test. As a postgraduate student, considering your future academic and professional career, you should be aiming to certify yourself at a minimum of 7.0 on the IELTS rating system.
Slide 16: The main purpose of this elective course is to assist participants with planning, developing and writing their thesis, and acquiring the skills and language that will subsequently enable them to produce work of an internationally publishable standard.
Slide 17: This elective course is dedicated to improving academic speaking and presentation skills for the purpose of thesis defence, conference and seminar presentations, as well as future employment.
Slide 18: Regular workshops and seminars run by the PLD are open to all EMU postgraduate students. These workshops will focus on specific language and study skills issues that are key to success in an academic environment.
Slide 19: This system is also open to all postgraduate students. It provides students the opportunity to consult with tutors over a specific piece of work, and gain individual guidance about how to improve their work.
Slide 20:The cost of each course is $250 dollars. There are four class hours per week, and fifty hours of lessons in total in each course. There is a maximum class size of fifteen.
Slide 21:ENGL 505 For students engaged in postgraduate study in Turkish, but who wish to improve their English for future academic or professional purposes, a more basic course is offered, starting at the IELTS 5.0 level. This course has a particular emphasis on preparing participants for the KPDS and UDS Exams.
Slide 22: Courses at: http://gemoodle.emu.edu.tr Asst. Prof. Dr. Nilgun Hancioglu Asst. Prof. Dr Elmaziye Ozgur Kufi nilgun.hancioglu@emu.edu.tr elmaziye.ozgur@emu.edu.tr Tel: 630 3063 Office Number: GE305 (on the third floor of the Computer Center Building)
Slide 23:Once students are enrolled in these courses, serious commitment is expected, including regular attendance and submission of work. Courses are non-credit, and graded as satisfactory (S) or unsatisfactory (U). We look forward to working with you!