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Welcome to College of Education. CENN, Spring 2008 Week of February 4. Welcome to the College of Education. Important February Dates.
CENN, Spring 2008 Week of February 4
Important February Dates • February 4, Monday, 4:00 P.M. – Deadline for clearance from Graduate Student Support Office, 108 Stone Building, to take comprehensive examinations for master’s degree and specialist’s degrees. Completed Program of Study must be on file in Graduate Student Support Office. • Deadline for clearance from Graduate Student Support Office, 108 Stone building, to defend master’s thesis or doctoral dissertation. Completed Program of Study must be on file in Graduate Student Support Office
News from ELPS • Michael M. Black (doctoral candidate, Higher Education, ELPS) has completed Sincerely, Frank; Frank R. Reade: Professor, President, and Camp Director. • This 171-page biography is a referenced, brief account of the family, life, and career of the third president of the Georgia State Womans College (now Valdosta State University) who served from 1934 until 1948. • This book continues Michael’s personal commitment to assist in the preservation of Valdosta State University’s history by documenting those individuals who have enriched lives and left lasting impressions on the institution and its culture. Historical aspects of the University’s growth are a significant portion of this work which began in December 2006 and concluded in January 2008.
Michael M. Black (doctoral candidate, Higher Education, ELPS) has completed Sincerely, Frank; Frank R. Reade: Professor, President, and Camp Director.
COE Undergraduate Humanitarian of the Year Award • Stephanie Triay, a fourth-year undergraduate in our ESE Program. Congratulations! • We are proud of her sense of civic responsibility and academic achievements as a University Service Scholar. With more than 500 hours of posted ServScript credit in a diversity of experiences, Stephanie exemplifies the best of the Service Scholar program.
Attention, COE Faculty and Staff! The Center for Educational Research and Policy Studies (CERPS) and the Council on Research in Education (CORE) present: • Managing Contracts and GrantsIntroducing OMNI procedures and FSU policiesFriday, February 812:00 noon to 1:00 p.m.115 Stone Building • This time of demonstration and discussion will focus on the use of the OMNI system to manage sponsored research projects. All Principal Investigators (PIs) and other individuals interested in managing contracts and grants should mark their calendars for this very informative presentation. For additional information please contact Dr. Steve Nettles at 644-1296 or nettles@coe.fsu.edu
News from CERDS The Eastern Educational Research Association (EERA) selected the paper of Dr. Vickie Lake and Dr. Ithel Jones presented at the 2007 EERA conference as the best paper at the conference! • They will be presented with the "EERA Distinguished Paper Award" at the 2008 EERA conference in Hilton Head SC, February 21-23. • Paper title: "Caring Practices With All Children? Pre-service Teachers? Self Analyses of Teacher Child Interactions". • As recipients of this award they have been invited to present the paper at a special AERA session of "distinguished papers" from State and Regional Educational Research Associations (SRERA) at the AERA conference in New York City in March 2008.
FSU Dialogues • FSU Dialoguessponsored by:Congress of Graduate StudentsOffice of the Dean of Graduate Studies • Florida State University's Congress of Graduate Students and Office of Graduate Studies invite applications for the first FSU Dialogues Conference that will take place in the Spring of 2008. • Dialogues is designed to recognize interdisciplinary research by graduate students and promote its recognition internationally. Each year the interdisciplinary focus of the conference will change. • This year the focus is health as it refers to the general condition of the mind and body. • Jamie McCranie Office Administrator & Secretary to the DeanOffice of Graduate Studies (850)644-3501 mccranie@mailer.fsu.edu
Personal Finance StudyAn examination of personal finance activities leading to wealth accumulation. Dr. David Eccles and his fellow researchers are in need of households to take part in a pilot study looking at activities related to personal finance. This study is being financed by a grant through the Financial Industry’s Regulatory Authority Investor Education Foundation. The data collected will be used to provide personal finance interventions. They are looking for married couples in their 50’s to participate. For more information regarding the qualifications for participation please call 850-645-2792 or e-mail financestudy@lsi.fsu.edu.
A L E C • The Adult Learning Evaluation Center (ALEC) • 214 Stone Building • 644-3611 • www.epls.fsu.edu/alec • Provides low cost educational evaluations for high school and college students and other adults who are college-bound or entering the work force and may be experiencing difficulties related to a learning disability or Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD). • Offers educational workshops and individual client coaching in the areas of test-performance anxiety reduction, academic consultation and study skills.
Night Nole • During the fall, Night Nole provides students with a safe ride home from the Tennessee Strip and other late-night venues. • The SGA funds this no-fare transit service through a contract with Tallahassee. The route is within a short walking distance of many apartment complexes where students live.
Discover TREC! • COE Graduate Student Group at FSU • Research collaboration, professional development, and social networking. • Interdisciplinary & transcultural focus • Non-COE graduate students welcome • Visit TREC website at http://www.coe.fsu.edu/trec/
PEACE CORPS+ MASTER’S in EDUCATION • Discover FSU’s new Peace Corps Master’s International Program: http://www.fsu.edu/~elps/sides/pcmi.html
PEACE CORPS+ MASTER’S in EDUCATION • Discover FSU’s new Peace Corps Master’s International Program: http://www.fsu.edu/~elps/sides/pcmi.html
PEACE CORPS+ MASTER’S in EDUCATION • Discover FSU’s new Peace Corps Master’s International Program: http://www.fsu.edu/~elps/sides/pcmi.html
PEACE CORPS+ MASTER’S in EDUCATION • Discover FSU’s new Peace Corps Master’s International Program: http://www.fsu.edu/~elps/sides/pcmi.html
Stone Bldg. Reconstruction • The Stone Building will be under phased construction till August 2008. • Please pardon the dust and temporary inconvenience. • We are getting larger classroom, more space, and better equipped facilities. • Please use caution around construction areas.
Did you know? • The FSU Counseling Center offers free workshops on the topics of Stress Management, Time Management, and Study Skills. • Each workshop is 1 hour and includes self-assessment, personalized strategies, and hands-on learning. • Go to www.counseling.fsu.edu for the workshop schedule and to find out how to register.
News Needed! • Any news, achievements, announcements? • See them at CENN! • Contact Dr. Dina Vyortkina for details: dvyortkina@fsu.edu