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Challenges & Opportunities Of ICT In Developing Countries

Challenges & Opportunities Of ICT In Developing Countries. Desta Mengistu Motebaynor. Agenda. ICT Introduction ICT Development and Deployment . Challenges . Opportunities Conclusion and Recommendation Discussion. UN Statistics - Millennium Indicators.

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Challenges & Opportunities Of ICT In Developing Countries

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  1. Challenges & Opportunities Of ICT In Developing Countries Desta Mengistu Motebaynor

  2. Agenda • ICT Introduction • ICT Development and Deployment . Challenges . Opportunities • Conclusion and Recommendation • Discussion

  3. UN Statistics - Millennium Indicators % of population bellow $1 per day consumption Finland 0% Egypt 3.1% Ethiopia 81.9% Poverty Education enrolment ratio primary level Finland 100% Egypt 92.6% Ethiopia 46.7% Education IMR – (0-1) year per 1000 live birth Finland 4 Egypt 37 Ethiopia 117 Infant Mortality Rate Source: UN Statistics-Millennium Indicators

  4. UN Statistics - Millennium Indicators % of population with access to clean water Finland 100% Egypt 97% Ethiopia 24% Water Forested land area as % of total land area Finland 70% Egypt 0.1% Ethiopia 4.2% Forest Undernourished as % of total population Finland 0% Egypt 4% Ethiopia 44% Nutrition Source: UN Statistics-Millennium Indicators

  5. UN Statistics - Millennium Indicators lines and cellular subscription per 100 population Finland 135.14% Egypt 14.69% Ethiopia 0.48% Telecom Internet users per 100 population (2002) Finland 50.89% Egypt 0.93% (2001) Ethiopia 0.07% Internet Personal Computers per 100 population Finland 42.35% Egypt 1.55% Ethiopia 0.15% Computers Source: UN Statistics-Millennium Indicators

  6. Can we do something? YES

  7. How? Maximum utilization of ICT

  8. What is ICT ICT – Is a generic term used to express the convergence of information technology, (IT) communications and broadcasting. IT – Is a term that encompasses all forms of technology used to create, store, exchange, and use information in its various forms (Networks, data, voice, still images, multimedia presentations, human resources, messages and other forms, including those not yet conceived).

  9. The application of ICT • ICT can be used in a wide variety: • To access information and knowledge. • To gather and disseminate information. • To educate and learn. • To develop Knowledge Management. • To Organize and control business process. • For Messaging and collaboration. • For Research and development. • For Networking to share ICT resources. • Can be applied in economic sectors, science and technology. etc…

  10. The Bottom Line • If properly developed & deployed ICT will: • overcome poverty; • accelerate socio-economic development programmes; • improve democracy and governance

  11. ICT Challenges for Developing Countries • ICT Development & Deployment will not come easy ! ! ! ! • ICT development readiness • - Identifying priorities • - Creating enabling environments • - Developing flexible policy framework • Creating ICT awareness • Developing ICT Architecture and Standards • Government demands are becoming bigger and more complex – needs for high impact & expectations

  12. ICT Challenges contd. • Aligning Government regulations with new technology • IT skills development • Securing investment costs • Developing infrastructure • Developing applications • Identifying the right technology • Content development in various languages • Retaining skilled professionals (Brain drain) • Managing ICT resources

  13. ICT Challenges contd. • Identifying the right technology. • Developing ICT infrastructure. • Building high bandwidth communication network. • Technology complexity and its rapid pace. • Developing ICT applications. • Optimizing the value of ICT investment. • Managing technology refresh for continuity and growth. • Developing & working with the private sector.

  14. ICT Challenges contd. • Manage and optimize scarce IT resources now and in the future. • Developing IT as an economic sector. • Improving customs for IT related imports. • Overcoming inequalities (urban/rural, gender etc..).

  15. The Standish Group Survey Failed Challenged Succeeded 23% 49% 28% 2000 28% 46% 26% 1998 40% 33% 27% 1995 16% 31% 53% 1994 Succeeded This chart depicts the outcome of the 30,000 application projects in large, medium, and small cross-industry U.S. companies tested by The Standish Group since 1994. Source: The Standish Group International, Extreme Chaos, The Standish Group International, Inc., 2000 Challenged Failed

  16. Root Causes of Failure • Separation of ICT goals and actual operational functions. • Separation of wish list and available resources. • Processes that are inflexible to change. • Lack of IT skilled manpower (Knowledge transfer and continuity). • Lack of adequate project management methodologies, etc…

  17. How To Overcome these Obstacles? • By understanding Government's directions, goals, and opportunities. • By ensuring that ICT goals support overall Government goals. • By fostering a proactive organizational environment (Planning, Organizing…). • By organizing teams to work efficiently and effectively. • By adopting reputable and workable project development and deployment methodologies.

  18. ICT Opportunities • Historic moment to catch up the ICT fast moving wagon. • Major tool for poverty reduction, accelerated socio-economic development & good govern. • Government focus to realize ICT initiatives. Support Programmes – WB, UN, NEPAD etc.. • Favourable opportunities for inward investment (70 M. People, 40% educated work force, etc…). • Now will have perfect means to expedited. information and knowledge exchange (Internet, e-mail, multi-media, video conferencing …).

  19. ICT Opportunities Contd. • Huge potential to improve Government services. • Create a wealth of opportunities for various forms of education – tele-education, tele- medicine, virtual laboratories, etc. • Create opportunity for emergence of ICT as a new economic sector. • Manageable technology for deployment. • Tremendous opportunity for indigenous experts • Affordable prices for IT investment. • Political stability in the country.

  20. Conclusion and Recommendation • Recognition of ICT as a tool for prosperity. • Telecom sectors, Power sectors, to play leading roll in ICT Capacity Building Programmes and align their strategies accordingly. • Any Infrastructure building activities to focus on solutions that is reliable, scalable, affordable and manageable. • Liberalization of Telecom Services • Utilization of indigenous experts to validate technology

  21. Ultimate Objective • ICT development towards the creation of Information Society • Develop knowledge based economy • Access to information from any where by anyone at any time

  22. Generation’s responsibility ! ! ! Thank You !

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