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22 Sales Insights to take your sales tactics to the next level

Did you know that the majority of salespeople is missing basic sales skills? That's why we share 22 sales insights with you that will help you to persuade your prospects and sell more!

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22 Sales Insights to take your sales tactics to the next level

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  1. 22 SALES INSIGHTS TO TAKE YOUR SALES TACTICS TO THE NEXT LEVEL www.liinea.com/worshops Liinea.com

  2. According to Forbes Magazine, 55% of salespeople don’t have the right selling skills Here are 22 unique insights to influence your prospects and sell better Liinea.com Liinea.com

  3. be there to help Sales Insight #1 change your sales process from “helping customers buy” to “helping customers change” CHANGE YOUR PURPOSE Liinea.com Liinea.com

  4. Instead of focusing on selling, focus on helping Instead of focusing on selling, focus on helping your clients to change to the positive: your clients to change to the positive: Help your prospect identify the weak points of their operations and how it affects other sides of the business Help your prospect understand the need for change and create urgency around the potential risks involved Help your prospect analyse the potential solutions Liinea.com Liinea.com

  5. guide through complexity Sales Insight #2 ”Sense-making” as communication style leads to the largest closure rates in sales 80 % Guide your customer 50 % 30 % Liinea.com Liinea.com

  6. The The sense sense- -making confidence, reduces scepticism and leads to greater closure rates confidence, reduces scepticism and leads to greater closure rates making communication style increases customer communication style increases customer sense sense- -making making 80 % telling telling giving giving 50 % 30 % provide information to your prospect share your opinion and stories aid to make sense of the information provided

  7. Marketing is important for sales Sales Insight #3 Sales and marketing alignment can lead to 38% higher sales win rates ALIGN MARKETING AND SALES 80 % 50 % 30 % Liinea.com Liinea.com

  8. Rethink the whole Marketing and Sales strategy! Rethink the whole Marketing and Sales strategy! allow the Marketing and Sales functions to allow the Marketing and Sales functions to partner closely partner closely during the entire customer during the entire customer purchase journey purchase journey be more proactive be more proactive in in generating new leads generating new leads 50 % 30 % It will help you draw interest towards your product and build It will help you draw interest towards your product and build up trust between you and your prospect. up trust between you and your prospect. Liinea.com Liinea.com

  9. be the advisor your customer needs Sales Insight #4 Act as an advisor for your clients and help them figure out what's best for them and their company ACT AS AN ADVISOR 80 % 50 % 30 % Liinea.com Liinea.com

  10. How do you become a trusted advisor in sales? How do you become a trusted advisor in sales? Pay attention to what your client says and show recognition by following up on it 80 % Offer value and actionable insights 50 % Be proactive by presenting solutions to their problems 30 % All of this will help you to build a stronger relationship with your client - and to make more sales. Liinea.com Liinea.com

  11. use your body to speak Sales Insight #5 The majority of information we receive comes not from words, but from body language forget about words 50 % 30 % Liinea.com Liinea.com

  12. How do we get information? How do we get information? 7% 7% words 38% 38% tone of voice 55% 55% body language Pay attention to your whole body position, where you look at while talking, and what you do with your hands 50 % Liinea.com Liinea.com

  13. spend more time connecting to people Sales Insight #6 It’s easier to make a sale when your prospect likes you, because people buy more from people they like and trust connect with others 80 % 50 % 30 % Liinea.com Liinea.com

  14. Why do we buy more from people we like? Why do we buy more from people we like? Once you have established a personal connection, your prospect will look for reasons to support your information as factual and useful 80 % Without a personal connection, none of your information will be taken as credible. Your prospect will be looking for reasons to reject what you are saying 50 % 30 % Liinea.com Liinea.com

  15. make use of existing connections Sales Insight #7 87% of sales reps agree that referrals represent the highest quality leads ask for a referral 80 % 50 % 30 % Liinea.com Liinea.com

  16. By By asking for a referral asking for a referral you build with your customer, and the trust your customer has with build with your customer, and the trust your customer has with someone else someone else you leverage the trust leverage the trust that you have that you have 4x people are 4x more likely to people are 4x more likely to buy when referred by a friend buy when referred by a friend 3-5x Sales generated through referrals typically lead to higher closing rates referrals are 3 referrals are 3- -5x more likely to convert compared to non to convert compared to non- - referrals referrals 5x more likely 37% of referrals have higher of referrals have higher retention rates compared to retention rates compared to non non- -referrals referrals Liinea.com Liinea.com

  17. Questions persuade better Sales Insight #8 questions easily catch your prospects attention and lead them into a certain direction ask questions Liinea.com Liinea.com

  18. 3 reasons why you should ask more questions: 3 reasons why you should ask more questions: They engage your counterpart, and as a result, you control their attention Only questions, not reasons, persuade They get your prospect talking, which helps you understand his needs and challenges Liinea.com Liinea.com

  19. listen to understand Sales Insight #9 Most people don’t listen with the intent to understand, they listen with the intent to reply listen, and hear 80 % 50 % 30 % Liinea.com Liinea.com

  20. Selling is not the same as talking. Listening is an important part of it: Selling is not the same as talking. Listening is an important part of it: If you don't really listen, you will miss out on what your prospect actually needs. 43/57 is the golden ratio: 43% of talking done by the salesperson, and the majority with 57% done by the prospect 80 % Don't interrupt, listen to emotions and don't assume anything. Clarify, ask more questions and summarise what you have learned 50 % 30 % Liinea.com Liinea.com

  21. replace facts with personal stories Sales Insight #10 Charities pull 2x the donations with a personal story as opposed to facts and figures tell personal stories 80 % 50 % 30 % Liinea.com Liinea.com

  22. Stories help us to Stories help us to connect on a personal level connect on a personal level. We think and feel through them, and re through them, and re- -live the storyteller's experience with its emotions live the storyteller's experience with its emotions . We think and feel Of course, you don't want to lose business credibility by skipping facts and figures. So here is our tip: state a value proposition, include facts and quantified results and then give an example from your customer through a personal story. Liinea.com Liinea.com

  23. be both: introvert and extrovert Sales Insight #11 The best salespeople are ambiverts: they know when to be quiet and when to speak up be ambivert 80 % 50 % 30 % Liinea.com Liinea.com

  24. A study compared salesman earnings ($) per hour, grouped by A study compared salesman earnings ($) per hour, grouped by personality types. The clear winner is the personality types. The clear winner is the ambivert! ambivert! $160 $125 $120 50 % 30 % Liinea.com Liinea.com

  25. analogies help understand your message Sales Insight #12 Analogies and metaphors work as logical arguments and are helpful to transfer an important message persuade with analogies 80 % 50 % 30 % Liinea.com Liinea.com

  26. How do analogies and metaphors work? How do analogies and metaphors work? They break down a complex statement and make it simple 80 % They are easier to remember They turn something unfamiliar into something relevant Liinea.com Liinea.com

  27. replace “may i” with “will you” Sales Insight #13 Asking for action helps to inspire a desired outcome and elicits a response in people ask for action, not permission 80 % 50 % 30 % Liinea.com Liinea.com

  28. Asking for action: Asking for action: Tells someone what they should do Gives motivation to do so Leads to soft commitment Asking for action creates a feeling of obligation within a person. People tend to stick to their commitments because they like to honour them, and it makes them feel better about themselves. Liinea.com Liinea.com

  29. pictures persuade better Sales Insight #14 Our brain processes visuals up to 600x faster than words explain with visuals 80 % 50 % 30 % Liinea.com Liinea.com

  30. A picture’s worth a thousand words A picture’s worth a thousand words – – almost literally almost literally Not only processes our brain visual information more effectively than text, but they are also more persuasive and easier to remember: 80 % 10% of people remember what they heard 50 % of people remember what they read 20% 30 % of people remember what they saw and did 80% Liinea.com Liinea.com

  31. tease with information to create curiosity Sales Insight #15 Curiosity helps you to get someone's attention and afterwards to keep their interest tease with information Liinea.com Liinea.com

  32. Here are 4 easy ways how you can create curiosity in others: Here are 4 easy ways how you can create curiosity in others: End emails with a cliff-hanger Violate expectations 50 % Ask a stimulating question 30 % Talk about information others didn’t know Liinea.com Liinea.com

  33. foot-in-the-door technique Sales Insight #16 People are more likely to agree to a bigger request, after agreeing to a smaller request first ask for a small request first Liinea.com

  34. How can you use this technique for your future sales? How can you use this technique for your future sales? Determine an appropriate small thing to ask. This should be something which your prospect is likely to agree to. 1. Create a way to introduce the bigger request. This can happen right after the smaller demand. 2. Liinea.com

  35. LOSS AVERSION Sales Insight #17 The pain of losing is twice as powerful as the pleasure of gaining frame your offers in terms of loss Liinea.com

  36. People are more willing to take risks People are more willing to take risks to avoid a loss than to make a gain. How can you use this in sales? to make a gain. How can you use this in sales? to avoid a loss than 1. Make your prospects feel like they already own your product. Once your prospects feel like that, they will not want to lose it again Save customers from future regret. Clearly express what your prospects would lose if they don’t own your product 2. Liinea.com

  37. Don’t forget to follow up Sales Insight #18 The majority of sales require around 5 follow- ups, but more than half of all salespeople give up after just one Don’t give up, follow up Liinea.com

  38. You shouldn’t just take no for an answer: You shouldn’t just take no for an answer: Your prospect might be busy Your prospect might need time to think about the offer It might just be the wrong timing Follow-up calls or emails can help you understand where you stand in a deal. They can help build trust, or maybe address possible missing information or problems. Liinea.com

  39. FOCUS ON engaging content Sales Insight #19 68% of consumers feel more positive about brands who share engaging content Engage with your audience Liinea.com

  40. Here are some tips on how you can easily engage with Here are some tips on how you can easily engage with your audience: your audience: Get the attention from costumers with engaging questions Limit yourself to relevant and qualitative content to get the best out of your request Talk about engaging stories which trigger positive emotions Liinea.com

  41. SOCIAL PROOF AS A POWERFUL TOOL Sales Insight #20 63% of consumers say they are more likely to purchase from a site if it has product ratings and reviews USE SOCIAL PROOF Liinea.com

  42. Social proof is a powerful technique to build trust and Social proof is a powerful technique to build trust and make a product more desirable. This is how you can make a product more desirable. This is how you can activate it: activate it: Refer to similar customers by using phrases like “most businesses in your situation …“ Display positive reviews or customer testimonials on your website Show your prospects that buyers similar to them have purchased your product and experienced positive results Liinea.com

  43. Put yourself in your prospect’s shoes Sales Insight #21 Understand how your prospect identifies himself, so you can target exactly those personal differences understand your prospect Liinea.com

  44. How can you show your prospect that you understand How can you show your prospect that you understand him? him? Ask questions to learn more – how should you understand his or her needs if you don’t ask the right questions? Use the word “you” – it’s captivating and shows your prospect what you are saying is relevant for him Solve their problems – formulate your offers so they address their needs and solve their problems Liinea.com

  45. SALES TRAININGS ARE CRUCIAL Sales Insight #22 Salespeople who receive continuous training show 50% higher sales rates don’t stop learning Liinea.com

  46. Did you know? 55% of salespeople lack the basic sales Did you know? 55% of salespeople lack the basic sales skills to be successful! skills to be successful! That’s why training is important: it can be the source of important new information about up-to-date trends, new sales strategies and new sales tools Invest in training and it will pay out later! Liinea.com

  47. Interested in more? Interested in more? Liinea.com Join our sales workshops to create a winning sales playbook and to master the art of sales liinea.com/workshops

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