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A Guide To Social Listening For Market Researchers

Social media marketing listening is the process of extracting valuable insights from comments, posts, videos, and other content your audience posts on social media. With social listening, you can flag keywords such as brand names, specific topics, hashtags, or competitors to get a deeper understanding of what your audience says and how they feel about these aspects.

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A Guide To Social Listening For Market Researchers

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Presentation Transcript

  1. A Guide To Social Listening For Market Researchers

  2. Overview Social media marketing listening is an invaluable tool for market researchers to reach a massive audience to obtain vital information about customer intent and market dynamics. To use social media for marketing effectively, it’s absolutely necessary that you understand your audience profile, what their expectations are, and their attitude towards brands and products, even your competitors’. A machine learning (ML) driven social media platform helps you to this end because of its various in-built capabilities - from YouTube video analysis to text analytics - to extract the sentiment from data. These capabilities are key to the research you need to conduct, whether it’s for a new product launch, new store location, pricing changes, or online brand reputation management.

  3. What Is Social Media Marketing Listening? Social media marketing listening is the process of extracting valuable insights from comments, posts, videos, and other content your audience posts on social media. With social listening, you can flag keywords such as brand names, specific topics, hashtags, or competitors to get a deeper understanding of what your audience says and how they feel about these aspects. Social listening tools give you in-depth brand insights and take into account customer experience analysis for better customer-oriented marketing strategies. Based on the understanding from social media marketing listening platforms that are driven by machine learning, you can derive key market findings - all shown on an easy-to-understand customer experience dashboard.

  4. Why Is Sentiment Analysis Essential To Social Listening? Sentiment analysis shows you your audience’s attitude towards your product, service, brand, and advertising content in the most in-depth manner. AI and machine learning models can process data across various social media sentiment analysis platforms including Twitch, YouTube, Facebook, Twitter, TikTok, and others, to extract sentiment from thousands of posts, comments, and user-generated videos efficiently and quickly. Even if you use social media surveys, machine learning platforms like Repustate IQ, will analyze the data comprising open-ended questions and extract insights to tell you important aspects that as a marketer will be invaluable to you. Thus, using sentiment analysis along with text analytics gives you more granular insights from social media data.

  5. How Do You Use Social Listening For Market Research? Social media marketing listening provides crucial data that a company can use to improve its brand experience as well as customer experience. This same tactic can also be used to enhance user experience in hospitality, healthcare, retail, or any other industry. Here are 6 powerful ways market researchers can use social listening for marketing. • Learn Audience Intent • Monitor Brand Mentions • Social Selling • Better Content Marketing • Competitor Intelligence • Strategize Influencer Marketing

  6. Conclusion As a market researcher, you know that social listening can have a significant effect on a marketing campaign’s performance and effectiveness in the age of digital buying. People will almost always go online and read comments and reviews before making a purchase, whether it’s for a product or choosing an airline to fly for a vacation. Social listening for marketing helps you extract focussed insights so you can create marketing campaigns that are targeted and unique so your target audience can find you quickly and efficiently. Repustate’s social media marketing listening solution offers quick, reliable, and accurate marketing insights. Enabled with search inside video features, robust named entity recognition, aspect-based sentiment analysis, and other capabilities, it is a perfect match if you are looking for a customizable AI-driven market research platform to drive business growth. Train the AI model to your business needs, and watch it become more and more intelligent over time.

  7. Thank you! Understand your data, customers, & employees with 12X the speed and accuracy. Visit: www.repustate.com to learn more

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