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Austin Community College District

Austin Community College District Association of Community College Trustees 2007 Futures Policy Commission Report and Bellwether Winning Programs September 27, 2007 College Connection Addresses Critical Issues Creating a “college-going culture” within every ISD in ACC’s Service Area

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Austin Community College District

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Austin Community College District Association of Community College Trustees 2007 Futures Policy Commission Report and Bellwether Winning Programs September 27, 2007

  2. College Connection Addresses Critical Issues • Creating a “college-going culture” within every ISD in ACC’s Service Area • Increasing access to higher education • Especially for economically disadvantaged • Especially for minorities

  3. College Connection Addresses Critical Issues • Eliminating barriers to College enrollment • “College” seems intimidating to many • All enrollment services brought to the high school • Forging stronger relationships between secondary and post-secondary institutions • Achieving “Closing the Gaps” goals for State of Texas

  4. “Closing the Gaps” in Higher Education Participation • Closing the Gaps warns that Texas must reverse alarming trends: • Too many high school drop-outs • Too few high school grads entering higher education • Too few high school grads “college-ready” • Too few minorities entering higher education • The Goal is to increase student enrollment in higher education by 630,000 by 2015 • It is about ensuring a well-educated/trained workforce for economic development

  5. College Connection Hallmarks • Program is flexible • All services delivered at the high schools • Every student assisted through each step of the college admissions process • During ISD graduation ceremonies, seniors receive acceptance letters to ACC • Students can exit stage and enroll by phone or on-line

  6. Elements of College Connection

  7. College Connection Sample Activity Grid ISD District Lead: Sandra Dowdy, Assistant Superintendent, 512-386-3040, sdowdy@del-valle.k12.tx.us Del Valle HS Lead: Jean MacInnis, Principal, 512-386-3210, jmacinnis@del-valle.k12.tx.us Admin. Assistant: Nadene Norwood, 512-386-3211, nadene.norwood@del-valle.k12.tx.us ACC District Lead: Mary Hensley, 223-7618, mhensley@austincc.edu Exec. Assistant: Esther Buzard, 223-7618, ebuzard@austincc.edu College Connection Lead: Luanne Preston, 223-7354, luanne@austincc.edu Admin. Assistant: Laurie Clark, 223-7354, lclark2@austincc.edu Senior Count: 400 SHADE/BOLD – Required College Connection Activities

  8. College ConnectionDiversity of Participants 2006-07 • Anglo 45% • African American 11% • Hispanic 33% • Asian 5% • Other 6%

  9. College ConnectionProgram Growth Over 4 years: • 1 school district to 27 school districts • 2 high schools to 58 high schools • 400 students to 17,000+ students

  10. The College Connection Program Works: More Students Enter Austin Community College Source: http://www.txhighereddata.org/Reports and ACC Office Of Institutional Effectiveness and Accountability

  11. College Connection Positively Impacts Other College Programs • ACC Fall Enrollments • 38% increase first year • 59% increase over two years • Early College Start (Dual Credit) Enrollments • 26% increase in enrollment from ‘04 to ’05 • 45% increase in enrollment from ’04 to ’06 • 3,209 students enrolled Summer 2007 (record-breaking ECS enrollment) • Tech Prep Enrollments • 4,336% increase in enrollment from ‘03 to ‘06 • 36 students in 2003-04 • 48 students in 2004-05 • 293 students in 2005-06 • 1,597 students in 2006-07

  12. College Connection Draws External Funding • TG Public Benefit Grant $155,000 • Texas Pioneer Foundation $398,188 • Greater Austin Chamber of Commerce$108,000 • Round Rock ISD$18,000 • Two Mobile Go Centers $147,218 • Advanced Micro Devices • AT&T Foundation • College For All Texans Foundation • Texas Pioneer Foundation

  13. Mobile Go Center

  14. Related Initiatives Mini-College Connectionfor Adult Education College Connection Scholarships

  15. College Connection Awards Received

  16. Texas Statewide College Connection Expansion 2007-09 • Ten Community Colleges Receive Two-Year $100,000 Implementation Grants • Alamo Community College District • Blinn College • Del Mar College • Houston Community College System • Lee College • Odessa College • Richland College • South Texas College • Tarrant County College District • Weatherford College

  17. Texas Statewide College Connection Expansion 2007-09 • Five Community Colleges Receive One-Year $5,000 Planning Grants • Cedar Valley College • Cisco Junior College • Northeast Texas Community College • Paris Junior College • Victoria College

  18. Texas Statewide College Connection Expansion • Texas Community Colleges Already Adopting College Connection • Alamo Community College District • Central Texas College • Coastal Bend Community College • Del Mar Community College • Houston Community College District • Temple Community College • Vernon College • Victoria Community College

  19. College ConnectionLessons Learned • Must have strong support of College/ISD Boards and CEOs • Single Point-of-Contact essential • Must have a data collection plan • Must be technologically supported (planning, communication, tracking, application, enrollment) • Requires strong training, cross-training of staff • Must be heavily promoted, in multiple ways, with sustained focus • Must involve college faculty

  20. Austin Community CollegeCollege Connection Website • Access to scheduled activities for students, parents, and school officials • Calendars • Links to pertinent ACC and school district sites

  21. For More Information Contact: Stephen Kinslow, Ph.D.President/CEO ceo@austincc.edu512-223-7598 Mary Hensley, Ed.D.Vice President, College Support Systems and ISD Relationsmhensley@austincc.edu512-223-7618

  22. www.austincc.edu/isd/acct/092607Presentation.ppt For a copy of this PowerPoint presentation:

  23. www.austincc.edu/isd/bellwether/012907Presentation.ppt For a copy of the complete Bellwether PowerPoint presentation:

  24. Questions and Answers

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