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Presentation Transcript

  1. FOLLOW BLOG A new blogging experience where you can express your emotions and ideas through pictures! Done By: Maitha Ibrahim INSPIRE DISCOVER

  2. Overview What is Tumblr? What makes Tumblr so unique? Why use Tumblr? Tumblr’s User Interface Let’s start Tumbling! Who uses Tumblr? Is Tumblr right for you?

  3. Tumblr is a free and lightweight blogging platform. WHAT IS TUMBLR? ? So what exactly is a blog

  4. Blog: An online journal where users can present a record of activities, thoughts, or beliefs. WHAT IS A BLOG?

  5. A social networking site in a form of a blog. • Users can post any type of multimedia contents. WHAT IS TUMBLR?

  6. Provides a “follow” option. • Similar to twitter’s follow button. • Users can follow blogs they like. WHAT IS TUMBLR?

  7. David Karp founder & CEO of Tumblr. • Top 35 innovators under the age of 35. • Has an estimated 40 million dollar net worth. WHO CREATED TUMBLR?

  8. VS Limited word count Unlimited • Users can post unlimited texts. • Does not have a limited word count as Twitter. WHAT MAKES TUMBLR SO UNIQUE?

  9. Re-blog • Easily receive new updates & posts from followed bloggers. • Easily re-post a blog that has already been posted by someone else (Re-blog feature). WHAT MAKES TUMBLR SO UNIQUE?

  10. Easy to update & easy to use interface. • Social Network Integration • Other social networks such as Facebook, Twitter, Youtube can be combined and used together with Tumblr) WHY USE TUMBLR?

  11. Built in privacy • allows you to restrict specific posts, or your whole blog to certain people • Provide contents visually to users, unlike Twitter. WHY USE TUMBLR?

  12. It is free, and you don’t need to pay for hosting, or storage! WHY USE TUMBLR?


  14. Beyonce Lady Gaga Katy Perry John Mayer WHO USES TUMBLR?

  15. Publish short posts instead of long posts. • Post multimedia posts quickly through phone, I-pad, or other digital devices. IS TUMBLR RIGHT FOR YOU?

  16. ART • Suits people who have a passion for art. • People who prefer visual images over texts to express ideas. • Suitable for users who prefer an easy to use and simple blog. IS TUMBLR RIGHT FOR YOU?

  17. Follow the STEP-BY-STEP VIDEO above to create an account. • Create an account here: www.tumblr.com Let’s start Tumbling!

  18. References Blog. (2012). In Encyclopedia Britannica. Retrieved fromhttp://britannica.com/EBchecked/topic/869092/blog Corner, M. (2010). Tumblr: An Introduction Guide For Microblogging - 1stwebdesigner – Graphic and Web Design Blog.1stwebdesigner. Retrieved April 15, 2012, from http://www.1stwebdesigner.com/design/tumblr-introduction-guide-microblogging/ Glenn Peoples. (2011). 9 THINGS YOU SHOULD KNOW ABOUT TUMBLR. Billboard, 123(39), 11. Gunelius, S. (n.d.). What Is Tumblr?. About.com. Retrieved May 5, 2012, from http://weblogs.about.com/od/choosingabloghost/p/What-Is-Tumblr.htm

  19. References Planet Nut Shell. (2011). What is Tumblr?. Retrieved April 15, 2012, from http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5C47FUM6lgk Rick Gilman. (2010). Tumblr: The right combination? American Agent & Broker, 82(12), 20. Shearer, J. (2011). What is Tumblr. Kikolani. Retrieved April 15, 2012, from http://kikolani.com/what-is-tumblr.html What is Tumblr?. (n.d.). Squidoo. Retrieved April 15, 2012, from www.squidoo.com/Tumblr-1

  20. hank you for watching! Any Questions?

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