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Pearl Nano Perfection Tire Gel

Pearl Nano Perfection Tire Gel is a TIRE SHINE & EXTERIOR TRIM Rejuvenator <br>Pearl Nano Perfection Tire Gel is a unique, water-based, polymer infused silicone tire compound. Visit to Purchase: http://bit.ly/2ywAVCS <br><br>#tiregel #pearlnanoperfection #tireshine

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Pearl Nano Perfection Tire Gel

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  1. Pearl Nano Perfection Tire Gel

  2. If you prefer your tires & trim to look rich, dark and glossy black, without slinging, then this is the one for you! Pearl Nano Perfection Tire Gel is a unique, water-based, polymer infused silicone tire compound. It is designed to protect and beautify rubber and plastic surfaces against the effects of damaging UV rays, while achieving a truly clean, high gloss shine! This is a thick, wipe-on tire gel/ tire shine formula, that is easy to apply. It offers ultra-durability that will last through many washings and even survive driving in the rain. PRODUCT DIRECTIONS: PRODUCT DIRECTIONS:  Only apply to clean tires. If tires are dirty, please clean them first. Using the pump supplied, apply a strip of Pearl Nano Perfection Tire Gel surface. Be generous. Be sure to remove any excess Pearl Nano Perfection Tire Gel with a microfiber towel. To achieve that "ultra glossy" look, apply an additional coat, five to ten minutes after first coat. Pearl Nano Perfection Tire Gel onto microfiber applicator, wipe onto tires & trim and work into the

  3.  Get Sample Products  Calling All Detailers is owned and operated by David Elliott, A Car Care Product Innovator, Producer and Designer, plus a Podcaster, Online Marketer and U.S. Air Force Veteran.  Pearl Nano, LLC: Pearl Nano Detail Supply &amp; Pearl Nano Hydrophobic Nano/ Ceramic Coatings.  Sales and Marketing Office: Dave@PearlNano.com – 808 779-7163  International and Domestic Sales / Business Manager – Michael@PearlNano.com 866-285- 1051 or 410-596-4938.

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