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ON LINE INSTRUCTIONS. DPS/SDE Third Party Testing Driver License Issuance Form. ON-LINE COMPLETION OF THE DPS/SDE DRIVER LICENSE ISSUANCE FORM GO TO http://schools.alsde.edu. CLICK ON “DRIVER’S EDUCATION”. You will get a Security Alert box, Click “ YES ”.
ON LINE INSTRUCTIONS • DPS/SDE Third Party Testing Driver License Issuance Form
In this User Verification screenput in yoursocial security number(no dashes or spaces) and yourlast name.Then click“continue” 123456780 SMITH
The instructions tell you about the tutorial that is available and how to finish the user profile section.Once you have read this, click“continue”.
At this screen, fill in your personal informationYour Last Name and SS # will fill in automatically. Fill in the rest. You choose your user name (suggested: first initial and last name)You choose your password (one you can easily remember)The email address is optional.ONCE YOU HAVE DONE ALL THIS, CLICK “CONTINUE>>” ADD FIRST NAME ADD MIDDLE INITIAL OR NAME CHOOSE A USERNAME CHOOSE A PASSWORD EMAIL ADDRESS IS OPTIONAL
The next screen is a verification screen. Double check the info you have entered and if it is correct click on “yes”, if anything is incorrect or you want to change something, click on “no” and make the corrections.Once everything is correct, click “yes” to continue to the next screen.
You will now enter the Driver Education “PIN CODE”. This code cannot be shared with others. This number is only for those Driver Education teachers who are certified to administer the license test. Please keep this number secure. The PIN CODE is 82567 82567
You will now enter the school(s) where you will administer the testing program. Go past the first section where it is just systems and go to the section with systemsand schools. Highlight your system and school(s) and click “ADD”. NOT HERE GO TO SECTION WITH SYSTEM AND SCHOOLS
Make sure you have entered every school where you will be administering the testing program. Then click “continue>>”.
You are now ready to login and enter the names of your students. Remember once you have finished the user profile the first time you will not have to do it again. You will now start with this screen each time you log on.
After the initial registration process, you will do the following steps each and every time you log on:GO TO: http://schools.alsde.edu AND CLICK ON “DRIVER’S EDUCATION”
Click “SELECT” on the Dr. Ed. Issuance Form-Teacher-Driver Education
Click “SELECT” by the school for which you are submitting names.
Once you have selected the batch number, click“CONTINUE>>”
This brings you to the student information page. You will now enter the data on each student you are submitting.
Enter each students’:1. 7 digit learner’s license number2. date of birth (mm, dd and yyyy)3. first, middle, last name and any suffix—just like their name appears on the license.AFTER EACH COMPLETE ENTRY, CLICK “SAVE INFORMATION” 1. 2. 3.
Once you have entered ALL the names, click “STUDENT CHECK>>”
Print this student check form out and have each student verify that their information is correct.Keep this form for your records. It can be used again when the certificates are distributed to document that each student has received their certificate. Once you have printed this form out and verified the correctness of each entry, click on“<<INPUT FORM” Students must initial beside their name and send a copy to SDE!
You will now be back at the student information page and you have the opportunity to make any corrections to the student’s personal data. To make corrections, click on the “DELETE” button beside the student’s name. ONCE ALL CORRECTIONS ARE MADE AND THE DATA IS TOTALLY CORRECT, CLICK ON “SUBMIT BATCH”. At this point no other changes can be made.
You will then get a confirmation question. If all information is correct, click “YES”. Clicking no will require you to enter ALL data over again.
At this screen verify that the principal’s name is correct. Verify your name and MAKE SURE there is a mailing address for the certificate. If anything is incorrect or blank, highlight that line and enter the information. Once this is completed, click “CONTINUE>>”.
This is the actual issuance form. Print it out, sign it, get it signed by the principal, get it notarized and make yourself a copy. THIS ORIGINAL MUST THEN BE MAILED TO THE SDE OFFICE ALONG WITH AN INITIALED LIST OF YOUR STUDENTS. THE CERTIFICATES WILL BE PRINTED AND SENT TO THE ADDRESS ON THE FORM.
IMPORTANT POINTS TO REMEMBER • WE WILL NOT RE-PRINT CERTIFICATE FOR ANY REASON -- make sure you double check for accuracy before mailing the form. • Do not laminate or alter the certificates in any way. • Make sure the principal has signed each certificate before distributing. • SEND IN A BATCH AT THE END OF EACH SEMESTER—do not send in one or two names at a time. If you are on the 18 week semester system, send in names in December and May. If you are on the 9 week block grading system, send in names in October, December, March and May. We should not receive a form from you about every two weeks or so. • A name can only be submitted ONE time. • Send in an issuance form from each school and for each instructor. • Also make sure that you send a copy of your student checklist with the STUDENT’S INTITIALS beside each name. • Students must be enrolled in your class the semester you send in their name. You can only submit names of students CURRENTLY IN YOUR CLASS.
IMPORTANT POINTS TO REMEMBER • Remind students that the certificates are not valid until they turn 16 years of age and have held a valid learner’s license for at least six months. These certificates CANNOT be used in place of a license. • Students MUST have a valid learner’s license before they can be a part of this program • Students must successfully complete Driver’s Education before they can receive the certificate. • Students must have parental permission in order to participate in the program. • If teachers from the same school submit names on the same date then all the certificates will print out together. To get separate certificates, submit on different days.
SDE MONITORING OF THIRD PARTY TESTING PROGRAM • When a member of the SDE staff comes to your school to monitor this program, please have available to them the following: 1. Computer printout of your class rolls 2. Copy of each issuance form 3. Copy of “Student Check” form with initials And for each student who received a certificate have a: 1. Completed skills checklist form (all passing marks) 2. Signed parental permission form.
QUESTIONS???? • Contact the SDE office @ 334-242-8220 Michael Bassett mbassett@alsde.edu Chad Carpenter ccarpenter@alsde.edu State Department of Education Driver and Traffic Safety Education