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White Wine: Chardonnay

White Wine: Chardonnay. Flavors: fresh, fruity, melon, peach, oak, flinty, very dry, lemon, nutty, hint of tropical fruit, buttery. White Wine: S

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White Wine: Chardonnay

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    1. White Wine: Chardonnay Originally and most famously from Burgundy in France as Chablis. Also grown in most wine producing countries world wide. Blended with Pinot Noir and Pinot Meunier to produce Champagne AKA:Feinburgunder and Morillon or Aubaine, Auvernat, Beaunois, Epinette Blanche, Petite Sainte-Marie Melon Blanc and Weisser Clevner

    2. White Wine: Chardonnay

    3. White Wine: Sémillon botrytis cinera, or "noble rot". Tempered by Sauvignon Blanc which adds acidity and liveliness to wines. Found all over the world but especially in Bordeaux in France and the Hunter Valley in Australia Forms heavy bunches that can reach high alcohol levels.

    4. White Wine: Sémillon

    5. White Wine: Sauvignon Blanc Geography: France, New World, especially New Zealand. Often mixed with Sémillon in dry and sweet wines of Bordeaux. Californian winemakers tend to minimise the tart, crisp characteristics of European Sauvignon Blanc by ensuring that the grapes are very ripe before harvesting and then ageing them in new oak. Chile produces softer styles. and fruitier and fig-like.

    6. White Wine: Sauvignon Blanc

    7. White Wine: Chenin Blanc Home is the Loire Valley in France. Also grown often in the US. Sometimes affected by ''Noble Rot,'' and used for making dessert style wines Mainly used as a varietal grape (not mixed) A.K.A. Pineau de la Loire and Blanc d'Anjou

    8. White Wine: Chenin Blanc

    9. Red Wine: Cabernet Sauvignon Famous for its hardiness Grows extremely easily, therefore needs to be pruned quite severely and hedged during the summer months Grown everywhere but expecially in Bordeaux. Often mixed with Shiraz, Merlot and Cabernet Franc. Ages really well.

    10. Red Wine: Cabernet Sauvignon

    11. Red Wine: Merlot Grown mainly in Southern France, North East Italy, Eastern Europe and New World, especially California. Used to soften Cabernet Sauvignon based wines Subtle, soft and velvety. Lower in tannic bitterness higher in alcohol, and faster to mature than Cabernet Sauvignon Ages very well

    12. Red Wine: Merlot

    13. Red Wine: Pinot Noir Home is Burgundy, France. Does not travel well. Outside Burgundy, with a few exceptions, lacks colour and depth. There are some successful Californian Pinot Noirs. Used (without skins) as a white ingredient in Champagne Also known as Spätburgunder in Germany and Pinot Nero in Italy

    14. Red Wine: Pinot Noir

    15. Red Wine: Syrah/Shiraz This grape is grown in France and California as Syrah wine, and in Australia as Shiraz. In France, it is associated with the Rhone Valley and Hermitage red wines. Although used for blending in Châteauneuf-du-Pape, is capable of fine quality wine as a varietal

    16. Red Wine: Syrah/Shiraz

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