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<br>Implementing Connected Manufacturing systems can shed light on information blind spots in your manufacturing operations.By adding sensors to the device, then performing data trending and analytics, you can shine a light on these information blind spots.Digital Twins can highlight & enhance maintenance and production planning productivity.Digital twins are also helping in production planning, as machine status and availability can be overlaid on a model of production equipment so that quick decisions can be made to optimise product flow throughout a factory.For more information about this read this PDF.Source :https://www.metisautomation.co.uk/implementing-connected-manufacturing/
Key Lessons Learnt from Implementing Connected Manufacturing Posted by Martin on June 1, 2017 // No Comments In the last couple of months, I’ve attended two events focused on manufacturers implementing Connected Manufacturing and Industry 4.0 and. It’s great to get out there and learn about the successes and challenges other companies are experiencing. Some of the key lessons and experiences that I heard about at the events were: 1. Implementing Connected Manufacturing systems can shed light on information blind spots in your manufacturing operations. Many businesses have manufacturing assets and machinery that are costing their business through energy, maintenance and labour costs. However, you can’t reduce these costs until you know exactly where and how they are Sign up for your FREE 30 days MES trial now
know exactly where and how they are being consumed, resulting in information blind spots within your factory. By adding sensors to these devices, then performing data trending and analytics, you can shine a light on these information blind spots. Once you have identified where costs are consumed, you can then take informed action to save money. × Sign up for your FREE 30 days MES trial now See how our manufacturing execution system (MES) can improve the productivity of your manufacturing operations by up to 30% by adding quality control, traceability and product customization automatically into your manufacturing processes. 2. Digital Twins can highlight & enhance maintenance and production planning productivity. Email Address By creating a digital model of products and production line, then overlaying sensor data, manufacturers can enhance their maintenance diagnostics processes. Maintenance engineers can review the digital twin of a production line when a problem is reported and often identify the issue, before even stepping onto the production line. This can massively reduce the machine downtime when machine problems occur. Digital twins are also helping in production planning, as machine status and availability can be overlaid on a model of production equipment so that quick decisions can be made to optimise product flow throughout a factory. First Name Last Name Job I understand and agree to the email marketing terms and conditions Sign Up POWERED BY 3. Data is key to enhancing production processes. Several manufacturers felt that the biggest business benefit of Connected Manufacturing systems was the ability to base their business decisions on data acquired and processed from their production processes. They can then quickly make well-informed decisions to enhance their business. Why don’t you have a look at our Road M i S i Sign up for your FREE 30 days MES trial now d fi d t h
Mapping Service and find out how you can implement connected manufacturing into your business now. Sign up for your FREE 30 days MES trial now Download Connected Manufacturing Guide See how our manufacturing execution system (MES) can improve the productivity of your manufacturing operations by up to 30% by adding quality control, traceability and product customization automatically into your manufacturing processes. Leave a Reply Email Address Name * First Name Last Name Mail (will not be published) * Job Website I understand and agree to the email marketing terms and conditions Sign Up POWERED BY Submit To search type and hit enter Recent Posts LabVIEW Web VIs Sign up for your FREE 30 days MES trial now
New Tascus Features to Improve Manufacturing Productivity and Quality Metis Automation Presents at IIoT Roadshow Sign up for your FREE 30 days MES trial now Made in The North West Awards See how our manufacturing execution system (MES) can improve the productivity of your manufacturing operations by up to 30% by adding quality control, traceability and product customization automatically into your manufacturing processes. February 2018 LabVIEW User Group Review New Website Published Metis Automation to Present at NI IIoT Roadshow Email Address Metis Automation Wins Unilever Pitch Challenge First Name Last Name Categories Job Automotive Connected Manufacturing Datalogging Educational Embedded Error Proofing Events Industry 4.0 LabVIEW Tips Mass Customization News NI Days North West LabVIEW User Group Paperless Manufacturing Software Design Uncategorized I understand and agree to the email marketing terms and conditions Sign Up POWERED BY Copyright © 2018 Metis Automation Manufacturing Execution Systems WordPress Website development by WPBees Sign up for your FREE 30 days MES trial now
Sign up for your FREE 30 days MES trial now See how our manufacturing execution system (MES) can improve the productivity of your manufacturing operations by up to 30% by adding quality control, traceability and product customization automatically into your manufacturing processes. Email Address First Name Last Name Job I understand and agree to the email marketing terms and conditions Sign Up POWERED BY