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2. It is the major materials aging and degradation issue for structural alloys use in intense neutron environments in fission, fusion and accelerator-based nuclear systemsObjective: to predict the performance and lifetime of metals and alloys under irradiation Very complex: requires a close integration of theory, modeling, experiments Radiation effects on properties: - controlled by the combination of many material and irradiation variables - c9456
1. 1 An Introduction to the Effect of (Neutron)Irradiation on the Microstructure and Properties of Structural Alloys
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3. 3 Causes
- fast neutron displacements (measured in dpa or fluence)
- transmutation damage (specially He and H) coupled with:
- thermal, stress and chemically-driven processes
Consequences -
- Dimensional instability: creep (stress),
swelling & growth (unstressed)
- Reduced ductility (embrittlement)
- Reduced creep failure time
- Lower fracture resistance in the presence of cracks
- Enhanced environmentally-assisted cracking
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8. 8 Grains consist of single crystals (bcc, fcc and hcp)
Grains of different orientations separated by grain boundaries
several alloying elements (typically = 4) plus impurities
alloy constituents
- primary matrix phase
- precipitate phases with distinct compositions and crystal structures
defect structures: dislocations, gas bubbles, cavities (voids), vacant lattice sites(vacancies), interstitials
microstructure depends
- composition,
- method of fabrication (e.g., cold-worked, annealed) and
- service conditions (e.g., temperature, irradiation)
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10. 10 not at equilibrium; microstructure evolves:
- thermodynamic driving forces
- rates (kinetics) controlled by
chemical environment
property degradation (damage):
- embrittlement
- swelling
- deformation
11. 11 Point defects: vacancies and interstitials
created by radiation
undergo reactions and aggregation (clustering)
Microstructure provides both sources of and sinks for point defects
Like defects cluster and anti-defects annihilate (recombine)
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15. 15 Point-defect Reactions & Aggregation Radiation produces vacancies (V) & self-interstitial atoms (I)
V - an unoccupied crystal lattice site
I - atom not on a lattice site (usually 2 atoms around one site)
Clustering reactions:
V + V V2, V + Vn Vn +1, I + I I2, I + In In +1,
Recombination & annihilation reactions:
V + I 0, I + Vn Vn -1, V + In In 1
Cluster-cluster coalescence reactions:
Vn + Vm Vn+m, In + Im In+m, In + Vm Vm-n + In-m
Similar clustering reactions for: solute-solute; solute-point defect; gases (including He and H produced by transmutations)
16. 16 Point-defect Reactions With Sinks Sinks include: point-defect clusters, surfaces, grain boundaries and dislocations
Point defects can change the sink (cluster growth
and dislocation climb) or loose identity (free surface)
Mobile clusters can interact with sinks
Equal fluxes of V and I annihilate
each other at unchanged sinks
Net flux of V or I to dislocations
causes climb (V-up, I-down)
Net flux of V causes void growth
Net flux of I causes loop growth
In the void-swelling regime,
loops and voids grow together
17. 17 Light-water reactors (PWR and BWR)
- core internals and reactor pressure vessel
Magnetic-fusion energy
- limiter, divertor, first wall, structural materials
Inertial-fusion energy
- neutron + ion debris on chamber walls,
laser-material interactions
Generation IV reactor concepts
- supercritical-water reactor
- gas-cooled fast reactor
- very-high-temperature reactor, gas-cooled
- sodium (or lead) - cooled fast reactor
- molten-salt reactor
18. 18 PWR components
19. 19 Core barrel, baffle & former
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25. 25 materials challenges
- Radiation damage
- High thermal heat fluxes
- Sputtering/blistering of
plasma-facing materials
- Chemical compatibility
- Low induced radioactivity
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