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Office of Student Affairs Placement Centre. Resume. Popular positions interested by HKBU students 2004. Placement Centre Office of Student Affairs Source: HKBU Graduate Employment Survey 2004 . Distribution of Employed Graduates by Job Nature in 2004. General required skills.
Office of Student Affairs Placement Centre Resume
Popular positions interested by HKBU students 2004 Placement Centre Office of Student Affairs Source: HKBU Graduate Employment Survey 2004
General required skills • Fluent English, Mandarin and Chinese • Good interpersonal & communication skills • Diligent, polite and pleasant characteristics • Excellent computer skills in MS Office and Chinese word processing
Three Kinds of Resume To Choose From • Reverse Chronological Resume Format • You have professional experience in the field of interest. • You can demonstrate measurable results from their work activities (for example, sold 20 mobile phones per day ) • You've held impressive job titles, and/or have worked for big-name employers.
Three Kinds of Resume To Choose From • 2. Functional Resume Format • "Older workers", since it minimizes dates • "Career changers", since it outlines transferable work skills • Recent graduates who don't have a lot of professional experience in their field, but DO have relevant coursework or training. • "Returning employees" after an absence from the workforce since it minimizes dates. • You want to emphasize skills you have that haven't been used in recent work experiences.
Three Kinds of Resume To Choose From • 3. Combination Resume Format • Each position you held involved a different job description. • You have held internships or volunteer positions that directly relate to field of interest.
To Build up your Resume A) Identifying Information B) The Objective C) Summary of Qualifications D) Education Background & Academic Achievements E) Work Experience F) Activities/Interests G) Language/Computer Skills H) Reference
To Build up your Resume A)Identifying Information Your full name Address Contact Nos. E-mail address Age, Sex, Marital status, I.D. No. (Not needed) Examples Amy Chan Flat D, 12/F, 235 Prince Road, Kowloon 1234 5678 (Home) 9876 5432 (Mobile) Email: amychan@hkbu.edu.hk
To Build up your Resume B) The Objective • "Level" of the position. • Skills using in that position. • Position function. • Field or industry Examples • An entry level position as a social work assistant in non-profit making organization Example 1--Accounting Assistant • Seeking a position in administrative support where acquired accounting skills, will be advanced Example 2--Audit Trainee • An audit management position with the possibility of cross-functional responsibilities in customer services or project development
To Build up your Resume • C) Summary of Qualifications • Examples • Hands-on experience in all phases of software development including designing and implementing customerised accounting system, expertise in analyzing data and organizational experience including supervision of exhibition helpers. • Successful at organizing promotional events and activities • Strong writing skills with newsletters & brochures • Extensive background in communicating with a diverse population • Experience in researching and analyzing media trends • Organized, enthusiastic and personable
To Build up your Resume Profile • Proven success in training and development • Strong communication and interpersonal skills • Experience in problem solving and crisis negotiation • Familiar with a variety of software packages including Windows ME, Microsoft Word, SPSS, Visual Basic Example Flight Attendant • Summary of qualifications • Broad knowledge of airlines safety • Positive attitude & patient with challenging & difficult passengers • Excellent support with children, elderly & handicapped passengers
To Build up your Resume D) Education Background & Academic Achievements • Be sure to include higher education degrees and certificates, academic awards or scholarships, relevant courses and professional credentials. • List your university degree(s), the institution(s) you attended, the dates you received your degree(s), and any academic honor(s) you were awarded.
To Build up your Resume Examples Education: BBA, Hong Kong Baptist University, May 2002 Major : Economics GPA: 3.7 / 4.0 Minor : English • Education: • Bachelor in Business Administration (Hons), • Emphasis in Finance, 2002 • Hong Kong Baptist University • Certificate in Information Technology, 2001 • Hong Kong Vocation Training Council
To Build up your Resume • E) Work Experience • Employer Name (especially if it is well-known in the field) • Position Title • Highlight your experiences (Each bullet begins with an action verb)
To Build up your Resume • Examples • Work Experience: Marketing Assistant, G2000, Summer 1999 • Responsibilities included creating advertisements and planning marketing strategies. • Customer Services Assistant, Hutchison Telecommunication, Summer 2000 • Responsible for attending to customer’s needs and other daily operation duties including telemarketing, stock-checking. • Professional: Sing Tao Daily News • Experience: News Editor, May 2002-present • * Conceptualize, assign, write, and edit news stories for weekly paper • * Meet increasing design and content needs • *Increased average number of news stories covered per issue from less than 3 to 4.4 • *Lay out all news pages using QuarkXPress 3.3
To Build up your Resume F) Activities/Interests • to demonstrate a well-rounded person with more dimensions • to point out skills that have been demonstrated in your non-professional life • to account for gaps in employment Example Copy Editor,Student Journal, Hong Kong Baptist University, Academic Year 2001 • expanded and polished writing and professional skills by covering a variety of news stories, including community and in-depth pieces • Edited all copy for clarity, grammar and style
To Build up your Resume • G) Language/Computer Skills • Cantonese, Mandarin and English (Spoken and writing skills) • Other languages • Basic office work: Word, Excel, PowerPoint, Chinese Character Input….. • H) Reference • One from university and one from past employer • Full name, Title, Company/Institution, Address, Tel. No./ E-mail • Remember toget the referees’ approval first
Evaluation • Overall Appearance • Is the layout/format pleasing to the eye? • Does the resume look as if it fits comfortably within the page • Is the resume on clean paper, and is the print type clear? • Is the resume easily readable? (bullets used, no long sentences, no obscure fonts, no abbreviations) • Does the resume use bold and italics and underlining appropriately to highlight key strengths? • Is the information you wish to highlight located on the left side of the page and near the top of the page whenever possible?
Evaluation • Specific Attributes • Relevancy: Is material sequenced in order of importance and relevance? Has extraneous material been eliminated? • Specificity: Does the resume avoid generalities and focus on specific information about experience, projects, products, etc.? • Completeness: Is all important information included? • Quantified Results: Are results of your past work experiences quantified when possible? (Supervisor ratings, number of letters of commendation received, customer satisfaction ratings...)
Exercise • Personal Particular • Name______________(Chi)_________(Eng)___________ • Contacts Telephone______________Email_____________ • 2.Career Aspiration / Objective • What do you want to do? • What career field are you interested? • What are your short-term and long-term career plans? • _______________________________________ • _______________________________________ • _______________________________________ • 3. Education Background
Exercise 4. Academic Achievement 5. Professional Qualification/Scholarship • 6. Work Experience
Exercise 7. Extra-curricular Activities 8. Language Abilities 9. Computer Skills 10. Interests/ Hobbies
Exercise 11. References ________________________________________ ________________________________________ 12. Additional Information • Why are you interested in the position? • Why are you interested in this company? • What are your strengths related to the captioned position? ________________________________________________ ________________________________________________ ________________________________________________ 13. Others (Optional) • Availability?__________________________