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e-VLBI observations of a microquasar in outburst : Cygnus X-3. V. Tudose (UvA, AIRA), R. Fender (Soton, UvA), M. Garrett (JIVE), J. Miller-Jones (UvA), Z. Paragi (JIVE), R. Spencer (Jodrell), G. Pooley (Cambridge), M. van der Klis (UvA), A. Szomoru (JIVE).
e-VLBI observations of a microquasar in outburst : Cygnus X-3 V. Tudose (UvA, AIRA), R. Fender (Soton, UvA), M. Garrett (JIVE), J. Miller-Jones (UvA), Z. Paragi (JIVE), R. Spencer (Jodrell), G. Pooley (Cambridge), M. van der Klis (UvA), A. Szomoru (JIVE) Special acknowledgements : R. Campbell (JIVE) and C. Reynolds (JIVE)
Real-time VLBI: e-VLBI Data transferred in real-time over optical fibers
e-VLBI : the real thing ! enables very rapid access to the data improves the decision making process wrt potential follow-ups provides the ability to make informed decisions wrt the subsequent observations avoids embarrassing situations…..
Oooops… Credit: A. Roy 5 km of tape (~1000 $) on Onsala control room floor due to incorrectly mounting on drive
5 GHz Cygnus X-3 d ~ 9 kpc P = 4.8 h compact object: unknown companion : WN Wolf-Rayet Marti et al. 2001 15 GHz Miller-Jones et al. 2004 1997 Feb 6 1997 Feb 8 1997 Feb 11 Mioduszewski et al. 2001
First open call European e-VLBI observations* 6 antennae : Onsala (SW), Torun (PL), Jodrell Bank (UK), Cambridge (UK), Medicina (IT) and Westerbork (NL) frequency : 5 GHz (6 cm) transfer rate : 128 Mbit/s Cygnus X-3 X 2006 March 16 (dark Epoch) V 2006 April 20 (Epoch I) 7 h V 2006 May 18 (Epoch II) 12 h *For the results of the e-VLBI observations of GRS 1915+105 see the poster by Rushton et al.
Mar 16 Apr 20 May 18 Epoch I Epoch II dark Epoch
Cygnus X-3 Tudose et al., submitted peak flux : 3.4 mJy/beam rms noise : 0.03 mJy/beam contour levels: (-15,15,25,35,45,55,65,75,85,95) x rms peak flux : 18.2 mJy/beam rms noise : 0.2 mJy/beam contour levels: (-15,15,25,35,45,55,65,75,85,95) x rms
Cygnus X-3 Fractional linear polarization Distribution of the electric vector PAs Tudose et al., submitted
DEC (J2000) Size (mas2) PA (degree) Flux density (mJy) Epoch RA (J2000) Component single 150 ± 2 17.5 ± 0.3 X 8.8 ± 0.5 87 ± 9 2006 April 20 20h32m25.771437s +40°57'27''.92800 A 69 ± 13 23.2 ± 0.7 X 10.6 ± 2.5 20h32m25.771628s +40°57'27''.96566 60 ± 6 2006 May 18 B 82 ± 22 38.4 ± 2.1 X 30.7 ± 8.1 748 ± 17 20h32m25.771051s +40°57'27''.95621 101 ± 3 C 55 ± 7 19.4 ± 1.1 X 12.2 ± 2.3 20h32m25.771525s +40°57'27''.93000 Data fitting uv-plane fitting Cygnus X-3
during Epoch I the core of Cyg X-3 was quenched Cygnus X-3 Gallo et al. 2003
Conclusions on Epoch I the core of Cyg X-3 was in deep quenching; 3s upper limit to the flux density is 0.4 mJy on Epoch II almost 40 % of the radio emission of Cyg X-3 at large scale is missing at e-VLBI scale evidence in Cyg X-3 for interaction of the jet with the surrounding medium e-VLBI will ultimately improve our knowledge of transient sources