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Regional Retreats are held throughout the country during different ... of lay benefactors pledging their spiritual strength and financial support to assist ...
Slide 1:
Slide 2:Mission Statement
The National Apostolate of Maronites (NAM) serves as a unifying force among the laity of the Maronite Church in the U.S.A. and as a common link between the clergy and the laity. NAM helps preserve the Syriac-Maronite traditions by making people aware of the rich heritage of the Maronite faith and by fostering pride in the Maronite Church.
Slide 3:National Apostolate of Maronites
The National Apostolate of Maronites was the first Maronite related organization in the United States formed in 1963. The official organization of the laity of the Eparchies of St. Maron and Our Lady of Lebanon and since 1967. The only Apostolate and largest non-political organization of its kind in the entire Maronite World.
Slide 4:Purpose
Preserve Maronite Spirituality, Heritage & Traditions as given to us by the Disciples of St. Maron. To be a uniting force for all Maronite clergy & laity of the USA. With 2 Eparchies, NAM’s unifying aspect has been an important Apostolate bridging both Eparchies.
Slide 5:History
In the early 1960’s, Maronites established the National Association of Maronites (original name) which would be a vehicle to secure the appointment of a Bishop and establish a Diocese. The NAM convention was held in Washington D.C. in May, 1964, where now Bishop Robert Shaheen was ordained the first United States born Maronite priest. In 1966 Bishop Francis M. Zayek was appointed the First Apostolic Eparch for the Maronites of the USA and in 1971 in Detroit, MI as the first Bishop in the United States. The Apostolate developed financial independent stability enabling it to increase its service projects to the Church and a growing number of members and participants in the national and regional conventions.
Slide 6:NAM in 2009
The possibilities are endless with the increased support of our Eparchs & Clergy, and most importantly with a greater grassroots membership support!
Slide 8:Scholarships
PAUL & NAOMI KASSOUF NAM SCHOLARSHIP Two $2,000 scholarships awarded annually to graduating high school seniors whose parents are active members of NAM. JOHN A. SOLOMON MEMORIAL NAM SCHOLARSHIP Two $2,000 scholarships awarded annually to graduating high school seniors who are active participants in their MYO. THOMAS & JENNY AYOUB MEMORIAL SCHOLARSHIP One $2000 Scholarship awarded annually to a college student.
Slide 9: AwardsGold and Silver Massabki
Highest honor bestowed upon NAM members named after 3 martyred Maronite brothers who refused to renounce their faith. Awarded annually to those NAM members who have contributed time, talent & treasure on a local, regional or national level. The National Gold Massabki is awarded annually for each Eparchy presented at the Annual Convention by the Eparchial Bishop The Silver Massabki is awarded at the parish level with the recommendation of the parish pastor.
Slide 10:Awards Faith of the Mountain
Presented to an individual young adult member of NAM, ages 18-25, who has contributed his or her time, talent and treasure to his or her Maronite Church and has exhibited Maronite leadership. Awarded on the local and regional levels.
Slide 11:Religious Education
Helped fund the publishing of the Maronite catechism series, Faith of the Mountain, and the new adult resource book, Captivated by Your Teachings, written by Rev. Anthony J. Salim. Additional periodic funding of other books/materials such as Homily Helps and coloring books for children.
Slide 12:Vocations
Recognizes the need for Eparchial vocations. Established Vocation Poster & Essay Contest to make religious education students aware of vocations and perhaps recognize their own religious vocation. Hosts all Clergy and Seminarians at all NAM Conventions and events. Multimedia Project
Slide 13:Youth Ministry
The Maronite Youth and Young Adult organizations (MYO and MYA) primary purpose is to promote the spiritual welfare of its members, to strengthen youth groups in the Maronite faith, to have prayer days, to learn more about each other and to grow socially and intellectually. Their goal is to build a community of teens and adults. In this community, they strive opportunities for the development of personal faith, service to others and systematic instruction in our Maronite religious tradition Initially established in 2003 at the NAM convention in Brooklyn, NY is now is now a spiritual, cultural and social organization, which strives to foster unity among the young adults of the Maronite church. The young adults are the bridge to the future and the role models to the youth of Maronite heritage.
Slide 14:Spiritual Retreats
As an Apostolate, NAM recognizes the importance of Spiritual Awareness. Regional Retreats are held throughout the country during different times of the year. Few other retreats are held by delegates on a local level
Slide 15:Cedar Tree Program
500 Cedar Trees have been planted in the ‘NAM CEDAR GROVE’ in the Arz al Rab section of Becharre, Lebanon. This was undertaken with the International Committee for the Preservation of The Cedars. The purpose of this program was not only to reforest the historic cedars, but it also reflects NAM’s commitment to our heritage and culture and was concluded in 2004 and is now being re-vitalized by the Board to continue the tradition.
Slide 16:Conventions
Very important part of NAM’s agenda by bringing our Maronite family together….BEIT MAROUN. Annually sponsors the National Convention and several Regional Conventions. Goals: Spiritual Renewal, Education, Ethnic Pride and Fun! These conventions are a time of rejuvenation where we Celebrate our identity Take pride in our heritage! Meet and reunite with friends and relatives
Slide 17: NAM Membership
The Eparchy of Our Lady of Lebanon reported over 24,000 registered Maronites & 30,000 in the Eparchy of St. Maron. It is estimated that you can triple these figures to account for those Maronites in cities where there is a Maronite parish who are not registered members.
Slide 18:Join!
Your membership WILL make a difference……YOU can keep the flame burning! Contact your parish Delegate or the NAM office to BECOME A MEMBER TODAY!
Slide 19:NAM Office
P.O. Box 717Yonkers, NY 10702 Phone: 914-964-3070 Fax: 914-964-3071 Email: nam@namnews.org Website: www.namnews.org
Slide 20:Associations/Affiliations
Order of St Sharbel www.usamaronite.org/pdf/SaintSharbel.pdf Maronite Voice www.stmaron.org/maronite_voice.html The Antonine Sisters www.antoninesistersadultdaycare.com National Shrine www.ourladyoflebanonshrine.com St. Maron Publications www.stmaron.org/pubtoc.html Noursat/Telelumiere www.telelumiere.com/eng/index.html MYO/MYA www.maroniteyouth.com/info.htm
Slide 21:Order of Saint Sharbel
Mission The Order of St. Sharbel is a congregation of lay benefactors pledging their spiritual strength and financial support to assist in educating seminarians and in caring for the retired clergy of both eparchies. They meet annually at the National NAM Convention Goals Grow the Maronite Church in the United States. Financially assist Our Lady of Lebanon Seminary Assist the Eparchies in the financial burden of retired clergy
Slide 22:Order of Saint Sharbel (con’t)
For more information, contact: Eparchy of Our Lady of Lebanon 1021 South 10th Street Saint Louis, Mo 63104 Tel: 314-231-1021