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Everyone Deserves Clean Water

Everyone Deserves Clean Water. Greg Allgood, MSPH, PhD Procter & Gamble. 1. Does Everyone Have Clean Water?. One billion people do not have safe drinking water so we need a variety of complementary solutions

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Everyone Deserves Clean Water

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Everyone Deserves Clean Water Greg Allgood, MSPH, PhD Procter & Gamble 1

  2. Does Everyone Have Clean Water? • One billion people do not have safe drinking water so we need a variety of complementary solutions • 4,000 children die every day from water-borne disease – more than HIV/AIDS and malaria combined • WHO and UNICEF have stated household water treatment could save a huge number of lives • - www.who.int/household_water

  3. P&G and CDC Engineers and Scientists Teamed Up • Spending time with people in Guatemala identified their unmet need and an engineering challenge • Consumers desired visual signal that water is being cleaned • Technical need for improved effectiveness in highly turbid waters

  4. PUR Purifier of Water • Reverse engineered current municipal treatment process • Small sachet to treat 10 liters of water using coagulation, flocculation and disinfection • Uses same ingredients used in municipal water treatment • Calcium Hypochlorite as Disinfectant • Ferric Sulfate as Coagulant • Provides way for people in remote villages to have quality water

  5. Kenyan Drinking Water Samples Turbidity (NTU) 1850 55 37 1

  6. Laboratory and Field Testing PUR is: • Effective in killing bacteria (>99.99999%) and viruses (>99.99%) that cause typhoid, cholera, and hepatitis • Effective in removing chlorine resistant parasites like Giardia and Cryptosporidium (>99.9%) • Effective reduction in heavy metals (e.g. arsenic and lead), organics, and pesticides

  7. Health Intervention Studies Five Studies, More than 25,000 People showed Average Diarrhea Reduction of 50% • Diarrhea Reduction • Guatemala (2 Studies, Rural) • Kenya (Turbid water) • Pakistan (Urban) • Liberia (Refugee camp) • Arsenic Removal

  8. P&G Provides PUR on Sustainable,Not-for-Profit Basis • Established CSDW as not-for-profit effort in 2004 after commercial attempt • Focal program of corporate philanthropy effort called Live, Learn and Thrive® • Committed to long-term supply at cost and tripling capacity • Provide sustained efforts in developing countries and emergency relief including Haiti

  9. PUR Helps People with HIV/AIDS • Discovered role of PUR for people with HIV/AIDS by spending time in field and meeting Jemima Odo • Dramatic impact on health by removal of pathogens from water including chlorine resistant parasites • Now hundreds of thousands of people living with AIDS benefitting

  10. PUR’s Global Reach

  11. Impact • 190 million sachets distributed • 1.9 billion liters of water provided • 80 million days of diarrhea averted • More than 10,000 lives saved • More than 70 partnerships • Committed to 4 billion liters by 2012

  12. What’s Next • Lobbying for Congressional support of household water treatment via Paul Simon Water for World Act • Build support and donations by driving awareness • Summit on Summit: Kilimanjaro • Haiti SOS Benefit Concert • Cover Girl Clean Make-up for Clean Water • PUR Water Filtration Brand 1 purchase = 10 liters • BrandSaver donations on March 7 1 coupon = 1 day • Future Vision of Saving a Life an Hour, 24/7, with PUR packets

  13. References Allgood G. Safe drinking water for the most vulnerable. International Nursing Review: Official Journal of the International Council of Nurses. 56: 273-275. ISSN0020-8132. Combating Waterborne Illness at the Household Level, World Health Organization ISBN 978 92 4 159522 3.Clasen T, Roberts I, Rabie T, Schmidt W, Cairncross S. Interventions to improve water quality for preventing diarrhoea. Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews 2006, Issue 3. Art. No.: CD004794. DOI: 10.1002/14651858.CD004794.pub2.Diarrhoea: Why children are still dying and what can be done. World Health Organization and UNICEF.ISBN 978-92-806-4462-3 Sobsey, MD Managing water in the home:accelerating health gains from improved water supply. Geneva, World Health Organization,2002. Available at http://www.who.int/water_sanitation_health/ dwq/wsh0207/en/index.html allgood.gs@pg.comwww.csdw.org@DrGregAllgood

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