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23.05.2018 Semalt – All You Need To Know To Stay Safe From Petya Malware Weeks after the WannCry ransomware attacked hundreds to thousands of computer devices the world over, a similar malware named as Petya was surfaced online. Petya attacked a large number of banks, government and private of?ces of Ukraine and multinational companies all over the world. Just like the WannaCry attacks, Petya attacked various people, and the victims complained that their devices and ?les were damaged. The hackers demanded $300 to $500 in Bitcoin before the victims could regain access to their computer and mobile devices. Ryan Johnson, the Senior Sales Manager of Semalt, can guide you through Petya protection process. It is mostly believed that such attacks utilize the EternalBlue exploits via vulnerabilities in Microsoft Windows. Thus, this tech company released a number of tips and asked its users to ensure their protection by updating their programs and software on a regular basis. Attacks like Petya and WannaCry have become common, and companies should educate their workers to ensure their online safety. Prevent ransomware attacks on the companies https://rankexperience.com/articles/article1282.html 1/2
23.05.2018 Jonathan Care from Gartner has offered insights on preventing malware and Petya attacks and avoiding them as an organization. He says that Petya is a dangerous form of malware. It is far more different and complicated than WannCry. The most common way to deliver it to a system is via infected emails or clicks on fake links. However, it looks like Petya makes use of infected applications from breached program vendors as its ?rst infection is a strange type of vector. The hackers want to steal your personal information and ask for a paycheque. Otherwise, they threaten to load malicious things to your computer device. Petya has the ability to encrypt your ?les. Once it is done, you cannot decrypt any of your ?les until you are ready to pay the ransom. We also feel that Petya does not decrypt ?les itself. Instead, it encrypts your ?les and hands over the task of decryption to the other programs. Mr. Care also says that companies should not consider Petya as a constructive tool. That is because Petya is a deconstructive tool and can damage your computer or mobile device within minutes. You should know the basics of how to control damaged infrastructures, unsafe applications and web adverts that might contain malware and viruses. It would be great if you try Gartner's Adaptive Security model which provides us details about how to stay safe on the internet. Let me here tell you that the malware and Petya require administrators to share their computer rights. They either trick you to steal this information or force you to let them have the permission to access your device. A standard user should never click on the email attachments as his security might be compromised on the internet. Various Windows operating systems are con?gured to reboot the Petya whenever needed. It is up to you either you enable it or disable for a lifetime. Protect your organization Mr. Care says that we should deploy the new Microsoft patches and disable SMBv1 for preventing malware and viruses. It is also important that we educate ourselves. Without it, we can never stay protected on the internet. We should also have the latest versions of programs and operating systems installed on our systems. We should have the backup copies of all ?les and folders, and those should be stored on local disks. https://rankexperience.com/articles/article1282.html 2/2