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Presentation on the use of the nominative case in the Russian language. It will be useful for teaching students the basics of Russian grammar.
Именительный падеж Nominative Case
What is the Nominative Case? • the initial form of Russian nouns (dictionary form) • answersthe questions “Who?”/”What?” • serves to identify the subject of a verb • used without prepositions
Собака лает. A dog barks.
Дети играют на улице. Children play outside.
Я иду домой. I’m going home.
На столе лежит книга. There’s a book on the table. (literally: on the table lies a book)
Наступила ночь. Night came.
Зима. Winter.
It can also be used together with a verb to form a predicate. (to provide further information about the subject)
Я студент. I’m a student.
Моя мама – врач. My mother is a doctor.
Она красивая девушка. She’s a beautiful girl.
Саша – ответственныйчеловек. Sasha is a responsible person.
Собака – друг человека. A dog is a man's best friend.
Это книга. This is a book.
Это лиса. This is a fox.
Это мой отец. This is my father.
Вот мой дом. Here is my house.
Вот диван. Here is a couch.
Вот она. There she is.
When we talk about possession, relationships, characteristics, sickness or temporary state. = HAVE
У меня есть сестра. I have a sister.
У него есть машина? Does he have a car?
У нас один ребёнок. We have one child.
У нас двакота. We have two cats. We use Genitive here (with numbers, if there’s more than one).
У неё красивые глаза. She has beautiful eyes.
У меня грипп. I’ve got a flu.
У них проблемы. They’ve got problems.
В городе есть больница. There’s a hospital in the town.
Здесь есть врач? Is there a doctor here?
Там дерево. There’s a tree there.
Там стоит/находится дом. There’s a house there (A house is located there).
Пришла весна. Spring came.
Пришла весна. Spring came.
Мы учимся в школе. We study at school.
Мы учимся в школе. We study at school.
У моего друга есть попугай. My friend has a parrot.
У моего друга есть попугай. My friend has a parrot.
У них нет детей. They have no kids. It’s not nominative. In negative sentences with “have” we use the genitive case.
Learn more about the nominative case: https://easy-russian.com/nominative-case/