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Force and Motion-II Applying Newton’s Second Law to More Complex Problems: The Atwood Machine and the Inclined Plane.

Force and Motion-II Applying Newton’s Second Law to More Complex Problems: The Atwood Machine and the Inclined Plane. Lecture 5 Thursday:29 January 2004. Applying Newton’s Second Law (F=ma) to more complex problems. Recall,. Motion in Two-Dimensions.

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Force and Motion-II Applying Newton’s Second Law to More Complex Problems: The Atwood Machine and the Inclined Plane.

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Force and Motion-IIApplying Newton’s Second Law to More Complex Problems:The Atwood Machine and the Inclined Plane. Lecture 5 Thursday:29 January 2004

  2. Applying Newton’s Second Law (F=ma) to more complex problems.Recall,

  3. Motion in Two-Dimensions • Motion in x direction is completely independent of motion in y direction. • Break problem into two parts. One regarding x-motion, one regarding y-motion • Each part is then handled just like motion in 1-Dim.

  4. A Common Example:Atwood’s machine

  5. What do we know? • Is tension the same for both masses? • Is acceleration the same for both masses? • Is the acceleration equal to g?

  6. Atwood’s Machine

  7. Inclined Plane

  8. Problem Solving Tip:Rotate your coordinate system for the inclined plane. Make one axis along the direction of motion.You can leave the coordinate system in the “traditional” form for the hanging weight.

  9. N - m1g cos q = 0 m2g - T = m2a • - m1g sin q = m1a • Add the two equations involving T, in order to eliminate T.

  10. Inclined Plane

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