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16 th June workshop Brussels

16 th June workshop Brussels. Agenda. 10:00 Registration and coffee. 10:30 Welcome and i-Travel overview. 1. 3. 2. 4. 5. 6. 10:45 Keynote Dr Rodolfo Baggio. 11:30 i-Travel the project. 12:00 i-Travel technology and processes. 12:30 Lunch. Agenda.

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16 th June workshop Brussels

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Presentation Transcript

  1. 16th June workshop Brussels

  2. Agenda 10:00 Registration and coffee 10:30 Welcome and i-Travel overview 1 3 2 4 5 6 10:45 Keynote Dr Rodolfo Baggio 11:30 i-Travel the project 12:00 i-Travel technology and processes 12:30 Lunch

  3. Agenda 14:00 i-Travel building the community 14:30 i-Travel Demonstration 1 3 2 4 5 6 15:15 Coffee Break 15:30 i-travel roadmap for the future 16:00 Closing remarks and questions 16:30 Close

  4. i-Travel • Start: Jan 08 • FP7 Project funded under DG RTD • Small-scale collaborative project • Funding: 1.4 Million Euros • Coordinated by ERTICO ITS-Europe

  5. i-Travel Partners

  6. “the connected traveller”

  7. Context

  8. Keynote Dr Rodolfo Baggio

  9. Agenda 10:00 Registration and coffee 10:30 Welcome and i-Travel overview 1 3 2 4 5 6 10:45 Keynote Dr Rodolfo Baggio 11:30 i-Travel the project 12:00 i-Travel technology and processes 12:30 Lunch

  10. The project

  11. i-Travel concept • “i-Travel” is an original concept for “the connected traveller” that combines key • innovations:- • the integration of e-commerce and internet technologies to create the first B2B “eMarketplace” • a wide-ranging community of content and service suppliers connect to customers through i-Travel. • Provide a platform for a “virtual travel assistant” service that accompanies a traveller before and throughout each journey, providing personalised, context-aware information

  12. Objectives • The specific objectives of the i-Travel project are as follows: • • Describe “snapshot” of existing travel and transport services, technologies and stakeholders (WP1) • • Identify main traveller scenarios, multi-modal use cases of i-Travel service platform, and requirements (WP2) • • Describe main stakeholder operational and business processes and needed cooperation (WP3) • • Evaluate standardised technological and architectural options for the i-Travel service platform to enable delivery of context-aware services (WP4) • •

  13. Objectives • Create organisational models and business tools for the i-Travel supplier community, and begin acquisition of first community members (WP5) • • Make a feasibility and risk assessment, and propose a “roadmap for seamless travel services” setting out the milestones and development targets along the path towards deployment (WP6) • • Present “virtual demonstration” of i-Travel results, and identify scenarios and strategies for i-Travel demonstrations in major European & developing-country cities (WP7).

  14. i-Travel Concept The i-Travel concept is NOT to develop a single centralised entity that would do everything, NOT to develop a new travel service provider competing with existing ones NOT to develop standard HMI or service interfaces but is rather A set of open standards allowing connections amongst existing service and information providers Development of technologies supporting such an open market Development of technologies supporting location-based and context aware services

  15. Work structure WP8 Project management WP1 SOA WP5 supplier community WP2 Use cases WP3 Process and services WP4 Architecture WP7 Virtual demo WP6 Feasibility and risk

  16. Work Package details WP1 • Timing: • Q1, Q2 2008 • Objective • Review the service technologies and to create an overview of the environment in which i-Travel is expected to operate. Present relevant standards and technologies and showing existing services and the business model behind the services. • Deliverables • D1 i-Travel state-of-the-art • Participants • Logica, CERTH HIT, Tele Atlas, Vlaamse Overheid, ISMB, PTV, ALTEA, ORACLE, Ygomi

  17. WP2 Use cases, traveller & supplier requirements • Timing: • Q1, Q2 2008 • Objective • Develop use scenarios and needs for traveller and supplier, leading to use cases, within i-Travel. Identify high level traveller and supplier requirements. • Deliverables • D2.1 Use cases, traveller & supplier requirements • Participants • Vialis, DLR, MIZAR, Flemish Government, PTV, Ygomi, Amadeus and TNO

  18. WP3 Processes and services • Timing: • Q3, Q4 2008 • Objective • WP 3 analyzed the processes and information exchange behind existing and new services and is prepared WP 4‘s architecture definition. • Deliverables • D3.1 Process Analysis, collaboration environment and service assessment • Participants • Amadeus, Mizar, Navteq, Oracle, PTV, TA, Techno, Vlaamse Overheid

  19. WP4 High level architecture • Timing: • Q4 2008 to Q1 2009 • Objective • Compile user needs for functional / non functional requirements, Analyse technology options, Propose the i-Travel High Level Architecture, highlighting pros and cons of possible option • Deliverables • D4.1 i-Travel high level archtecture • Participants • Oracle, TA, Mizar, Aalborg university, Logica, Ygomi

  20. WP5 i-Travel community • Timing: • Q1 2008 to Q4 2009 • Objective • Indentify suppliers to form the prototype eMarketpace • Define draft membership conditions covering terms of reference and membership administration • Create procedures to market the i-Travel concept • Deliverables • D5.1 Outlook and conditions for the i-Travel community • Participants • ERTICO, Altea, IDOM, Vlaamse Overheid

  21. WP6 Feasibility and risk analysis • Timing: • Q1 2009 to Q2 2009 • Objective • Analysis of the i-Travel framework • Indentify possible threats and success factors for i-Travel • Provide recommendations for the i-Travel solution • Deliverables • D6.1 - Feasibility Study and development roadmap of the i-Travel pilot demonstration • Participants • Aalborg University, Logica, Mizar, Oracle, TA, Vlaamse Overhied ,Technolution, Ygomi, Mizar

  22. WP7 Virtual Demonstrator and demonstration strategy • Timing: • Q1 2009 to Q2 2009 • Objective • Indentify high level requirements for demonstration • Demonstrate visual elements of the i-Travel concept • Recommendation for strategy for reference demonstrations • Deliverables • D7.1 i-Travel virtual demonstrator and Strategy and recommendations for pilot demonstration • Participants • CERTH, DLR, Mizar, Vlaamse Overheid, Logica, Amadeus

  23. Why i-Travel?

  24. It can be shown that business • have difficulty to reach out to more than a small number of potential end user customers, while ensuring that their commercial and licensing terms are enforced. • Service providers need to find and negotiate separately with a huge number of potential content providers in order to offer a comprehensive end-to-end service towards travellers • content and service suppliers are obliged to develop proprietary, “vertical” solutions to deliver their products

  25. However • The system is only as useful as: • The quality and completeness of the information • The level of integration • With the current eco-system piecing together the information is a complex and costly process • Bookings, Schedules, Status • Transacting is even more complex

  26. Examples of the issues • Airport and flight status • Many delays are the result of airport wide issues • In the US – FAA is a central point and provides this information • In Europe Eurocontrol has a similar role but doesn’t provide this information • Therefore all airports have to be connected separately

  27. Examples of the issues • schedules • In Europe Public transport is growing. • In countries and cities you have several operators • Not all companies provide their schedules • No standard for publication, some are by destination some are by time leaving • There is no aggregator

  28. Example of the issues • •With direct distribution – there is no longer a • central repository for bookings • •There is no standard for confirmation emails • –Open Travel Alliance is not used for this • •Building a meta-parser that supports everyone • is a hard task, maintaining it even harder

  29. The marketing moving forward

  30. But are solutions… • Truly dynamic? • Truly offer scope outside a defined use case? • Connect different the different modes of transport under one application? • Offer companies the ability to deal with a 1 to many connection rather than a 1 to 1? • Can offer solutions to the issues indentified?

  31. Market shortcomings • No personalised end-to-end, multi-modal travel service provisioning through a one-stop-shop for the user. • Absence of an eMarketPlace where machine searchable/readable travel services are offered • A fully contextual aware on-trip assistant following the user during the trip and capable of receiving information about events, and proposing alternatives in case of impact on the planned trip.

  32. The i-Travel approach

  33. Challenges ahead

  34. Agenda 10:00 Registration and coffee 10:30 Welcome and i-Travel overview 1 3 2 4 5 6 10:45 Keynote Dr Rodolfo Baggio 11:30 i-Travel the project 12:00 i-Travel technology and processes 12:30 Lunch

  35. Agenda 10:00 Registration and coffee 10:30 Welcome and i-Travel overview 1 3 2 4 5 6 10:45 Keynote Dr Rodolfo Baggio 11:30 i-Travel the project 12:00 i-Travel technology and processes 12:30 Lunch

  36. i-Travel building the community

  37. Work package methodology • Desk top research • Interviews with selected companies • Questionnaire • Scope • Membership of the i-Travel community • Draft templates • Marketing • No legal investigations, legal structure is too complex and not resourced within the project

  38. Marketing the i-travel concept • Thesis? • Press • Shows

  39. What is an e-Marketplace • “An e-Marketplace is a virtual online market where organisations register as buyers or sellers to conduct business-to-business e-commerce over the Internet.” • eMarket Services uses the following definition of an e-market: • it is open to several buyers and several sellers • it is a trading platform, the e-market itself does not sell nor buy  goods or services traded on the platform • it has at least one trading function

  40. Marketplace Buyers Sellers E-Marketplace the butterfly model

  41. Some examples of an e-Marketplace

  42. Trading models Pin boards Catalogues Auctions Reverse auctions Real time exchange

  43. Benefits of being in an e-Marketplace

  44. Funding fees for e-Marketplaces • Transaction fees • Fees for further exposure over and above basic product information • Advertisement (banners and links) • Percentage of the value of the transaction • Flat fee per completed transaction • Fee for hosting a company's product catalogue • Leasing or sale of software for e-commerce • Sale of industry information compiled • Additional services like logistics and financial services • Consulting fees

  45. Barriers and issues • Legal • Trust in electronic transactions • Cultural and language issues • Security and Regulations • Technology 

  46. i-Travel and traditional e-Marketplaces

  47. Marketplace Buyers Sellers i-Travel and traditional e-Marketplaces

  48. I-Travel e-Marketplace

  49. Organisation • Many of the current e-Marketplace providers were born out of companies collaborating to set up the marketplace. • Many have a steering board of members with employed CEO’s and management staff • Many are legal entities in their own right

  50. Organisation • The i-Travel organisation should • Be independent • Be open to all relevant parties who wish to join • Act as a coordinator for the administration • Provide a place where the technical concepts can be expanded and developed • Promote the concept • React to the market needs

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