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Business Travel Plans

Business Travel Plans. Andy Mouland Project Officer – Business TravelWise Highways & Transport (Policy) West Sussex County Council. Business Travel Plans. What Travel Plans are Why they are needed (relevant policies) Key Elements Examples of Travel Plans in West Sussex

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Business Travel Plans

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  1. Business Travel Plans Andy Mouland Project Officer – Business TravelWise Highways & Transport (Policy) West Sussex County Council

  2. Business Travel Plans • What Travel Plans are • Why they are needed (relevant policies) • Key Elements • Examples of Travel Plans in West Sussex • Sources of further information

  3. What is a Travel Plan? (1) • Framework to deliver more sustainable, and more economical business and commuter travel by: • Providing real alternatives to single occupancy car use • Promoting the sustainable travel options available to employees • Reducing the need to travel • Setting and monitoring targets for modal shift away from single occupancy car use • Focus on peak hour commuting (SOV) • Also opportunity to look at business travel, deliveries from suppliers and to customers, fleet management

  4. What is a Travel Plan? (2) • A Travel Plan is not an anti-car policy but promotes and enables sensible and more efficient car use in addition to more sustainable travel options

  5. 25 MILLION CARS TRAFFIC GROWTH = 2.5% PER ANNUM 70% of journeys to work are by car 80% of which are single-occupancy Cost of Congestion = £20 billion pa to industry & commerce Why are they needed? (1)

  6. Public Health (Obesity) Local air quality problems (AQMAs e.g. Shoreham) Environmental damage caused by road building and traffic Why are they needed? (2)

  7. Policy Background • In the past, new developments needed a minimum level of parking provision • New Planning Policy Guidance for Transport, March 2001 (PPG13) • Set maximum parking standards for new developments • More sustainable – less congestion and pollution • Developers are now required to submit Travel Plans in support of planning applications, to address the Total Access Demand for the site (reduce the need to travel by car). • On-going roll-out of DPE in major towns

  8. Key Elements • No prescribed format for Travel Plan – WSCC suggested template • Measures depend on site, home location of employees, and sometimes nature of business • A Travel Plan should include: • An understanding of existing travel behaviour (baseline survey results) • Nominated Travel Plan Co-ordinator and/or steering group (responsible for delivery and monitoring) • Details of measures to be implemented (and when) • SMART targets for reducing lone car use and increasing use of other modes (Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Realistic, Timebound) • Proposals for future monitoring and review

  9. What are the benefitsfor businesses? • As well as helping to reduce congestion, Travel Plans have the potential to deliver a number of real benefits including: • Capital cost savings (up to £4k per parking space + maintenance) • Reduced fuel costs • Reduced staff turnover and recruitment costs • Fitter & healthier staff (more productive, less time off sick) • Improved visitor access to premises • Helping to meet Environmental Management Standards (ISO14001) • Helping to gain planning permission (30+ employees) • Excellent opportunity to promote the organisation as being socially and environmentally ethical, caring and responsible

  10. Benefits for your workforce • Better health - air pollution kills 10 times more people than road accidents (Source: NSCA conservative estimate) • Improved Fitness – walking or cycling for 30 mins each day can reduce your risk of heart disease by 50%(Source: Health Education Authority) • Less stressful than driving • Reduce fuel bills (car sharing). Walking and cycling are free. • Reduce other hidden costs associated with driving • The AA estimates that new car ownership costs over £100 per week!

  11. Mode Change • Personal Journey Planning • Managed Car Share scheme (reserved spaces for car sharers) • Dedicated shuttle bus • Discounts on public transport • Discounts on bike purchases • Bus service and facilities improvement • Incentives for using alternative modes • Improving cycling facilities • Contributions to public transport • Interest free loans, e.g season tickets • Information & PR • Public transport information • Dedicated travel website • Cycling & walking maps • Personal Journey Plans • Travel “events” • Staff Travel Survey • Newsletters / emails / posters, etc • Staff involvement / consultation • Support national initiatives • Car Parking • Charge for parking • Allocate spaces / parking permits • Parking management • Travel Reduction • Flexiworking / homeworking • Control of deliveries • Encourage alternatives to visitors Travel Plan Measures

  12. Examples • Secure, covered motorcycle parking at Rolls-Royce • Less than 20% drive alone to work

  13. Examples • Collyer’s College, Horsham • Reduced parking on site by 50% with no impact on local roads

  14. Examples • BAA Gatwick • Has it’s own Staff travel Plan • Also help on-airport and other local businesses to develop Travel Plans • 2012 Targets: • 20% of airport staff living in Crawley/Horley to use local bus for travel to work within 3 years of core Fastway completion.• 45% of airport staff living in Croydon, Bromley and Merton using public transport for travel to work.• 30% of airport staff living in Brighton and on the Sussex Coast using alternatives to private car for travel to work.

  15. Examples • West Sussex County Council • Since 2000 the proportion of staff cycling to County Hall has increased from 4% to 7% and … • The proportion of staff travelling by public transport has increased from 7% to 15%

  16. Survey of 26 organisations around the UK - 2003 / 2004 40 35 30 25 20 % of case studies 15 10 5 0 None 1 - 9 10 - 24 25 - 35 > 35 % Reduction in car commuting Source: “Smarter Choices - changing the way we travel” - DfT 2004 The Effectiveness of Travel Plans

  17. The Effectiveness of Travel Plans • Journey to work mode split (source: WSCC household survey)

  18. How we can help • Free Business Travel Plans Information Pack • Feedback on draft Travel Plans • Free posters and promotional material • Central source of information (public transport info, cycle route maps, web site links, Bike2Work day, Car Free day etc) • www.westsussexcarshare.com

  19. Other sources of help • Transport Energy • upto 5 days free site-specific advice • Employers Resource Pack CD-ROM(free) • Inland Revenue (Personal Tax Payer Series IR176) • Motorvate (clean vehicles/fleet management)

  20. Final Thought • If every driver were to leave their car at home one day each week, there would be 20% less traffic on our roads … • That’s equivalent to cutting out the school-run altogether! Car Share examples: • Sussex Police • Royal West Sussex NHS Trust • Brighton & Sussex University Hospitals NHS Trust • Queen Victoria Hospital • West Sussex County Council • Crawley Borough Council …. have all joined westsussexcarshare.com • Public groups have also been set up for the main industrial estates and business parks

  21. Contact details For further information click on:www.westsussex.gov.uk/travelwiseor www.westsussexcarshare.com or contactAndy MoulandProject Officer - Business TravelWiseTel: (01243) 753667 Fax: (01243) 777257Email: andy.mouland@westsussex.gov.ukEmail: travelwise@westsussex.gov.uk Business

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