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2. The Achievement Gap Narrows Again . For the second year in a row, the scores also represent a narrowing of the achievement gap. While this did not occur across the board, the gap between the percentage scoring proficient and above narrowed on eight of the 12 tests between whites and African-Americans and seven of 12 tests between whites and Hispanics. .
3. The Achievement Gap Narrows Again For the second year in a row, the scores also represent a narrowing of the achievement gap. While this did not occur across the board, the gap between the percentage scoring proficient and above narrowed on eight of the 12 tests between whites and African-Americans and seven of 12 tests between whites and Hispanics.
10. Benchmark Exam Scores
11. Benchmark Exam Scores
12. Benchmark Firsts First time over 60% in Grade 3 Literacy
First time over 70% in Grade 4 Math
First time over 60% in Grade 4 Literacy
First time over 60% in Grade 5 Literacy
First time over 70% in Grade 6 Math
First time over 60% in Grade 7 Math
First time over 50% in Grade 8 Math
13. NAEP Grade 4 Math Scale Score Gains, Overall, 2000-2007
14. NAEP Grade 4 Math Scale Score Gains, African American, 2000-2007
15. NAEP Grade 4 Math Scale Score Gains, Poor, 2000-2007
16. NAEP Grade 8 Math Scale Score Gains, African American, 2000-2007
17. NAEP Grade 8 Math Scale Score Gains, Poor, 2000-2007
19. Where We Need to Go
24. Multi-dimensional Model of Services for Students
29. AR Standards and Indicators for School Improvement
32. Effective School Improvement Planning Develops a plan in consultation with teachers, principals, administrators, other appropriate school personnel, and parents of children in school. (No Child Left Behind)
Meets Requirements of related State Legislation and NCLB Act 999 of 1999Act 999 of 1999
33. Steps to the ACSIP Process Reviewing/Revising Mission Statement
Collecting, Profiling, and Analyzing Data
Selecting Priorities and Setting Goals
Setting Benchmarks (AYP)
Selecting Scientifically-Based Research Interventions
Developing Actions
Implementing Plan
Monitoring and Evaluating Plan
34. Alignment System
Curriculum and Assessments
Instructional Practices
35. Academic Data
(Maintain the most current three year history of data if available)
Criterion-Referenced Tests
Benchmark Exams
(Grade Level Benchmarks, and all End of Course Exams)
Norm-Referenced Tests
Stanford 10, DIBELS, etc.
Other Assessments (Optional)
(ACT, PLAN, EXPLORE, Locally developed assessments)
The primary non-academic indicator for grades 9-12 will be Graduation Rate and K-8 will be Average Daily Attendance. Only one year of data will be used.
The district should be familiar with all components of the State Report Card and be aware the components may be used in supporting data statements.
Health Index data
The primary non-academic indicator for grades 9-12 will be Graduation Rate and K-8 will be Average Daily Attendance. Only one year of data will be used.
The district should be familiar with all components of the State Report Card and be aware the components may be used in supporting data statements.
Health Index data
36. Academic Data Disaggregation CRT: Analyze combined school population, and all required subgroups, to include percent of students scoring proficient.
Math - Analysis should identify student weaknesses in strands and goals and in open-response versus multiple choice items.
Literacy - Analysis should identify student weaknesses in multiple choice, open response reading passages and writing domains.
NRT: Analyze school population to include subtest and
sub-skill performance in the complete battery of tests.
37. Academic Data Disaggregation
38. Non-Academic Data Disaggregation Include Daily Attendance rate for K-8 and Graduation Rate for 9-12. If these areas fall below the required state standards, they must be addressed through appropriate Interventions and Actions.
Review all other non-academic data reflected on the School Report Card/APSCN.
39. Selecting Priorities PriorityA specific target area of improvement in student achievement that has been determined by data.
Example- Mathematics and Literacy
Additional Priority if appropriate data reflect the need.
40. Setting Goals Goals are directly linked to a priority.
Goals narrow the scope of a priority by addressing specific weaknesses based on data disaggregation.
Example- To improve comprehension skills in practical reading.
To improve writing content with emphasis on elaboration.
41. Setting BenchmarksAdequate Yearly Progress
42. Selecting Scientifically Based Research Interventions Interventions are scientifically based research strategies or major initiatives which address the goal(s) and benchmarks. Interventions are supported by actions which help achieve the goals.
Research citations should include author, title, source, and publication date.
Example: Comprehensive Literacy or
Standards Based Mathematics.
43. Developing Actions
44. AIP & IRI RequirementsData Sources Kindergarten- Uniform Readiness Screening (URS)
Qualls Early Learning Inventory (QELI) (K)
Dynamic Indicators of Basic Early Literacy Skills (DIBELS) (K-2nd)
Stanford 10 (Kindergarten through 2nd Grade & 9th)
3rd Grade through 8th Grade Benchmark
End of Course Algebra Exam
End of Course Geometry Exam
End of Course Biology Exam
Grade 11 Literacy Exam
*Results of EOC assessments shall become part of each students
transcript or permanent record
47. Arkansas Comprehensive School Improvement Planning Model