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Eliminating the Achievement Gap!. “The function of education is to teach one to think intensively and to think critically... Intelligence plus character – that is the goal of true education .” — Martin Luther King Jr. Educators.
Eliminating the Achievement Gap! • “The function of education is to teach one to think intensively and to think critically... Intelligence plus character – that is the goal of true education.” — Martin Luther King Jr.
Educators “Classroom teachers give young people what they sometimes get nowhere else in society – a sense that they have promise, that they have talents, that they are special. If you’re a young person who is not quite sure that you are welcome in this society, one of the most important people in your life could be a teacher who accepts you.” -Parker J. Palmer
Educators • Our vision for our students future must be bigger than the vision the child has for him/herself. • We are the yeast in our students lives…
Building Community… The Foundation for Excellence! “No creature can fly with just one wing. Gifted leadership occurs where heart and head – feeling and thought – meet. These are the two wings that allow a leader to soar.” • Daniel Goleman, Author, Primal Leadership: Learning to Lead with Emotional Intelligence
Building Community… The Foundation for Excellence! “No society can remain vital or even survive without a reasonable base of shared values. Where community exists, it confers upon its members, identity, a sense of belonging, a measure of security. A community has the power to motivate its members to exceptional performance. Community can set standards of expectations for the individual and provide the climate in which great things happen.” • JOHN W. GARDNER, FORMER PROFESSOR, STANFORD UNIVERSITY
Building A School Community • Building a positive school community should be our master plan: • Our school community is our blueprint • Clifton Taulbert’s Eight Habits of the Heart are our construction materials: • Nurturing Attitude • Responsibility • Dependability • Friendship • Brotherhood • High Expectations • Courage • Hope
In an Ideal School Community… • There is consistent opportunity to invite, nurture, achieve, and reach full potential respectfully. • Everyone respects others, fosters growth, and appreciates diversity while being nurturers and lifelong learners. • There is an eager exchange of thought, where values and opinions are respected, modeled, and accepted.
In an Ideal School Community… • Diverse groups share goals, knowledge, and opportunity with support and encouragement from each other. • Everyone demonstrates respect and cooperation, providing for interdependence among the members, while allowing for uniqueness and creativity. • Members foster intrinsic motivation in an accepting and nurturing environment – one that values excellence and encourages all to achieve their maximum potential.
Questions for Reflection: • How can you make your students feel welcome in your school? • How can you boost your students’ view of themselves? • How do you propose to make each student in your school feel?
THE FIRST HABIT OF THE HEART: NURTURING ATTITUDE In the community, a nurturing attitude is characterized by unselfish caring, supportiveness, and a willingness to share time.
Strategies for Promoting a Nurturing Attitude • Learn at least one personal interest or goal for each of your students. At least once a week, talk to each student about this interest or goal. • Support your students’ endeavors. • Visit the cafeteria once a week and sit with different students each time. • Look for what is right and how we can grow it.
Questions for Reflection: • How can you use your position to build community? • What actions can you take to ensure that you slow down to build relationships? Everything we do is about building relationships!
THE SECOND AND THIRD HABITS OF THE HEART: DEPENDABILITY AND RESPONSIBILITY Within the community, dependability is being there for others through all the times of their lives, a steady influence that makes tomorrow a welcome event; and responsibility means showing and encouraging a personal commitment to each task.
Strategies for Promoting Responsibility • Enforce established rules that students are to follow. • Don’t tell others what to do; show them. • Arrive at work on time. • Help students to become in engaged in their education. • Hold students accountable for meeting established deadlines. • Are we busy or effective?
Questions for Reflection: • What does responsibility look like to you? • How could you allow new staff members to tap into your wealth of experience as they become part of your teaching-learning community?
Strategies for Promoting Dependability • Never go into a classroom under prepared. • Return graded papers when you promised. • If a student is absent two days in a row, contact his or her home. • Be consistent in your educational approach so that students know what to expect. • Smile first thing and welcome students to school every morning – let them know you’re glad to see them, whether you are in a good mood or not. Start the day positive!
Questions for Reflection: • Does circumstance rule the day? What does circumstance vs. commitment mean? • If you become Ma Ponk (Clifton’s great aunt), what could this type of commitment mean to a new teacher, a fellow employee, or a new or shy student?
THE FOURTH HABIT OF THE HEART: FRIENDSHIP Within the community, friendship is the habit that binds people together when they take pleasure in each other’s company, listen, laugh, and share good times and bad.
Strategies for Promoting Friendship • Be open and display a positive attitude. • Listen to what the students have to say and extend support in the appropriate manner. • Help students create a community of Friendship in school by finding that special talent each child might contribute to the community.
Questions for Reflection: • How can you use Friendship to make all students feel included? • What happens to the student who feels like an outsider in class?
THE FIFTH HABIT OF THE HEART: BROTHERHOOD Within the community, brotherhood is the habit that reaches beyond comfortable relationships to extend a welcome to those who may be different from yourself.
Strategies for Promoting Brotherhood • Leave your comfort zone and learn what each child needs to excel. • Promote relationships through peer tutoring or cooperative learning activates. • Spend time helping students find out what they have in common with others in class. Create common goals and require groups to work together as a team to achieve them.
Questions for Reflection: • When and where did you first practice Brotherhood? Who was the beneficiary of your unselfish act? • What can you do immediately to put this habit into practice in your school?
THE SIXTH HABIT OF THE HEART: HIGH EXPECTATIONS Within the community, high expectations involve believing that others can be successful, telling them so, and praising their accomplishments.
Strategies for Promoting High Expectations • Create a positive-behavior bulletin board in the classroom, display a list of children and their positive behaviors. Catch them doing something good. • Create a behavior grade by building it from good behaviors, not by taking away from it due to negative behaviors. • Identify why it is possible!
Questions for Reflection: • How can you help your students to grow beyond their social and geographical limitations? • What is your plan to lift students higher than they can imagine themselves to be?
THE SEVENTH HABIT OF THE HEART: COURAGE Within the community, courage is standing up and doing the right thing, speaking out on behalf of others, and making a commitment to excellence in the face of adversity or the absence of support.
Strategies for Promoting Courage • Consider doing what is best for the child no matter what. • Plan activities that allow students to share life experiences that show the importance of Courage, and share courageous experiences of your own. • Portray Courage in the classroom by not backing down when parents try to force you to change a grade.
Questions for Reflection: • When did you last experience an act of Courage within your school? • What was your reaction to an act of Courage demonstrated by one of your peers? • How can you be a courageous educator for your students?
Questions for Reflection: • Do we operate from what we are committed to? • Do we operate out of fear or as a blessed person? • Are we victims of decisions or creators of decisions?
THE EIGHTH HABIT OF THE HEART: HOPE Within the community, hope is believing in tomorrow – because you have learned to see with your heart.
Strategies for Promoting Hope • Encourage students to set high goals for themselves. • Have students keep journals of what they do each day to achieve their goals. • Tell students several stories that explain Hope. • Read biographies that show how someone who starts in modest circumstances can become a great person. • Don’t plan on a bad day; start each day with an expectation of accomplishment.
Questions for Reflection: • Do we focus on what’s wrong or what’s possible? • What inspires you? • What have you given up on?
Mr. Meant-To:(TheBook of Virtues) Mr. Meant-To has a comrade, And his name is Didn’t Do; Have you ever chanced to meet them? Did they ever call on you? These two fellows live together In the house of Never-Win, And I’m told that it is haunted By the ghost of Might-Have-Been.