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What do we want to avoid ?.. TRAP AND COSTS !.. 1970 ~ 1980 - Bioequival

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    3. 1970 ~ 1980 - Bioequivalncia e biodisponibidade da digoxina, sem a presena de estudos farmacocinticos. 1995 - E.U.A. ~ 11 milhes de testes para monitorar drogas com I.T.E (digoxina, warfarina, etc..) 1997 - E.U.A , 3639 mdicos - intercambivel - medicamento inovador por um medicamento genrico . Apenas 17 % dos mdicos apresentavam o correto entendimento para identificar os padres tcnicos que o FDA exige para o estudo de bioequivalncia.


    7. Definition of Bioequivalence Pharmaceutical equivalents whose rate and extent of absorption are not statistically different when administered to patients or subjects at the same molar dose under similar experimental conditions in 3 steps : clinic,statician and analytical.

    8. Parameters to establish bioequivalence Primary target variables: AUC ( or AUC(0-t) ) and Cmax Secondary target variables: tmax and t1/2

    9. PHARMACOKINETIC STUDIES KEY MEASUREMENTS AUC Area under the concentration- time curve Cmax Maximum concentration A difference of greater than 20% in Cmax or the AUC represents a significant difference between the study and reference compounds Tmax Time to maximum concentration Pharmacokinetic Studies. Key Measurements. To investigate the bioequivalence of 2 drug products or compounds, the FDA considers PK studies that determine the area under the concentration-time curve (AUC), maximum concentration (Cmax), and time to Cmax (Tmax) for the study compound (generic) and a reference compound (innovator).1 Each of these values for the study compound are compared with those of the reference compound. For the study and reference compounds to be considered bioequivalent, their rates and extents of absorption must not show a significant difference when administered at the same molar dose of the therapeutic ingredient under similar experimental conditions. The red area in the diagram represents the AUC, or the extent of absorption, of the reference compound. The yellow area represents the AUC of the study compound. Cmax is an indicator of the absorption rate and Tmax is influenced by the route of compound administration. A difference of greater than 20% in Cmax or the AUC represents a significant difference between the study and reference compounds. Reference 1. Approved Drug Products With Therapeutic Equivalence Evaluations. 23rd ed. 2003. FDA/CDER Web site. Available at: http://www.fda.gov/cder/ob/docs/preface/ecpreface.htm#Therapeutic Equivalence-Related Terms. Accessed September 29, 2003.Pharmacokinetic Studies. Key Measurements. To investigate the bioequivalence of 2 drug products or compounds, the FDA considers PK studies that determine the area under the concentration-time curve (AUC), maximum concentration (Cmax), and time to Cmax (Tmax) for the study compound (generic) and a reference compound (innovator).1 Each of these values for the study compound are compared with those of the reference compound. For the study and reference compounds to be considered bioequivalent, their rates and extents of absorption must not show a significant difference when administered at the same molar dose of the therapeutic ingredient under similar experimental conditions. The red area in the diagram represents the AUC, or the extent of absorption, of the reference compound. The yellow area represents the AUC of the study compound. Cmax is an indicator of the absorption rate and Tmax is influenced by the route of compound administration. A difference of greater than 20% in Cmax or the AUC represents a significant difference between the study and reference compounds. Reference 1. Approved Drug Products With Therapeutic Equivalence Evaluations. 23rd ed. 2003. FDA/CDER Web site. Available at: http://www.fda.gov/cder/ob/docs/preface/ecpreface.htm#Therapeutic Equivalence-Related Terms. Accessed September 29, 2003.

    10. Model of Oral Dosage Form Performance

    11. Model of Oral Dosage Form Endogenous Drug Performance

    12. Model of Oral Dosage Form Endogenous (KCl) Drug Performance

    19. CLCULO ESTATSTICO Anlise paramtrica e clculo dos intervalos: da razo dos medicamentos teste / referncia (T/R) para valores da ASC e Cmax. Intervalo de confiana (IC): de 90% determinado atravs de dois testes t unicaudais com p=0.05 (paramtrico). Bioequivalncia: IC (90%) da mdia geomtrica (M) da ASC (extenso da absoro) e Cmax (velocidade de absoro) dentro do intervalo de 80-125% da M da formulao referncia (FDA; Resolues 391/99 e 10/01 da ANVISA / MS).

    20. ANLISE ESTATSTICA Softwares utilizados: WinNonLin, Graph Pad Prism, Excel e Word para Windows Transformao logartmica: de valores da rea Sob a Curva entre os tempos zero e ltimo tempo, quantificado ou infinito (ASC 0-ltimo e ASC 0-inf) e Cmx Anlise de varincia: modelo de 2 perodos cruzados, sob os dados de ASC e Cmax transformados logaritmicamente


    22. EVALUATION BY ANCOVA OF COMPARATIVE BIOAVAILABILITY OF TWO ORAL FORMULATIONS OF CLOZAPINE IN STEADY STATE IN SCHIZOPHRENIC VOLUNTEERS UNDER A DIFFERENT DOSES REGIME. N. BORGES 1 MD, Ph.D, FASCPT, C. E. Sverdloff 2 M.Sc., R. Moreira2 M.D., C. Domingues2 RN, B. Borges2, 3 MS , A. Lacerda2 MD, PhD, T. Paiva2 RN, R. Moreno2 M.Sc., PhD 1 UNICAMP State University of Campinas, Campinas, Brazil, 2 Synchrophar, Campinas, Brazil 3 College of Medicine, Pontificia Universidade Catlica


    24. IN HOUSE PROCEDURE - 1 All flasks were dully weighed in order to determine the proper function of the valves and the uniformity of the sprays.

    25. IN HOUSE PROCEDURE - 2 The volunteers received the medication in a separate room, wearing protective clothes so as to avoid cross contamination. Staff members wore the same protective clothes.

    26. Budesonide was quantified by HPLC MS-MS, using an API 5000. The internal standard used was 3-ceto-desogestrel.

    29. BIOEQUIVALNCIA DE PRODUTOS ONCOLGICOS Agradecimentos pelo convite, Represento a SynchropharAgradecimentos pelo convite, Represento a Synchrophar

    30. Number of trials showing clinical equivalence of Generic and Brand- Name Drugs in cardiovascular disease Review and Meta-analysis ( jan-1984-aug-2008)

    34. Patente expirou em Fev 07. Aes no judicirio retardaram o lanamento de Genricos


    36. TEMOZOLOMIDA Descrio geral da droga A temozolomida (TMZ) uma prodroga que inibe a replicao do DNA mediante metilao das bases de nucleotidos. Tipos de tumores para os quais seu uso mais frequente: gliomas malignos, melanomas malignos e outros cnceres avanados. Resposta teraputica similar a procarbazina e dacarbazina em glioma maligno e melanoma, respectivamente.

    37. Propriedades farmacocinticas Em adultos e crianas com cncer avanado, a TMZ oral (50 a 250 mg/m) mostra PK previsvel descritas por um modelo aberto mono-compartimental. Possui absoro GI completa (BD=100%) e rpida (Tmax=1 hora). O efeito da alimentao modifica o Tmax em 110% e atenua o Cmax e AUC.

    38. Base regulatria FDA Tipo de estudo: jejum Design: dose nica, cruzado, dois perodos. Dose: 250 mg Voluntrios: pacientes com cncer sob uso de TMZ ou pacientes que padeceram cncer e esto em remisso caso os pacientes com cncer no forem suficientes.

    39. Analitos a serem quantificados: TMZ em plasma. Bioequivalncia baseada em (90%CI): TMZ Waiver de teste in vivo para doses menores Base regulatria FDA

    40. Critrios incluso Idade: 18-70 anos Ambos os sexos Tumor slido com metstase cerebral Outras opes: gliomas malignos, melanomas malignos e outros cnceres avanados, CA ovrio recorrente, CA mama avanado

    41. Critrios de excluso Indivduos com problemas de absoro intestinal ou sujeitos a vmito mesmo com o tratamento adequado. Indivduos com dificuldade de engolir medicamentos. Indivduos que receberam quimioterapia ou outro tratamento biolgico anticncer dentro das 4 semanas antecedentes ao estudo. Indivduos que receberam mitomicina C ou nitrosuria dentro das 6 semanas antecedentes ao estudo. Radioterapia dentro das 4 semanas anteriores ao incio do estudo. Cirurgia dentro das 4 semanas anteriores ao incio do estudo. Portadores de HIV ou hepatites B ou C. Infeco aguda que requeira tratamento com antibiticos.

    42. Assuntos operacionais a serem definidos Locais de internao habilitados pela ANVISA Consulta a ANVISA acerca de internaes em grupos de pacientes em datas diferentes. Desbalanceamento por sexo Coletas em locais e centros no credenciados AGRADECIMENTO REPRESENTAO DA SYNCHROPHAR EM NOME DOS DRES MORENO E BORGESAGRADECIMENTO REPRESENTAO DA SYNCHROPHAR EM NOME DOS DRES MORENO E BORGES

    43. Capecitabina Descrio geral: Capacetabina um agentecitotxico, derivado do carbamato de fluoropirimidina,tumor-ativado e tumor-seletivo, que foi planejado para administrao oral. Aps administrao oral, a capecitabina rpida e extensivamente absorvida, seguida de extensa converso para os metablitos, 5-deoxi-5-fluorocitidina (5-DFCR) e 5-DFUR. A administrao com alimentos diminui a taxa de absoro da capecitabina, porm com mnimo efeito sobre as reas sob a curva (AUCs) do 5-DFUR e de seu metablito subseqente 5-FU. Procurar guidance e paper Procurar guidance e paper

    44. Capecitabina base regulatria FDA Realinhar com o RafaelRealinhar com o Rafael

    45. IMATINIB - GERAL O imatinib est indicado para o tratamento de pacientes adultos com leucemia mielide crnica (LMC) um inibidor da transduo do sinal celular que inibe potentemente a tirosino-quinase Bcr-Abl nos nveis in vitro, celular e in vivo.


    52. Trap!. Is the bioequivalence study a trap ?.


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