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As quoted by Stephen King, u201cTo write is human, to edit is divine.u201d We can clearly understand the importance of this task for a good flawless manuscript. An experienced and successful author always gives equal preference to writing as well as editing. Hiring a professional manuscript editor is an essential step for drafting a good manuscript. So, the author should make sure that they invest their time, money and energy in the right person. If you're an inexperienced new writer looking for a suitable editor, I can assure you that this article will help you in choosing an apt editor for your manuscript editing. This article contains a few quick questions to be asked to an editor while hiring him/her for your work. These relevant questions can enhance the chance of figuring out a suitable editor for you.<br>For more Details:-<br>UK: 44 7424997337<br>Email : info@phdassistance.com<br>
HIRING A PROFESSIONAL MANUSCRIPT EDITOR- QUICK QUESTIONS TO HELP CHOOSEBETTER An Academic presentationby Dr. Nancy Agens, Head, Technical Operations,Phdassistance Group www.phdassistance.com/uk Email:info@phdassistance.com
TODAY'SDISCUSSION Outline Introduction Quick Questions to Ask Before Hiring a ProfessionalEditor Conclusion
Introduction Hiring a professional manuscript editoris an essential step for drafting a goodmanuscript. If you're an inexperienced new writer looking for a suitable editor, I can assure you that this article will help you in choosing an apt editor for your manuscriptediting. This article contains a few quick questions to be asked to an editor while hiring him/her for yourwork. These relevant questions can enhance the chance of figuring out a suitable editor foryou. Contd..
Here is a set of questions to be answered by the author before seeking aneditor. What sort of professional manuscript are you working on? What is the status of the manuscript that you'redrafting? What help do you seek from aneditor? Have you accessed all the available tools on the internet? What is your budget and plannedtimeline?
QuickQuestions to AskBefore Good educationalbackground. Hiring a Professional Medium of instruction for formal education orEnglish proficiencycertificate. Editor Work experience as an editor in a publicationcompany. If he/she is a self-publishing editor, demand for a copy of their previous works and check the standard of thework. 1. What isyour Editing Experience? Suitability of the editor for yourwork. The selection of the editor should be based on the experience, quality of the work, type of service needed andbudget.
2. What isyour Editing Expertise? There are four major types of editsare; Manuscriptcritique Comprehensive edit/ line edit copyedit proofread It is highly important for a technical writer to confirm whether the editor has technical skill, knowledge and experience about the writtentopic. Contd..
Types ofEditing Contd..
3. How do you Edit the Manuscripts? Editors generally edit electronically using PC, laptop or traditionally usinghardcopies. Most of the editors use Microsoft Word because of its user-friendly interface, compatibility and easy accessibility. Only few editors still prefer to edit traditionally using hardcopies whereas most of them have upgraded to electronic devices and online softwares to edit the manuscript.
4. Can we Communicate ViaPhone? It is advisable to open up the idea of the professional manuscript before starting the editing process to avail best manuscript editingservices. It is even better to arrange a meeting orvideo conference with the editor. In the case ofacademic manuscript editing, author and editor mostly work side by side to achieve the desiredoutput. So, the author should ensure that the editor is easily contactable before the hiringprocess.
5. HowMuch Do You Charge for Editing? This is one of the most important aspects of hiring an editor where the author should initially finalise the budget before digging out theeditors. These are some of the types of charging aspects and the standard pricing chart forediting; Flatfee Hourly charges ($30 to$50) Charges based on per word rate ($0.015 to$0.025)
6. Do YouHelp With Pre- publishing Works? The two important pre-publishingtasks which have to be done meticulously are Writing the cover letter for an agent orpublisher. Helping to find a goodagent. Cover letters for an agent or publisher is like a one shot mechanism where you will only get one chance to impress theagent. Then the author should perspicuously discuss the terms with the editor inprior.
7. What is Your Estimated Time to Completethe Work? Editing is a tedious and time consuming task so usually the editor needs some quality time to review thework. An experienced editor won’t take up more than 2 to 3 tasks within amonth. Fixing a tight time-span for the completion of the manuscript work and demanding a professional manuscript editor in that short span ispointless. Sufficient time should be given for the editor to process his/herwork.
8. Can You Provide a FreeTrial Edit? The author gives 1-3 pages for trial edit and sometimes, there are chances where an experienced editor might not consider your request for freetrials. If you’re contacting more than one editor, always use the same sample content for trial edit so that the selection process can be simple andeasy. Once the author is satisfied with the trial work of an editor, the author can draft a written agreement on full edit of themanuscript.
Conclusion Editing rendered by professional manuscript editorsplays an important part in drafting a goodmanuscript. This article summarizes quick questions to be asked before hiring a professional manuscripteditor. Many online manuscript editing companies are available on the internet where all the basic information regarding the service, contact and charges are clearly mentioned along with a free trialedit.
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