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Unrivalled Enterprise Network Attached Storage

If you are looking for an unrivalled enterprise network attached storage solution, use anyone from our range of advanced NAS products for reliable data storage and information sharing. Call us 978-455-9488 or visit our website: http://primearraystorage.com

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Unrivalled Enterprise Network Attached Storage

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  1. Unrivalled Enterprise Network Attached Storage If you are looking for an unrivalled enterprise network attached storage solution, use anyone from our range of advancedNAS products for reliable data storage and information sharing. Our NAS products offer complete data protection with reliability and high scalability. They support a variety of advanced storage management and application features. They support multiple interfaces for different host server and clients. They offer a fully-featured backup solution for file, folder, and shares. They feature volume clone, snapshot, remote replication, data copy options We offer the customization of any product to meet your specific needs. Contact us for an affordable and reliable network attached storage solution. Contact PrimeArray Storage Address: 1500 District Avenue, Burlington, MA 01803, USA Phone: 800-433-5133 International: 1-978-455-9488 Email: info@primearray.com Web: http://primearraystorage.com

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