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Desk Study Methodology

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Desk Study Methodology

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  1. DESK STUDY METHODOLOGY An Academic presentation by Dr. Nancy Agnes, Head, Technical Operations, Pubrica Group: www.pubrica.com Email: sales@pubrica.com

  2. DESK STUDY METHODOLOGY Desk research entails gathering data from existing resources; hence it is frequently seen as a low-cost strategy compared to field research, as the primary costs are executive time, phone rates, and directories. However, if the researcher does not understand how the study is conducted, it could waste time and money. Desk research is quite successful and can be undertaken in the early stages of market research since it is quick and inexpensive, and most basic information can be quickly obtained and utilized as a benchmark in the research process. Contd...

  3. THERE ARE TWO TYPES OF DESK RESEARCH TECHNIQUES: 1. Internal Desk Research - Internal desk research is the most logical beginning place for every organization's research. Much information could be created internally inside the corporation as an ordinary course of business. For example, account information indicates what items are sold, in what amount and at what cost, to which type of consumers, identifying their geographical location, and so forth. Benefits: ✓ The key benefit of doing internal desk research is that it uses internal and current organizational resources to organize the acquired data in a way that is both efficient and usable. ✓ For example, internal desk research is relatively inexpensive and effective since internal resources are used, and the cost of obtaining data from other sources is lower. Contd...

  4. THERE ARE TWO TYPES OF DESK RESEARCH TECHNIQUES: 2. External Desk Research - External Desk Research involves performing research outside organizational bounds and gathering pertinent information. These outside resources are as follows: Online Desk Research: a. There is an enormous quantity of info available on the internet. Because billions of pages are available on the internet, organizations must be particular when retrieving this information. Contd...

  5. ✓ There are two techniques to get helpful information on the internet. The first is to directly browse the specified information from industrial, marketing, or commercial sites and extract the information from these sites. Second, for modulated searching, use various search engines such as www.google.com, www.yahoo.com, www.infoseek.go.com, www.altavista.com, and so on. ✓ The goal here is to fine-tune the search strategies such that the results are promising and relevant. To do this, the researcher must understand the significance of the research and adhere to the guidelines intellectually to limit the work and time-consuming search. Contd...

  6. The government published data: b. The government often provides a large amount of data online that may be utilized in research. This information pertains to social, financial, and economic factors. Most government websites are free to use and provide essential information. As a result, this could be the most cost-effective method of acquiring knowledge. Customer desk research: c. Direct communication with existing or prospective customers is one of the best and most visible methods of gathering information for analysis. Customers are regarded as the most knowledgeable since they use products and services and are more aware of current market developments than anybody else. As a result, customer feedback and information are the most accurate and helpful data that can be used most effectively in the subsequent research process.

  7. CONCLUSION Desk research is a common approach because it uses readily available and dependable data. This greatly benefits businesses and organizations since it boosts the investigation's efficacy. Pubrica is the preferred partner of the world's leading publishers, organizations, and institutions. We have STEM specialists (Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics) and commentators with a therapeutic background. It is currently relatively easy to create a new product, publish a medical study, or acquire regulatory medicine approval. You may save both time and money with our assistance.

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