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R3 Stem Cell Treatment for Sciatic Nerve Pain Dr David Greene

Are you looking for a more natural and effective way to treat your sciatic nerve pain? Then, you are visiting the right place. Dr david Greene R3 stem cell explains how the treatment works and why it is an effective option for many patients. He also discusses the risks and side effects associated with the treatment.<br>

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R3 Stem Cell Treatment for Sciatic Nerve Pain Dr David Greene

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  1. DR DAVID GREENE R3 STEM CELL Can Stem Cell Therapy Treat Different Types of Sciatic Nerve Pain www.r3stemcell.co

  2. What is Sciatica Pain? Sciatica is a sharp shooting pain that occurs due to the damage or compression of the sciatic nerve in the lumbar area. The pain radiates along the nerve’s route; from the lower back to the hip and outer leg and finally to the knee joint. Except for some rare cases, it usually affects only one side of the body. Sciatic pain usually resolves within weeks without the need for surgical treatment. However, in more severe instances like a herniated disk, sciatica pain can extend up to the foot, cause bladder and bowel issues, and might need serious treatment.

  3. Common Symptoms of Sciatica: Pain: Altered sensation Fragility The compression causes severe pain in the affected leg, especially in the calf region. it could be constant or irregular depending on the severity of the damage. Patients often report feeling numbness or pinpricking sensation along the channel of the sciatica nerve in the affected leg. The pain felt throughout the leg can leave the affected foot and leg feeling weak.

  4. Different Types of Sciatica: Chronic sciatica: Alternating Sciatica: Acute sciatica: Bilateral Sciatic Bilateral sciatica is one of those rare cases that affect both legs at the same time. Two different reasons can cause bilateral sciatica. – Degenerative changes in the vertebrae or disc at multiple spinal levels. – Serious disorders like cauda equina syndrome. If sciatic pain continues after 8 weeks it is called chronic sciatica. This kind of pain does not subside with self-management. Proper physiotherapy sessions are required, surgical treatment could also be needed for severe cases. Sciatica that affects both legs alternately is known as alternating sciatica. This form of sciatica is unusual and can be caused by sacroiliac joint degeneration. When the symptoms have not been older than 4-8 weeks, the pain is categorized as acute sciatica. This type of sciatic nerve pain can be easily managed at home with over-the-counter medicines and exercise.

  5. Causes of Sciatic Nerve Pain: Space Occupying Lesion Disk Issues Chronic Diseases Injury or Trauma Accidents are one of the leading causes of sciatic pain. Lower back injuries and traumas are always dangerous. They cause degeneration of discs which in turn causes nerve damage. Injuries impact muscle strength as well. Herniated or slipped disks are the chief contributors of sciatic pain. Slipped discs are very common, around 4 % of people face issues related to a slipped disc, globally. Factors like bad posture, accidents, strenuous activity, sports injuries, and repetitive physical stress can lead to disk bulging or slipping. Narrowing of the spinal canal due to clots, tumors of bone overgrowth generates pressure on the lumbar nerve root or the sciatic nerve itself. Diabetes is one of the reasons why people suffer from sciatic nerve pain. Over time constant high blood glucose levels can damage the nerve fibers throughout the body causing neuropathy.

  6. Risk Factors of Sciatic Nerve Pain: Pregnancy Aging Postural issues Occupation Hormonal changes in pregnancy cause ligament laxity that hold vertebrae, the loosening of the ligament might contribute to bugling or slipping of disk. Most of the postural issues are related to habits. In men, habits like carrying a wallet in the back pocket and bike riding can lead to sciatic pain. Muscle compression or shortening with age can cause sciatica. Age-related changes in the spine due to weakness of bones and muscle shortening with age can cause A strenuous job can increase the risks of sciatica. Where physical strength is always required.

  7. Risk Factors of Sciatic Nerve Pain: Smoking Obesity Gym Inactivity Excessive weight gain causes stress over the lumbar area which decreases the space between the lumbar vertebrae. The lack of space in the lumbar vertebrae inspires irritation in the nerve. Nicotine can damage spinal tissues and weaken the bones. Sitting for a long time has many negative impacts, especially on the lower back. A sedentary lifestyle is riskier. Not following proper postural instructions while doing weight exercises in the gym can damage the nerves.

  8. Effects of Sciatic Nerve Pain Losing balance Postural Distortion Reflex decline Numbness in the nerve decreased proprioception, which is the ability of muscles to detect movement, action, and location. Proprioception is what allows us to follow a certain direction and coordinate in balance. When the nerve is compromised it reduces our reflexes to a certain degree. For example, the knee-jerk and ability to flex the foot upward is withdrawn. When the body avoids applying pressure to the injured area (in this case, the lower back), it tempers with the natural alignment of the body causing Neck pains, Headaches, exhaustion, and severe cases of hump between the shoulders. This postural distortion is also called “overprotective posture.

  9. Is Stem Cell Therapy Beneficial for Sciatic Pain? Stem Cell Sources Regenerative Medicine The painkiller dosage for sciatica starts from at least 1000mg and these can easily be harmful in the long run. Since sciatica is a neurological disorder, treating it with traditional medications can prove ineffective in some cases. The sciatic pain progresses with time. As regenerative medicine Stem Cell therapy can help improve the body’s natural ability to repair and regenerate non-surgically. It can also prevent the progression of sciatic pain. Cell-based therapy treats various diseases by injecting cellular material into the patient’s body. This cellular material can be obtained from different sources but the most promising in the case of MND are Umbilical cord stem cells and amniotic fluid stem cells. Unlike cells extracted from bone marrow or fat tissues, umbilical cord and amniotic stem cells are younger and unclaimed, this is why they do not need much manipulation before administering them to the patient.

  10. THANK YOU www.r3stemcell.co

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