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CastechIndia is the leading producer of high quality steel castings components for a vast array of end users. These components are used in mining, construction and agricultural equipment
The most versatile material available in today’s worldisSTEEL. Easilyweldedand processedwithothermetals Plays a vital role in maintaining the high standard of living. The versatility of steel can be easily recognized by itsapplications. Steel Castings Products
The differences between steel castings and its wrought counter parts are principally in the method ofproduction. In the case of wrought steel cast bars, slabs and ingots are mechanically worked to produce sheet, bar,tubeandotherproductforms. Steel Castings Products
Steel cast bars Steel ingots Steel slabs Steel tubes Steel sheets Steel Castings Products
Steel castings are used for vitally important componentsin the: Mining Railroad Truck Construction Military OilandGas industries Steel Castings Products
Steel castings are specified for applications which require: Weld-ability, Abrasionresistance, Highstrength, Low& Hightemperatureservice, Corrosionresistance Steel Castings Products
Due to the diversity of market requirements suchas : size, tolerances, chemistry, volume, etc., a single foundry cannot serve all of themarket So each company will tend to specialize in a portionof the total market. Steel Castings Products
Some of the specialized areas are : railroad, construction miningindustries. high alloy stainless steel castings used in corrosion and heat resistant applications or low volumeprototypeand serviceparts. equipment, truck and Steel Castings Products
Mining Equipment Railroad Construction Equipment
A steel casting is the product formed by pouring molten steel into a mold cavity. The liquid steel cools and solidifies in the moldcavity and is then removed for cleaning. Heat treating may be required to meet desiredproperties. Steel Castings Products
This process provides the near net shape and mechanical proper purchaserto meet hisspecifications. ties required by a Steel Castings Products
Treat your foundry supplier as a valued source, not only for castings, but also for advice on : Moldingmethods Patternoptions Metalspecifications Designassistance forlowestcost Steel Castings Products
Address: 1708/1709,GIDC–II,Dolatpara, Junagadh–362037 Phone : +91-285-2660113 Fax : +91-285-2661314 Email : info@castechindia.com Website : castings.castechindia.com/contacts.html