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HERA-JANUS Training Analysing Human Error in Incident Investigation

HERA-JANUS Training Analysing Human Error in Incident Investigation. 23-25 November 2004 Institute of Air Navigation Service Luxembourg. Who should attend? Objective of the training Training Methods Agenda When? Where? Hotel Information Registration and hotel reservation Enquiries.

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HERA-JANUS Training Analysing Human Error in Incident Investigation

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Presentation Transcript

  1. HERA-JANUS Training Analysing Human Error in Incident Investigation 23-25 November 2004 Institute of Air Navigation Service Luxembourg

  2. Who should attend? Objective of the training Training Methods Agenda When? Where? Hotel Information Registration and hotel reservation Enquiries Overview

  3. Who should attend? • Safety Managers • Incident Investigators • It is recommended that attendees already have some experience in investigating incident. • The HERA-JANUS training is not an incident investigation training but it will surely bring some new perspectives

  4. Objectives of the training At the end of the training participants will be able to: • Use the HERA-JANUS technique and understand how it can fit into the incident investigation process • Have sufficient understanding of the underlying Human Factors sustaining the technique • Identify the proper human errors to be analysed • Analyse the errors and identify the contextual conditions • Derive focused recommendations

  5. Training Methods • A minimum time will be dedicated to formal presentations • Most of the agenda items will be run using facilitation techniques with high involvement and contribution from the participants • The JANUS technique will be taught only using case studies and real incident reports

  6. Agenda Day 1 • Welcome • Introduction to the training • Getting to know each other and expectations • Objectives of the training, • HERA-JANUS background • HERA-JANUS within the European Safety framework • The incident investigation process • Understanding how you do it • Overview of the HERA-JANUS Technique • JANUS within the incident analysis, the approach, the structure, the content. • Human Factors background • Human error and violation • Human Information Processing

  7. Agenda Day 2 and 3 • Application of the HERA-JANUS Technique on several cases • End of day 3 : • Feedback on the training • Next steps • wrap-up and conclusions

  8. When? • Starting on Tuesday 23 November 2004 at 9:30 • Ending on Thursday 25 November 2004 at 16:00

  9. EUROCONTROL - Institute of Air Navigation Service IANS 12, rue Antoine de Saint-Exupéry L- 1432 Luxembourg www.eurocontrol.int/ians Where? Access map available on

  10. If you need a Hotel Reservation please enter your request on the registration form. EUROCONTROL has special arrangements with the hotels, the special EUROCONTROL rates will only be applicable if the booking is done by IANS Reservations Office Hotel list in attachment Hotel Information

  11. Please fill-in the registration form in attachment send it as soon as possible but no later than 15 November 2004 to: EUROCONTROL INSTITUTE of AIR NAVIGATION SERVICE COURSE RESERVATION OFFICE or email IANS.reservation@eurocontrol.int 12, Rue Antoine de Saint-Exupéry L-1432 Luxembourg FAX ++352-42-20-71 E-MAIL : IANS.reservation@eurocontrol.int Registration and Hotel Reservation

  12. For further information on The Programme Mrs Dominique Van Damme EUROCONTROL HQ DAS/HUM Rue de la Fusée, 96 1130 Brussels Tel: +32.2.729.35.67 or +32.2.729.39.57 E-mail: dominique.van-damme@eurocontrol.int Administration, registration, accommodation, etc EUROCONTROL INSTITUTE of AIR NAVIGATION SERVICE - COURSE RESERVATION OFFICE 12, Rue Antoine de Saint-Exupéry L-1432 Luxembourg FAX ++352-42-20-71 E-MAIL : IANS.reservation@eurocontrol.int Enquiries

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