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Augustan Portraiture and Ideology. The Ara Pacis and Valentino. Livia, wife Julia, daughter. Cleopatra, queen Octavia, sister. “… Augustus was conflicted about this quartet and the part they played in his life and that of Rome and its empire” ( Kleiner , CC 199).
Augustan Portraiture and Ideology The AraPacis and Valentino
Livia, wife Julia, daughter Cleopatra, queen Octavia, sister “… Augustus was conflicted about this quartet and the part they played in his life and that of Rome and its empire” (Kleiner, CC 199). Why can Kleiner make this claim?
Livia, Fayoum, Egypt, after 14 CE What is significant about this portrait – both in terms of its provenance and its stylistics?
Julius Caesar, 44 BCE (Turin) What do these portraits tell us about Caesar’s attitude towards the public presentation of his own image?
Alexander, Roman copy Octavian, 30 BCEof Lysippos’ original Actium type Why did Octavian choose Alexander as a model for his early portraiture?
Augustus’ evolving portraiture Before 44 BCE After 20 BCE 10-1 BCE After 10 BCE How did Augustus’ portraiture evolve?What challenges do art historians face in assigning portraits of Augustus to a particular age or time period?
Augustus as Pontifex Maximus after 12 BCEWhat is the significance of this portrait?
Augustus of Prima Porta (Livia’s villa), post-20 BCE What is the significance of these texts and images? “I forced the Parthians to restore to me the spoils and standards of three Roman armies and to ask as suppliants for the friendship of the Roman people” (RG 29.2) King Phraates of Parthia, denarius, 19 BCE “On humbled knees Phraates accepted the law and rule of Caesar” (Hor. Epist. 1.12.27-29
Reconstruction of coloring on Prima Porta Augustus “These standards I deposited in the innermost shrine of the Temple of Mars Ultor” (RG 29.2) “Parthian, you return the eagles and you surrender the bows that have been overcome: now you do not possess any more tokens of our disgrace” (Ovid Fasti 5.593-4)
Details on the cuirass: Central scene: Mars/Tiberius; she-wolf or army dog; Parthian Deities: Aurora; Caelus/Sol/ Saturn; Venus; Apollo; Diana Provinces: Hispania or Armenia; Gaul Personfication: Tellus; Cybele (Phrygian/Trojan mother goddess) Creatures: sphinxes What is the significance of these personficiations in the context of Augustan ideology? Sphinx Sphinx Caelus/Sol/Saturn Aurora Venus Hispania/Armenia Gaul Diana& hind Apollo& lyre Mars/Tiberius Parthian Tellus with cornucopia Tympanum of Trojan Mother Goddess
What is the significance of the small figures at the feet of Augustus? • What is the significance of Augustus’ pose and dress?
Galinsky argues that the Prima Porta draws upon Polykleitos’ 5th c. Doryphoros and Lysippos’ Hellenistic Alexander (here, both Roman copies from Pompeii). Why is this significant?
Gaius Iulius Caesar (20 BCE-4 CE)British Museum, ca. 2-4 CE LuciusIulius Caesar (17 BCE-2 CE)Corinth Museum, after 4 CE What do these portraits reveal about Augustan propaganda?
Horologium, Ara Pacis (top: 13-9 BCE)Mausoleum (28 BCE), Horologium, Ara Pacis (bottom)
FER(IAE) EX S(ENATUS) C(ONSULTO) Q(UOD) E(O) D(IE) ARA PACIS AUG(USTAE) IN CAMP(O) MAR(TIO) CONSTITUTA EST NERONE ET VARO COS.(Corpus Inscriptionum Latinarum 12.24, in reference to July 14, 13 BCE)"Holiday, by decree of the Senate, because on that day the Altar of Augustan Peace was founded in the Campus Martius, in the consulship of Nero and Varus." FERIAE EX S(ENATUS) C(ONSULTO) QUO[D EO] DIE ARA PACIS AUGUSTA[E IN CAMPO ] MARTIO DEDICATA [E]ST DRUSO ET CRISPINO C[OS].(Inscriptiones Italiae 13.2.117, in reference to January 30, 9 BCE = Livia’s birthday)"Holiday, by decree of the Senate, because on that day the Altar of Augustan Peace was dedicated in the Campus Martius, in the consulship of Drusus and Crispinus."
Res Gestae 12 on the Ara PacisAugustus as the auctor of pax • “When I returned from Spain and Gaul, in the consulship of Tiberius Nero and Publius Quintilius, after successful operations in those provinces, the senate voted in honour of my return the consecration of an altar to Pax Augustain the Campus Martius, and on this altar it ordered the magistrates and priests and Vestal virgins to make annual sacrifice.”
How are the members of the Augustan family presented, and why? Marcus Agrippa, Gaius(?), Livia, Tiberius
Direction of traffic along Via Flaminia from PortaFlaminia Augustan narrative What is the significance of the altar’s orientation? N
Mars (l.); She-wolf, Romulus & Remus (below, restored);Faustulus (r.) How does this scene reflect Augustan ideology?
How does this scene reflect Augustan ideology? Left to right: Penates (ancestral spirits), Aeneas, Iulus/Ascanius
Direction of traffic along Via Flaminia from PortaFlaminia Augustan narrative N
Roma personified (and restored)Why is her depiction significant here?
How does this scene reflect Augustan ideology and what makes it “polysemiotic”? Tellus / Venus / Italia / Pax / Ceres
How do the decorative elements – acanthus leaves, tendrils, etc. – connect to the Augustan ideological program and enhance the viewer’s experience?
What is the intended interplay among the processions, the four smaller panels, and the function of the Ara Pacis? How is the monument polysemiotic and multivalent?
Augustus’ Mausoleum Res Gestae would have been displayed on the doorposts
Tomb markers of Marcellus and Octavia(Gaius Marcellus, son of Octavia, husband of Julia & son-in-law and nephew of Augustus,and Octavia, sister of Augustus) Marcellus s(on of) G(aius) Octavia d(aughter of) G(aius) nephew sister of Augustus Caesar of Augu[stus Caesar]