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High Level Forum for Long term development on SNA 17 – 18 Nov. 2008

High Level Forum for Long term development on SNA 17 – 18 Nov. 2008. Justification, criteria, implementability considerations for revisions Developing country perspective by Department of Statistics, Malaysia. Justification.

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High Level Forum for Long term development on SNA 17 – 18 Nov. 2008

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Presentation Transcript

  1. High Level Forum for Long term development on SNA17 – 18 Nov. 2008 Justification, criteria, implementability considerations for revisions Developing country perspective by Department of Statistics, Malaysia

  2. Justification To simplify the explanation especially for basic stage compiler e.g. FISIM To cater for new development in economic activity and market outsourcing and process by inter-country enhancement by specific new products e.g. TSA Capital stock and treatment for interest Meet the understanding and usability in participating country, specifically the developing

  3. Justification (Con’t.) Boost the moral of compilers Meeting new requirements GDP , IO Tables at provincial level- treatment for import and export. Increasing use of administrative data – how to influence the potential data providers in the manuals Public and private and in-between

  4. Criteria Implementable regularly Comparable with the developed countries at least at minimum level. Meet the minimum adequacy of SNA – audit by UN org. Availability of personals with knowledge on SNA With minimum years of experience Regular review on validity and acceptability

  5. Criteria (con’t.) Provides beneficial perspectives/ product s to stake-holder or planners Business accounting vs national accounting- should be in tandem emphasize the regularity body to coordinate between NSO and data providers- OGAs, businesses and industries Impact on cost of compiling input data and system

  6. Implementability consideration for revision Review the practice of developing countries At what level of specificity-the milestone achieved Opportunity for expansion Asses the capability manpower input regularity Resources for facilitating the countries Workshop and course, attachments, budget

  7. THANK YOU For Your Kind Attention From Omi Kelsom Elias

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