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UNFCCC Workshop on the preparation of Annex I National Communications

UNFCCC Workshop on the preparation of Annex I National Communications. National circumstances: the case of Belgium. Bonn, 28.02-2.03.2001. Key questions. How to report on national circumstances ? Why report on national circumstances? What to report? Which tools to use ?

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UNFCCC Workshop on the preparation of Annex I National Communications

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  1. UNFCCC Workshop onthe preparation of Annex I National Communications National circumstances: the case of Belgium Bonn, 28.02-2.03.2001

  2. Keyquestions • How to report on national circumstances? • Why report on national circumstances? • What to report? • Which tools to use? • How is the reporting process affected by national circumstances? UN FCCC Workshop on National Communications (Bonn, 28.02-2.03.2001) National circumstances: the case of Belgium - P. Wittoeck

  3. Why report? • General purpose: • Describe driving forces/processes affecting emissions and removals • Feedback for decision making • Also: • Basis for projections (section VI) • Policies and measures (sectionV) • Vulnerability, impacts and adaptation (sectionVII) UN FCCC Workshop on National Communications (Bonn, 28.02-2.03.2001) National circumstances: the case of Belgium - P. Wittoeck

  4. What to report? • Factors affecting ghg emissions: • Government structure • National profile: population, geography, climate, economy • Characteristics of key sectors: energy, transport, industry, waste, building stock, urban structure, agriculture and forest • … including historic trends UN FCCC Workshop on National Communications (Bonn, 28.02-2.03.2001) National circumstances: the case of Belgium - P. Wittoeck

  5. Which tools? • Reporting guidelines:only limited guidance compared to other chapters • Guidelines para. 8: • “… including disaggregated indicators” • “… whatever information best describes …” • No other ‘tools’ specified for measuring the relationship between national circumstances and emissions UN FCCC Workshop on National Communications (Bonn, 28.02-2.03.2001) National circumstances: the case of Belgium - P. Wittoeck

  6. Reportingprocess • The process in general is affected by: • Government structure • Institutional arrangements(incl. internal monitoring) • Availability of financial and personal means • Willingness of agents to co-operate UN FCCC Workshop on National Communications (Bonn, 28.02-2.03.2001) National circumstances: the case of Belgium - P. Wittoeck

  7. Government structure Member State of the EU since 1958 • Federal state (‘fully fledged’ since 1993): • Continuously under reform since 1970 • Two-way devolution of powers: • Communities (based on language) • Regions (geographically based) • Exclusive powers for federate entities • Structures and procedures for cooperation UN FCCC Workshop on National Communications (Bonn, 28.02-2.03.2001) National circumstances: the case of Belgium - P. Wittoeck

  8. Government structure UN FCCC Workshop on National Communications (Bonn, 28.02-2.03.2001) National circumstances: the case of Belgium - P. Wittoeck

  9. Government structure FlemishRegion UN FCCC Workshop on National Communications (Bonn, 28.02-2.03.2001) National circumstances: the case of Belgium - P. Wittoeck

  10. Government structure WalloonRegion UN FCCC Workshop on National Communications (Bonn, 28.02-2.03.2001) National circumstances: the case of Belgium - P. Wittoeck

  11. Government structure BrusselsCapitalRegion UN FCCC Workshop on National Communications (Bonn, 28.02-2.03.2001) National circumstances: the case of Belgium - P. Wittoeck

  12. Government structure FlemishCommunity UN FCCC Workshop on National Communications (Bonn, 28.02-2.03.2001) National circumstances: the case of Belgium - P. Wittoeck

  13. Government structure FrenchCommunity UN FCCC Workshop on National Communications (Bonn, 28.02-2.03.2001) National circumstances: the case of Belgium - P. Wittoeck

  14. Government structure GermanSpeakingCommunity UN FCCC Workshop on National Communications (Bonn, 28.02-2.03.2001) National circumstances: the case of Belgium - P. Wittoeck

  15. Government structure UN FCCC Workshop on National Communications (Bonn, 28.02-2.03.2001) National circumstances: the case of Belgium - P. Wittoeck

  16. Federal Regions Communities Environment + ++ - Energy ++ ++ - Transport + ++ - Land use planning - ++ - Agriculture (++) (++) - Education - - ++ Taxes ++ + - Research ++ ++ ++ Foreign policy ++ + + Foreign trade - ++ - Allocationof powers UN FCCC Workshop on National Communications (Bonn, 28.02-2.03.2001) National circumstances: the case of Belgium - P. Wittoeck

  17. Co-operation UN FCCC Workshop on National Communications (Bonn, 28.02-2.03.2001) National circumstances: the case of Belgium - P. Wittoeck

  18. Co-operation UN FCCC Workshop on National Communications (Bonn, 28.02-2.03.2001) National circumstances: the case of Belgium - P. Wittoeck

  19. Chairperson (Ministers representative) Dept. Representatives Federal co-ordinator Energy Transport Brussels co-ordinator Science Finance Flemish co-ordinator Foreign Affairs Dev. coop. Walloon co-ordinator Planning Bureau Co-operation Greenhouse EffectCo-ordination Group UN FCCC Workshop on National Communications (Bonn, 28.02-2.03.2001) National circumstances: the case of Belgium - P. Wittoeck

  20. NC3 Burden sharing UN FCCC Workshop on National Communications (Bonn, 28.02-2.03.2001) National circumstances: the case of Belgium - P. Wittoeck

  21. Broader perspective UN FCCC Workshop on National Communications (Bonn, 28.02-2.03.2001) National circumstances: the case of Belgium - P. Wittoeck

  22. Discussion? • Use of indicators • Links with other reporting processes • Experience in other federal countries UN FCCC Workshop on National Communications (Bonn, 28.02-2.03.2001) National circumstances: the case of Belgium - P. Wittoeck

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