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Under Armour: The story of building an innovative apparel brand

Under Armour is a leading brand in athletic apparel that has become increasingly popular in recent years. The brand was founded in 1996 by Kevin Plank, a former University of Maryland football player who noticed the need for a better type of moisture-wicking fabric in athletic wear. Under Armour has since grown to become a major player in the athletic apparel industry, with a wide range of products that are popular with athletes and fitness enthusiasts alike.

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Under Armour: The story of building an innovative apparel brand

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Under Armour is a leading brand in athletic apparel that has become increasinglypopularinrecentyears.Thebrandwasfoundedin1996by KevinPlank,aformerUniversityofMarylandfootballplayerwhonoticed theneedforabettertypeofmoisture-wickingfabricinathleticwear. UnderArmourhassincegrowntobecomeamajorplayerintheathletic apparel industry, with a wide range of products that are popular with athletesandfitnessenthusiastsalike. OneofthefactorsthathavecontributedtothegrowthofUnderArmour isitsfocusoninnovation.Thebrandhasalwaysbeenattheforefrontof technologicaladvancementsintheindustry,withitspatentedmoisture- wicking fabric being a prime example. The fabric, which is designed to keepathletescoolanddryduringintensephysicalactivity,hasbecomea staple feature of Under Armour shirts and has helped to set the brand apartfromitscompetitors.

  2. Another factor that has contributed to Under Armour's success is its marketingstrategy.Thebrandhasbeensuccessfulinbuildingastrong brand identity and has done an excellent job of targeting its core audience of athletes and fitness enthusiasts. They have also been successfulinleveragingthepowerofsocialmediatoconnectwiththeir targetaudienceandbuildbrandawareness. OneofthemostrecognizableaspectsoftheUnderArmourbrandisits logo. The logo, which features a stylized letter "U" with an overlaying letter"A,"issimpleandeye-catching.Thelogohasbecomesynonymous withthebrandandisinstantlyrecognizabletoanyonefamiliarwiththe athleticapparelindustry.

  3. Inadditiontoitsinnovativetechnologyandstrongmarketing,thebrand hasalsobeensuccessfulinofferingarangeofblankapparelthatisgreat for customization. Under Armour wholesale blank apparel is made from high-qualitymaterialsandisdesignedtobedurableandlong-lasting.This hasmadethebrandapopularchoiceforathletesandsportsteamswho wanttocustomizetheiruniformswiththeirownlogosanddesigns. AppareldecoratorsalsolovetoshopUnderArmourbulkappareland rebrandthemwithcustomdesignsandlogos. Overall, the growth of this wholesale apparel manufacturer as a brand can be attributed to a combination of factors, including its innovative technology, strong marketing strategy, recognizable logo, and customizableblankapparel.Asthebrandcontinuestogrowandevolve, itislikelythatitwillcontinuetobeamajorplayerintheathleticapparel industryforyearstocome.

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