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Best Google Adwords Trainer in Delhi

Sameer Nawani provides best PPC training in Delhi. PPC service provides by Google in which clients pay money at per click for his advertisements. More Information please call us: 91-9899 234 007 or Email us: hi@sameernawani.com or Visit Us: https://www.sameernawani.com/

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Best Google Adwords Trainer in Delhi

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Welcome To Sameer Nawani

  2. ABOUT US • Sameer Nawani is one of the best trainer of Google Adwords, Digital Marketing, Video promotion, Global advertising and PPC course in Delhi. www.sameernawani.com .

  3. Tech Support • Service provided by a hardware or software company which provides registered users with help and advice about their products. • Training for support system is run by Sameer Nawani. www.sameernawani.com .

  4. www.sameernawani.com COURSE • Google Adwords: - It is an online advertising service where advertisers pay to display brief advertising copy to web users. • If anyone search for Google adwords then come to Sameer Nawani who is best Google Adwords trainer. .

  5. www.sameernawani.com CONTACT US • Address: - 211A Sant Nagar, East of Kailash, New Delhi • Pin code: -110065 • Phone: - 098992 34007 • E-mail: - hi@sameernawani.com

  6. www.sameernawani.com Thank you For watching

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