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Check out the Stanner Golf Classic event happen in 2014 at Archbishop Molloy High School. They keep on updating with the events that happen with the regular schooling days. To know more about the private high school, visit them. http://www.molloyhs.org/
Archbishop Molloy High School’s 28th Annual Jim Kinnier Stanner Golf Classic Monday, May 5, 2014 Plandome CC . North Hills CC
Congratulations to Archbishop Molloy High School, Chairman Bob Metzger '88, Honorary Chairman Jack Conley, and the 28th Annual Jim Kinnier Stanner Golf Classic
28th Annual Jim Kinnier Stanner Golf Classic Proceeds from this year’s Stanner Golf Classic will benefit students at Archbishop Molloy High School through its Scholarship Program. Monday, May 5, 2014 Presenting Bob Metzger ‘88 Chairman & Jack Conley Honorary Chairman North Hills Country Club Manhasset, NY Plandome Country Club Plandome, NY Archbishop Molloy High School . St. Ann’s Academy 83 - 53 Manton Street . Briarwood . New York 11435-1697 . 718.441.9210 . www.molloyhs.org
Dear Stanner Community, Thank you for joining us today for the 28th Annual Jim Kinnier Stanner Golf Classic. Archbishop Molloy High School and its students are blessed by your kindness and generosity, and your presence today is critical to our mission to educate the leaders of tomorrow. Since I began my role as President, I have focused on keeping Molloy affordable and growing its scholarship program. Now more than ever, Molloy’s scholarship program is essential in maintaining our academic achievements and the quality of students at Molloy. The Stanner Golf Classic is an essential piece of the puzzle. Our signature alumni event, the Classic has provided scholarship support to deserving students for 28 years. Over $2 million has been raised, and countless lives have been changed for the better. The proof is in the numbers, and it is a testament to what can be accomplished when we work together. We are stronger with you. I am also pleased to introduce this year’s Stanner Golf Classic Chair- man, Bob Metzger ‘88, and Honorary Chairman, Jack Conley. Bob has done good for Molloy for over 25 years. From his days as a star athlete playing for Jack Curran, to present day as a professional at Merill Lynch and a leading member of the Golf Board, Bob is a true Stanner with his alma mater’s best interests in mind. Likewise, Jack Conley has been a dedicated Stanner parent for decades. The Conley family has made an incredible impact on our school, and Jack is at the fore- front of that effort. His example is one which we can all learn from. Together with Bob and Jack, let us continue this great tradition of philanthropy together. Thank you for your ongoing efforts in perpetu- ating Molloy’s place among the premier Catholic high schools in the country. When you tee up today, remember you’ve done great work. Non scholae sed vitae Richard Karsten ‘81 President
Dear Stanner Community, It is my privilege to welcome you to the 28th Annual Jim Kinnier Stanner Golf Classic. Giving back is very important here at Molloy. Our students learn that service to others is essential to living out the Marist Mission, and our alumni are reminded to carry that lesson with them throughout their lives. They respond. Every year I see the hard work and dedication of so many alumni and friends impact the planning and success of this outing, and I am constantly humbled by what we are able to achieve together. Since the founding of the Stanner Golf Classic, over $2 million has been raised for Molloy scholarships. That remarkable sum has impacted the lives of many students, all of whom are gracious and ready to give back when the time is right for them. This outing is truly something special. Among those who have given back for this event are alumni, faculty and friends on our Stanner Golf Classic Board, who work tirelessly to secure foursomes, prizes, and corporate sponsorships. I would also like to recognize Jim Kinnier and Joe Smith, who, along with the late John Gibbons, founded this event so many years ago. Their continued commitment to the success of the Classic is an example we should all continue to follow. Our volunteers are also extremely important as we rely on them to help coordinate the day’s many accommodations. I would also like to thank all of our golfers and guests today. Our students could not be afforded so many wonderful opportunities without you. A great deal of work has gone into today’s Stanner Golf Classic, and I am proud to say that you have all helped to ensure that it will be another historic day for our school. Thank you for your commitment and generosity to Molloy and its students. Non scholae sed vitae Maria Ford Alumni Relations Director
28th Annual Jim Kinnier Stanner Golf Classic Stanner Golf Classic Board Honorees Terence Conley ‘81 Frederick Dorgler ‘81 Neal Duffy ‘93 Gino Fazio ‘81 John Fazio ‘87 Jack Foley ‘71 Maria Ford Mark Heinemann ‘81 Brother Pat Hogan, F.M.S. Jeremiah Howard ‘79 William Johnson ‘71 James Jordan ‘01 James Kelly ‘86 Jim Kinnier James Lembo Ryan McColgan ‘93 Michael McGuire ‘81 Robert Metzger ‘88 Louis Milo ‘78 Robert O’Donohue ‘94 Joseph Papavero ‘04 A.J. Power ‘84 William Rose ‘96 (Honorary) Gerard Schumm ‘68 Jim Smith ‘73 Joe Smith Chuck Tabone ‘68 Bob Metzger ‘88 Chairman & Jack Conley Honorary Chairman The Stanner Alumni Center Brother Patrick Hogan, F.M.S. Alumni Spiritual Director Richard Karsten ‘81 President Joseph Sommo ‘03 Alumni Communications Coordinator Merl Doyle Assistant to the President Maria Ford Alumni Relations Director Craig Katinas ‘93 Alumni Development Director
Golf Chairmen The Jim Kinnier Stanner Golf Classic has become an overwhelmingly successful Molloy tradition because of the great dedication of the Stanner Alumni Community. Proceeds from this year’s Classic will benefit Molloy’s Scholarship Program, which helps many deserving students succeed. In the early years,, the Stanner Golf Classic Board was led by Jim Kinnier, Joe Smith, and John Gibbons, or “The Three Amigos.” In 1993, Joe Gordon ‘64 was selected as the first official Chairman of the Stanner Golf Classic. All of our chairmen have shown great leadership, helping to raise over $2 million in support of Molloy Scholarships. All Chairmen and Honorary Chairs to date are listed below: Joe Gordon ‘93 Steve Bianco ‘01 William Johnson ‘09 Joe Tarantino ‘94 Billy Rose ‘02 James Kelly ‘10 Joe Howard ‘95 Mark Heinemann ‘03 Jim Kinnier ‘11 Jim Smith ‘96 Dennis Piana ‘04 Joe Smith ‘11 Lou Milo ‘97 Fred Dorgler ‘05 Chuck Tabone ‘12 Jerry Schumm ‘98 Art Loeffler ‘06 Neal Duffy ‘13 Jack Foley ‘99 Gino Fazio ‘07 Bob Metzger ‘14 Brendan Twomey ‘00 John Gibbons ‘08 (Posthumously) Honorary Chairs Jack Curran ‘02 Joe Smith ‘06 Anne Lonergan ‘10 Hon. Ray Kelly ‘03 John Gibbons ‘06 A.J. Power ‘12 John Diorio ‘04 Dr. Peter Harvey ‘07 Maria Ford ‘13 Peter Vescey ‘05 Michael McGuire ‘09 Jack Conley ‘14 Pictured: Scholarship winners pose with benefactors, including those representing the Jim Kinnier Scholarship & John Gibbons Memorial Scholarship.
Bob Metzger ‘88 Chairman Each year, the Chairman of the Stanner Golf Classic acts as a key representative of Archbishop Molloy High School and its Golf Board. The Chairman forms relationships with new cor- porate sponsors, secures golf foursomes both old and new, and acquires many of the prizes up for grabs. Bob Metzger ‘88, Vice President-Portfolio Manager with Merrill Lynch, is the per- fect man for the job in 2014. With over 20 years of experience in the finance world, Bob brings keen insights to the table as Chairman. “You’re always trying to maximize returns, whether you’re talking about managing expenses or increasing revenue,” said Bob. “The most important thing we’re doing with the Stanner Golf Classic is we’re trying to maximize the money we raise for scholarships. It’s all about the kids.” At Molloy, Bob was a star athlete, playing baseball for the legendary Coach Jack Curran. He also excelled in academics, and took full advantage of many after school and retreat programs. Bob’s high school experience was memorable, and he has always taken pride in being called a “Stanner.” Several years after graduating, Bob’s passion for his alma mater led him to become an active volunteer on Molloy’s Golf Board, a seat which he still proudly holds today more than 20 years later. “The friendships you develop at Molloy, the games you win and lose with your teammates, all of these aspects play a role in why I’m here today volunteering. It’s great meeting up with classmates you haven’t seen in 25 years, because it feels like you haven’t missed a step once you start talking. Molloy is very important to me because of that bond,” said Bob. Speaking about why the Stanner Golf Classic is special, Bob pointed to our young Stanners. “The best part is knowing that you’re helping talented students who often are in need of the extra support. For me, meeting the kids who benefit from the Jim Kinnier Scholarship, the Joe Smith Needs Based Award, and the John Gibbons Memorial Scholarship every year at the golf outing is a special moment. It is a reminder of why we’re all out here working together. I wish these kinds of opportunities were available when I was in school. It really is a great cause.” Bob sends his sincerest thanks to everyone for attending the Stanner Golf Classic today, and encourages everyone to inquire about purchasing raffle tickets or bidding on one (or more) of the amazing items up for auction during the dinner hour. “I hope there are lots of smiles today,” said Bob.
Jack Conley Honorary Chairman There are some individuals that truly go above and beyond to show their love and care for our students. This year, the Stanner Golf Classic is proud to recognize Mr. Jack Conley as one of those individuals. There is perhaps no more inspiring choice to serve as Honorary Chairman than Jack. After all, he represents the epitome of the Stanner Spirit. As the father of three wonderful and successful children, Terry ‘81, Chris ‘86, and Mike, Jack has always valued the gift of education. Before enrolling Terry and Chris, Jack recognized Archbishop Molloy High School as an exemplary college preparatory institution. He always strongly identified with Molloy’s mission to nurture young people in mind, body and spirit in the way of the Marist Charism. These values were eventually instilled in his sons, and as a result they share their father’s passion for the school. After the Conley children had grown, Jack sought to become more deeply involved with the Molloy com- munity. He strengthened his ties to the school by initiating his support for the Stanner Golf Classic in the early 1990’s. In turn, Molloy and its students have been blessed by Jack’s generosity for over 20 consecu- tive years. Jack’s efforts have helped to ensure that countless talented, deserving students have been af- forded the same opportunities his children once enjoyed. Jack is always among the first to sign on for the outing each year, and his enthusiasm is unmatched. In honoring Jack we are shining the spotlight on one of the kindest, most selfless individuals our Molloy community has had the pleasure of calling a friend. Beyond just his immediate kin, Jack is the patriarch of a larger family that is steeped in the Molloy tradi- tion. The Conleys boast not only Jack and his sons, but daughters, nieces, nephews, uncles, cousins, and friends – all of whom have been inspired by the Marist Brothers and lay faculty on Manton Street one way or another. The Conley family’s dedication to Molloy runs deep, and they are heavily represented at today’s Stanner Golf Classic. They are all following Jack’s lead, and their efforts as a family have been humbling. Knowing how deeply Jack cares for Molloy and its students, the Conleys have a great many foursomes out on the greens today. Together they have helped raise a generous sum for Molloy’s Scholar- ship Program, and for that we are truly thankful. May Jack continue to feel the love and support of his family, and our community, in the years to come. Take a bow, Jack. You deserve it.
A History of Excellence St. Ann’s Academy & Archbishop Molloy High School Archbishop Molloy High School traces its roots back to 1892, when its predecessor St. Ann’s Academy began on East 76th Street and Lexington Avenue in Manhattan. The pastor of St. Jean Baptiste parish invited the Marist Brothers to conduct the parish elementary school, and to open an “academy” - a special school that offered enrichment courses beyond the grammer school. By 1894, St. Ann’s Academy grew to include a high school division. Soon, boarders joined the day students and the school truly began turning into a “beehive” of activity. The Marist Brothers purchased nearby brownstones and constructed a five-story building nearby to accomodate the large number of incoming students. Plans were in the works to move the boarding school to the north Bronx in the 1920s, and property was purchased, but it eventually became Mount St. Michael Academy. The Depression-era lack of funds and the war-era lack of material led to the deterioration of the aging complex of buildings at St. Ann’s and by 1955, the city Building Department insisted that major renovations take place. However, it was impossible to close the school down for the two years the work would require. Meanwhile, Archbishop Thomas E. Molloy in the neighboring Brooklyn Diocese had a desperate need for a new Catholic high school to accomodate St. Ann’s. He offered the Marist Brothers an ideal six-acre property in Briarwood, Queens. In September 1957, the students and faculty of St. Ann’s moved to their new home in Queens. Archbishop Molloy passed away during the construction of the school, and the Marist Brothers honored his generosity and foresight by renaming the school after him. Within two years of the move, the school doubled its enrollment and soon gained a reputation for the same tradition of academic and athletic excellence boasted by St. Ann’s Academy. Archbishop Molloy High School Archbishop Molloy High School has continued the tradition that of developing students intellectually, spiritually, socially and physically -- “Not for school, But for life.” Molloy is a compelling choice for so many of the New York metropolitan area’s top- performing students. Each year more than 3,000 students apply for just a select number of available freshmen seats. With an en- rollment of just under 1,600 students, Molloy is large enough to offer a wide variety of courses and extracurricular activities, but small enough for each student to feel at home. Every student is encouraged to participate in at least one of more than 80 sports, clubs and other activities, which helps guide their physical, spiritual, and academic development. As a Marist School, Molloy fosters its students’ growth in the Catholic faith by offering an educational program that integrates this faith with culture and learning, as Marcellin Champagnat, the founder of the Marist Brothers, envisioned. The Marist tradition is alive and well with many Marist Brothers still serving the Stanner community at Molloy, and programs such as Lantern, Marist Youth, and S.M.I.L.E. that deeply engage students in the Marist tradition. Stanners remain loyal and committed to helping Molloy keep pace with evolving needs and advances in technology. In the past decade, Molloy has totaled $2.8 million in capital improvements over around the school campus. The Ralph DeChiaro Center for Arts & Sciences opened in 1987, the Captain Anthony Marsloe Gym was constructed along with locker room renovations as Molloy welcomed a new co-educational program, and major renovations were made to create a state of the art Chemistry Lab in 2008. Every classroom has a SmartBoard® and the entire building hosts wireless Internet connectivity. Every faculty member has their own personal laptop for educational support and classroom management. In 2011, the William J. Murphy Library was completely modernized, with state of the art research technology and resources now available. Molloy’s scholarship program provides opportunities to many students, giving $120,000 per year in tuition discounts, which is possible because of the generosity of Stanner alumni, family, and freinds to the Fund For Molloy and other scholarship funds. In 2009 Molloy received recognition with a “Parents Choice” award as a Catholic High Schoool of choice in the NY metropolitan area. This, in addition to previous recognition by U.S. News & World Report identifying Molloy as an “Outstanding American High School” in January 1999 demonstrates Molloy’s continuing leadership. The article cited high academic performance, parental involvement, school spirit, and commitment to its mission as the identifying characteristics that earned Molloy this honor. A decade earlier, the U.S. Department of Education recognized Molloy as an “Exemplary High School.” In 2011 Molloy was awarded Special Citation for an Outstanding Parochial Education by The Blackboard Awards. This award acknowledges Molloy as an institution where “a vibrant, caring and challenging learning community has been created.” Molloy is staffed by a dedicated and oustanding faculty. With an average of more than 17 years of teaching experience, 91% of them hold masters’ or doctorate degrees.
A Brief History of the Stanner Golf Classic Molloy’s Largest All Class Reunion Thanks to the efforts of the golf committee, particularly Jerry Schumm, Gino and John Fazio, Bill Rose and Lou Milo, corporate sponsorship has been a big part of making the day a success. Today the Stanner Golf Classic is able to host over 250 golfers at Plandome Country Club and North Hills Country Club. There have been many events held over the years to help support the present and future of Archbishop Molloy High School, but no event has raised more money than the Jim Kinnier Stanner Golf Classic. The Classic, Molloy’s largest all class reunion, has been a monumental Alumni event since its inception in 1986 and continues to be a powerful community statement in support of our Catholic, Marist traditions and of Molloy’s students as we prepare to celebrate its 28th Anniversary. This year, the 28th Jim Kinnier Stanner Golf Classic honors Bob Metzger ‘88 as Chairman and Jack Conley as Honorary Chair- man. Both have contributed so much to the Stanner Golf Clas- sic over the years, working tirelessly to make sure that the out- ing is always a success. Bob’s keen finance experience and Jack’s dedication to Molloy students have been crucial to the planning process, and they are a big reason why Molloy is continually able to award scholarships to deserving students. In 1986, the Three Amigos set out to inspire the Molloy community with a classy event that represented the pride they all believed Molloy has always shone. Bob and Jack have helped accomplish that goal every step of the way. In 1986 a contingent of 25 men representing faculty and alumni gathered at Rock Hill Golf Club in Manorville, Long Island. Jim Kinnier, Joe Smith and John Gibbons, also known as “The Three Amigos,” along with many alumni from the classes of 1978 and 1979 including Charlie McBride, Joe Howard and Jerry Betts led the afternoon with a now famous cooler of beer in their golf cart. Initially just a planned “fun day,” the outing not only provided a good time, but donations were made to Molloy by participants. This encouraged the group to get together again the following year. In 1988 attendance doubled and more money was raised, which made it clear that a successful annual fundraiser was in the making. Today, May 5th, 2014, a new chapter is being written in the history of the Jim Kinnier Stanner Golf Classic. With Bob and Jack leading the way, along with the dedicated members of the Stanner Golf Classic Board, today will be a day to remember. Jim Kinnier, the Alumni Director at the time, organized a committee of Alumni, faculty and friends to gather corporate sponsors and encourage other types of donations in order to really get the Classic off the ground. Jim handled the particulars, John Gibbons forged a classy journal to recognize their sponsors, and Joe Smith handled raffles and auctions. An annual chairperson was also established to serve as host for the event, while an honorary chairperson would be named to recognize someone extremely dedicated to the Stanner community. Some of the most influential honorary chairs over the years include current Commissioner of the New York City Police Department Ray Kelly ’59, and New York Post sports columnist Peter Vecsey ’61, who brought in tow several professional athletes to engage in conversation with the golfers and take pictures. Today the Golf Board, comprised of alumni and parents, works diligently to recruit corporate sponsors for both golf and journal ads. Maria Ford, Alumni Relations Director, continues to handle all the reservations and details of the day. In 2008, Tom Bradley ’74 established the John Gibbons Alumni Golf Trophy awarded to the foursome from each course with the lowest score. One player from every foursome must be an alumnus. The Stanner Golf Classic has grown each and every year, with new and familiar faces alike taking part. ...Not for school but for life... “Non scholae sed vitae” Jim Kinnier, Joe Smith & John Gibbons
Win A Trip To... Raffle tickets are on sale during the Jim Kinnier Stanner Golf Classic for just $25 each or 5 for $100. By purchasing a raffle you instantly give yourself a chance to win 2 tickets to Super Bowl XLIX in Glendale, Arizona. This past winter in New York was a real drag. Why not give yourself a chance to get out of town, catch some sun, and witness one of the biggest events of 2015? Ask a volunteer during the Stanner Golf Classic for more information on purchasing raffle tickets. You may just win this once in a lifetime trip! Seen below: Past winner Chris Greene ‘81 and friend Jonathan Corpina enjoy a recent Super Bowl.
Bob Metzger and the Class of 1988 Remember Jack Curran & Brother Francis Regis Teachers, Mentors, Friends, and Champions of the Marist Mission
Congratulations, my wonderful husband Bob, on being selected as Chairman of the 28th Annual Jim Kinnier Stanner Golf Classic! I couldn’t be more proud of all you have achieved in your life with us, our four sons, and in all that you do. After graduating from Molloy in 1988, you attended CW Post and continued to play baseball for all four years. You graduated and soon entered into the financial world, becoming an important member of the Merill Lynch team. You have accomplished so much. You are an inspiration every day to me and everyone you come in contact with. Thank you for the beautiful life you provide for me and the boys. I’m honored to be your wife. Congratulations! Valerie
Congratulations Dad! You’re the best dad any kid could ask for. You always help us with everything! You’re the best coach! Swimming, baseball, hockey, lacrosse, football and soon basketball (that one is a surprise)! We love when you always say: “Google it!” “Poke!” “Center it!” “Bounce the ball!” We hope you’re smiling while reading this. You make all of us smile each and every day! Thanks Big Daddy!!! We love you so much. Love, Robert, Dean, Matthew, and Richie XOXOXOXOXOXOXOXOXO
Congratulations To Our #1 Man, Jack, Dad, Papa, ... our greatest blessing, Congratulations on this well deserved honor! We are incredibly proud of your achievements and your distinction of Honorary Chairperson for 2014. With love and admiration, today, tomorrow, and always, Lois and Your Girls, Kellie, JoJo, Barbara, & Nancy
Congratulations Congratulations to our Grandfather, Jack Conley, on being named Honorary Chairperson for the 28th Annual Stanner Golf Classic. We are proud and honored to call you our Papa! Your dedication is inspiring and you are a role model to each of us. The love and faith we share each and every day exemplifies the love and care you put into raising our family. Love, Your Grandchildren
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Congratulations Congratulations To Our Dad, Brother In Law and Great Friend, You have always been a true inspiration to us. You have taught us to always see the best in everyone. You and Mom have raised us to believe in ourselves and use what God has given us to help others. The Stanner Golf Classic is a true example of helping others through scholarship support for deserving students. Congratulations at being named Honorary Chairperson 2014. Love, Lan Mike Dave Terry ‘81 Chris ‘86 Walter ‘69
Congratulations to Bob Metzger '88 & Jack Conley And best wishes for continued success to Archbishop Molloy High School from Jerry Schumm '68 & Dinah
Proud to Support Archbishop Molloy High School 28th Annual Jim Kinnier Stanner Golf Classic We applaud your dedication to help students recognize their self-worth and develop a lifetime of Christian values, critical thinking and leadership skills. www.odpkf.com
Joe Howard '79 Supports the 28th Annual Jim Kinnier Stanner Golf Classic
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Mark Heinemann '81 supports The Jim Kinnier Stanner Golf Classic
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G. FAZIO CONSTRUCTION CO. INC. GENERAL CONSTRUCTION-CONSTRUCTION MANAGEMENT Gino Fazio J ohn Fazio President class of 81 Gaetano Fazio Alumnus class of 01 Vice President class of 87 “Congratulations to Molloy for continuing to be a person’s greatest influence on their life. We have become the people we are because of Molloy. We are so proud to be Stanners. Thank you Molloy.” 58-41 63rd Street, Maspeth, N Y 11378 Phone: (718) 326-2266 Fax: (718) 326-0287 e-mail: gino@fazioconstruction.com
It is GREAT to be a STANNER!! Notifier®By Honeywell Your Source For High Rise Fire Alarm Systems
TRINITY RESTAURANT & BAR Mike McGuire ’81 190 Jericho Turnpike Floral Park, NY 11001 (516) 358-5584
To this year's Honorary Chairman Jack Conley You are what every Stanner aspires to be: FAITHFUL, HONEST, TRUSTWORTHY May God continue to bless everything you put your hand to. From the other Connolly's in Howard Beach, Family and Friends for 50 years. Gerard Connolly '76 the late Andrew Furlong '77 Stephen Connolly '80
Congratulations to the Stanner Golf Classic Committee On a job well done! The Conley/Sullivan Family Walter Sullivan ‘69 Terry Conley ‘81 Chris Conley ‘86 Timothy Dowd ‘95 Michael Conley Jr. ‘07 Jack Conley David Conley Ryan Conley
Jerry Bunone & Sharp Electronics support the Jim Kinnier Stanner Golf Classic
James Jordan '01 & Carissa Jordan '04 Congratulate Archbishop Molloy High School on the 28th Annual Jim Kinnier Stanner Golf Classic
DYNA • EMPIRE, INC. AEROSPACE COMPONENTS 1075 STEWART AVENUE GARDEN CITY, L.I., NY 11530 (516) 222-2700 FAX (516) 222-1896 Best Wishes Stanners!
We are proud to honor and support Archbishop Molloy High School Along with Bob Metzger ’88 and J ack Conley As we celebrate the the 28thAnnual Stanner Golf Classic. “Non Scholae Sed Vitae” ***************************** Alliant Insurance Services, Inc. isa national insurance Brokerage and Consulting firmoffering custom solutions for all insurance needs. Robert F. Sherlock Chris Reynen Senior Vice President Vice President Alliant Benefits Northeast Alliant Benefits Northeast 333 Earle Ovington Blvd., Suite 700 320 West 57thStreet Uniondale, New York 11553 New York, NY 11021 Tel.: (516) 307-4113 Tel.: (212) 603-0380 E-mail: rsherlock@alliant.com E-mail: creynen@alliant.com
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Jeffrey Ford & BP Gasoline Support the Stanner Golf Classic BP Station 4000 Hempstead Turnpike Bethpage, NY 11714
BP Gasoline Station 4125 Hempstead Turnpike Bethpage, NY Owned by Terrence Ford ‘98 Supports the Stanner Golf Classic
Jack Foley '71 Congratulates Bob Metzger '88 & Jack Conley On the 28th Annual Jim Kinnier Stanner Golf Classic
Chris Greene '81 supports The Jim Kinnier Stanner Golf Classic
Congratulations on the J im Kinnier Stanner Golf Classic From Jzanus Consulting John Coster 170 Jericho Turnpike Floral Park, NY 11001