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An Indian - American women in space : kalpana Chawla

An Indian u2013 American Woman in Space: Kalpana Chawla<br>The chapter u201cAn Indian-American Woman in Space: Kalpana Chawlau201d tells the story of Kalpana Chawla, a remarkable woman who achieved the incredible feat of becoming the first Indian-born woman to travel to space.

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An Indian - American women in space : kalpana Chawla

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  1.    Monday, April 1, 2024 Sign in / Join  HOME CBSE BOARD ICSE BOARD SAMPLE PAPERS Unit -IV March 17, 2024Updated: 5 hours ago NCERT BOOKS (ENGLISH MEDIUM) CLASS 6TH ENGLISH      Facebook Twitter Pinterest WhatsApp By education85.com Share - Advertisement - LATEST NEWS CBSE Board Unit – I education85.com - March 29, 2024 - Advertisement - NCERT Solutions for Class 6th English Chapter 4 , Beauty,An Indian American Woman in Space - Advertisement - NCERT Solutions for Class 6th English Chapter 4 An Indian – American Woman in Space: Kalpana Chawla The chapter “An Indian-American Woman in Space: Kalpana Chawla” tells the story of Kalpana Chawla, a remarkable woman who achieved the incredible feat of becoming the first Indian-born PDFmyURL converts web pages and even full websites to PDF easily and quickly.

  2. Class 6th Unit – VIII woman to travel to space.  March 26, 2024 Early Life and Dreams: The chapter highlights Kalpana’s early life, mentioning her birthplace in India and her passion for science and airplanes. CBSE Board Unit – VII March 25, 2024 It emphasizes her determination to pursue her dreams and her journey to the United States for higher education. Class 6th Unit – VI Becoming an Astronaut: March 21, 2024 The text details Kalpana’s dedication to her studies, leading her to become a certified pilot and eventually an astronaut selected by NASA, the American space agency. First Space Mission: The chapter describes Kalpana’s participation in the space shuttle Columbia mission, making her the first woman of Indian origin to travel to space. It might mention the duration of the mission and some of the tasks she performed in space. Inspiration and Legacy: The story emphasizes how Kalpana’s achievement became an inspiration for many young people, especially girls, in India and around the world. It might end with a brief mention of her later missions or her tragic passing (depending on the chapter’s approach). WORKING WITH THE TEXT A. Answer the following questions. PDFmyURL converts web pages and even full websites to PDF easily and quickly.

  3. 1. Where was Kalpana Chawla born? Why is she called an Indian – American?  Ans : Kalpana Chawla was born in India. There are two possible reasons why Kalpana Chawla is called an Indian-American: 1. Immigration: The chapter might mention that Kalpana immigrated to the United States, possibly for higher education or career opportunities. This would explain why she’s referred to as both Indian (referring to her birthplace and heritage) and American (referring to her country of residence and possibly citizenship). 2. Dual Identity: Even if the chapter doesn’t explicitly state immigration, Kalpana could be considered Indian-American because she identifies with both cultures. She was born in India and likely carries that heritage, but her experiences and achievements in the United States also shape her identity. 2. When and why did she go to the U.S.? Who did she marry?  Ans : She went after completing her Bachelor’s degree in India to pursue higher education in aeronautical engineering. The US has prestigious universities and programs known for attracting international students in STEM fields She married Jean-Pierre Harrison, a flight instructor, in 1983 at the age of 21. 3. How did she become an astronaut? What gave her the idea that she could be an astronaut?  Ans :  Early fascination with flight and science Strong academic background in engineering Flight experience and piloting skills General inspiration from the space race 4. What abilities must an astronaut have, according to the journalist?  Ans :  Strong Educational Background: A focus on science and engineering, particularly aeronautical engineering, would be essential for understanding spacecraft systems and the physics of space travel. Technical Skills:  The ability to operate complex machinery, troubleshoot problems, and think critically would be crucial in the demanding environment of space. Physical Fitness: Astronauts endure rigorous training to withstand the physical challenges of spaceflight, including high G-forces during launch and re-entry, and the effects of microgravity. Mental Resilience:  The ability to cope with isolation, stress, and the unknown is vital for astronauts on long-duration missions. PDFmyURL converts web pages and even full websites to PDF easily and quickly.

  4. Teamwork and Communication:  Astronauts work closely with crewmates and mission control, requiring excellent communication and interpersonal skills. 5. Describe Kalpana Chawla’s first mission in space.  Ans : Making History: The chapter would likely highlight that Kalpana Chawla’s first mission was a historic one, making her the first woman of Indian origin to travel to space. The Mission Details: The text would likely mention the specific mission and spacecraft involved. It was likely her participation in the Space Shuttle Columbia mission (possibly mentioning the mission number, STS-87). The chapter might provide details about the duration of the mission, which was likely around 15- 16 days. Her Role and Activities: The text might mention Kalpana’s role as a mission specialist. This could involve operating various onboard systems, conducting scientific experiments, or assisting the pilot and commander. The chapter might mention some of the specific experiments conducted during the mission, possibly focusing on areas like materials science or life sciences in microgravity. It might also highlight her responsibility as the primary robotic arm operator, a crucial role for deploying satellites or manipulating objects outside the spacecraft. A Moment of Pride: The chapter would likely emphasize the sense of accomplishment and inspiration surrounding Kalpana’s achievement. It might mention a detail like her communicating with India while in space, a significant moment for the Indian people. 6. What does Kalpana Chawla say about pursuing a dream? Do you agree with her that success is possible?  Ans : Hailing from a small town, Kalpana Chawla reached for the stars. In a message beamed down from space to college students in Chandigarh, she emphasized that achieving dreams is always within reach. With a clear vision and unwavering courage, success is certainly a possibility. Absolutely, success is possible when dreams are pursued with the right approach.  B. Read the newspaper report to find the following facts about the Columbia’s ill-fated voyage. 1. Date and place of lift off: Ans : January 16, 2003, Kennedy Space Center, Cape Canaveral, Florida. PDFmyURL converts web pages and even full websites to PDF easily and quickly.

  5. 2. Number of astronauts on board: Ans : 7 3. Number of days it stayed in space: Ans : Approx. 16 days 4. Number of experiments done by scientists: Ans : 80 Experiments 5. Date of return journey: Ans : 1 February 2003 6. Height at which it lost contact: Ans : 200,000 ft. WORKING WITH LANGUAGE A. Match the following. Column I Column II Unprecedented space tragedy something that Something that causes feelings of respect and wonder Certified flight instructor Having knowledge of a wide variety of subjects Space mission Nowadays ,in these times Super specialisation A set of jobs to be done in space by a group A person with the correct qualification to teach people to fly planes Encyclopaedic knowledge A sad accident of a kind that has never happened before in space Awe -inspiring In this age Great expertise in a limited field or a particular subject Ans :  Column I Column II Unprecedented space tragedy something that A sad accident of a kind that has never happened before in space A person with the correct qualification to teach people to fly planes Certified flight instructor Space mission A set of jobs to be done in space by a group Super specialisation Great expertise in a limited field or a particular subject Encyclopaedic knowledge Having knowledge of a wide variety of subjects PDFmyURL converts web pages and even full websites to PDF easily and quickly.

  6. Awe -inspiring Something that causes feelings of respect and wonder In this age Nowadays ,in these times B. Use these phrases in sentences of your own, after finding out their meanings. 1. broke apart           2. streaked over          3. spread across 4. lifted off                 5. blast off                   6. went on 7. cheered along       8. on board                 9. carry on Ans :  1. Broke apart: The old wooden chair finally broke apart after years of use. 2. Streaked over: A shooting star streaked over the night sky, leaving a brief trail of light. 3. Spread across: Wildfires spread across the dry countryside, threatening nearby towns. 4. Lifted off: The helicopter lifted off from the hospital rooftop, carrying a critically injured patient. 5. Blast off: The excitement was electric as the spaceship blasted off towards the unknown. ?. Went on: The party went on well into the night, with music and laughter filling the air. 7. Cheered along: The crowd cheered along as the runners crossed the finish line. ?. On board: There were 200 passengers on board the airplane when it took off. 9. Carry on: Don’t let this setback discourage you. Carry on and try again! C. We add ‘un-‘ to make opposites. For example, true -untrue. Add ‘un’- to the words below to make their opposites. Then look up the meanings of the words you have formed in the dictionary. 1.identified                       2. Controlled                  3. attended 4. Successful                   5. Important                   6. educated 7. interesting. Ans :  1. Unidentified 2. Uncontrolled 3. Unattended PDFmyURL converts web pages and even full websites to PDF easily and quickly.

  7. 4. Unsuccessful 5. Unimportant ?. Uneducated 7. Uninteresting Poem – Beauty NCERT Solutions for Class 6th English poem 4 The poem “Beauty” from your 6th-grade science textbook likely focuses on the idea that beauty exists everywhere around us and can be experienced through different senses. Here’s a summary: Beauty All Around: The poem emphasizes that beauty isn’t just something we see, but also something we hear and feel. Nature’s Beauty: It describes the beauty of nature, mentioning sights like growing corn and sounds like the wind rustling through leaves. Human Connection: The poem highlights the beauty found in human activities, like people working or dancing together. This adds a sense of community and connection. Sounds of the World: The falling rain and a singer’s chant are mentioned as examples of beautiful sounds that can evoke emotions. Beyond the Obvious: The poem might hint at the idea that beauty can be found in unexpected places, reminding us to appreciate the world around us. Science Connection: While the poem itself might not be directly related to the scientific curriculum, it can be used to introduce the concept of observation and appreciating the natural world. By opening our eyes and ears to the beauty around us, we can become more curious and engaged learners. PDFmyURL converts web pages and even full websites to PDF easily and quickly.

  8. WORKING WITH THE POEM 1. The poet says, “Beauty is heard in …” Can you hear beauty? Add a sound that you think is beautiful to the sounds the poet thinks are beautiful. The poet, Keats, said: Heard melodies are sweet, But those unheard are sweeter. What do you think this means? Have you ever heard’ a song in your head, long after the song was sung or played? Ans : Absolutely! Beauty can be heard in many ways, and I can definitely understand the concept. Sounds of Beauty: The poet, John Keats, mentions beautiful melodies, but there are many other sounds that can be equally captivating: The gentle rhythm of raindrops pattering on a window. The melodic chirping of birds at dawn. The calming whoosh of waves lapping on the shore. The crackling fire burning in a fireplace on a cold night. (This is a common addition people make to Keats’ list) Unheard Melodies: PDFmyURL converts web pages and even full websites to PDF easily and quickly.

  9. Keats’ line “But those unheard are sweeter” refers to the power of imagination. Sometimes, the melodies we create in our minds can be even more beautiful than those we hear in the real world. Everlasting Songs: Absolutely! You’ve perfectly described the experience of having a song stuck in your head. It’s a melody you’ve heard before, but your mind keeps replaying it, creating its own version that can sometimes feel even more vivid than the original. 2. Read the first and second stanzas of the poem again. Note the following phrases. corn growing, people working or dancing, wind rain falling, a singer chanting These could be written as corn that is growing People who are working or dancing Can you rewrite the other phrases like this? Why do you think the poet uses the shorter phrases? Ans :  the wind the rain falling a singer who is chanting Reasons for Shorter Phrases: Flow and Rhythm: Shorter phrases create a more rhythmic and flowing feel to the poem. It helps the words move more naturally, especially when read aloud. Focus on Action and Description: Using the present participle (“growing,” “working,” “dancing,” “falling,” “chanting”) emphasizes the ongoing actions and descriptions. It creates a sense of immediacy and paints a vivid picture in the reader’s mind. Simplicity and Directness: The shorter phrases add a touch of simplicity and directness to the language. It allows the beauty of the natural world and human activities to shine through without unnecessary embellishment. 4. Write a paragraph about beauty. Use your own ideas along with the ideas in the poem. Ans : Beauty isn’t confined to what we see. The world thrums with a symphony of sights and sounds that can awaken a sense of wonder. We can find beauty in the vibrant green of corn bursting from the earth, a testament to nature’s silent labor. It can reside in the joyous energy of people twirling and laughing, celebrating life through movement. Even the wind, an invisible force, PDFmyURL converts web pages and even full websites to PDF easily and quickly.

  10. carries a whisper of beauty, rustling through leaves and brushing against our skin. The pitter-patter of rain falling can be a soothing melody, while a singer’s powerful chant can stir emotions with its raw, unadorned beauty. Keats reminds us that sometimes, the most profound beauty lies not in what we perceive directly, but in the echoes that linger in our imagination, the melodies we create within ourselves. Beauty is a tapestry woven from these diverse threads, a reminder to open our senses and hearts to the wonder that surrounds us. FAQ’S What is the title of the English textbook for NCERT Class 6? The name of the NCERT Class 6 English textbook is “Honeysuckle.” Who was the Indian-American woman in space featured in the solution? The Indian-American woman in space featured in the solution was Kalpana Chawla. What lesson does the poem “Beauty” impart? The poem “Beauty” teaches us that true beauty lies not in physical appearance but in qualities like kindness, compassion, and inner strength. What is the essence of the poem “Beauty”? The essence of the poem “Beauty” lies in its message that true beauty is not defined by outward appearance but by inner qualities such as kindness, compassion, and strength of character. Is Kalpana Chawla an Indian-American woman? Yes, Kalpana Chawla was an Indian-American woman. - Advertisement - education85.com http://education85.com      Facebook Twitter Pinterest WhatsApp Share PDFmyURL converts web pages and even full websites to PDF easily and quickly.

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