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Shalea Bridges

All about me

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Shalea Bridges

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Shalea Bridges Tet 200

  2. Personal So, you want to know more about me. I’m from a small town in Minnsota named St. James. I have 2 brothers and 1 sister who range from the age of 21 to 17. I’m an English Education major with minors in Psychology and Speech.

  3. Family As you can see I have a very diverse family. I come from a biracial family, which I love. As I was growing up, it was difficult to explain to my classmates that my parents were different races. I always believed that everybody’s family was this way. But this is how my family is and I love it and wouldn’t change it for the world. I tell people, I’m just the best of both worlds. Also in late January, my family will be adding another member to the family after my cousin gives birth to her son or daughter, who will also be biracial.

  4. Hobbies When I was in high school I was involved in a lot of activities including theatre, band, choir, and basketball. Now that I’m not in high school I am not as active, but I am involved with one school sponsored activity: Strollers.

  5. Fun Fact 1 I have lived in St. James, Minnesota for my whole life. I was born at the St. James Memorial Hospital on December 31, 1989. (No, not at 11:59 PM either). I have even lived at the same address since I came home from the hospital.

  6. Fun Fact 2 When I was a junior in high school, I was dead set on becoming a journalist. I had even had the opportunity to be a student intern for St. James’ local newspaper the Plaindealer. When I had brought this idea up to my older brother, he was the one who recommended the University of South Dakota to me for two reasons. One he knew it was a good journalism school, where I’d get a good education and two, two of journalism’s most profound hereos attended the University of South Dakota, Tom Brokkaw and Al Neuharth. Picture from http://www.collegefinancialaidguide.com/pictures/University%20of%20South%20Dakota/collegecampus.jpg

  7. Fun Fact 3 Two of my friends from back home were born in a different country. My friends Sara and her cousin Diana were born and lived the first few years of their lives in El Salvador. Every so many years they travel to El Salvador to see their family.

  8. Fun Fact 4 Within the last year, my respect and adoration for anyone who joins the National Guard, Army, Air Force, or Navy has grown. Not only have I had family members who have served in one of these branches, but I have four friends currently serving in Kuwait.

  9. Professional Goals My professional goals may seem to some as very ideal and not possible, but I believe that where there is a will, there is a way. Currently I am taking American Sign Language and Spanish so that I am able to communicate effectively with students who maybe in my class who can not speak English fluently or who are deaf. I also want to be able to allow students to be creative in my classroom and to feel as if they can say and write what they feel, within reason. I also want to be able to teach in other states other than South Dakota and Minnesota. I want to teach in New Jersey, Massachusetts, and maybe even New York. The sky’s the limit when you dream.

  10. Where I want to be in 10 years Where I want to be in 10 years is hopefully to have my master’s degree and to be teaching English, Psychology, and Speech in a public high school in Boston, Massachusetts. I’ve always dreamt of living in Boston since I was little and hopefully can make that dream come true. I want to be married and have a family of 3, possibly 4 children who I can nurture and spend time with outside of my working life. There’s nothing fancy I want in the next 10 years. I’m a very simplistic individual and only want the simple things in life. A promising career, a family, and a life of happiness.

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