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Silk Rug Repair & Restoration NYC

Address: 1345 6th Ave New York, NY 10105<br>Phone: 646-491-6553<br>Website:<br>https://abcrugrestoration.com/silk-rug-care/<br><br>

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Silk Rug Repair & Restoration NYC

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  1. Silk Rug Repair & RestorationNYC Contact: Address: 1345 6th Ave New York, NY 10105 Phone:646-491-6553 Website: https://abcrugrestoration.com/silk-rug-care/ AboutUS: Silk rug Care. Silk rugs come in a dazzling array of colors and patterns. Their varied weaves add a touch of drama to a room. We offer you highly-skilled rug cleaning, repair and restoration services in NY – including the best care possible for beautiful Silk rugs. We provide prompt, reliable and affordable cleaning servicesto thousands of our neighbors andfriends. Our knowledge and experience is unique. Our rug specialists have the ability to safely clean, repair and restore all kinds of rugs – Silk, Persian, Oriental, Chinese, Native American, hand-and-machine-made – We do them all and many more. We’re experts in natural fibers such as silk, cotton and wool. We also know provide the finest care possible to synthetic materials such aspolyester. Harsh cleaning methods can damage your precious rug further, so it is crucial to choose a rug cleaning company that specializes in restoring silk rugs, and understands the necessary treatments needed to restore your rug, whilst treating it withcare. Safavieh Rug Restorationhave restored and repaired many silk rugs in the New York, and we understand that each rug is unique and must be restored in a unique way. With Safavieh Rug Restoration you can be sure that your silk rug is in goodhands RelatedSearches rug cleaning near me | carpet cleaning near me | best rug & carpet cleaner | house carpet & rug cleaning | oriental rug cleaning | wool rug cleaning | antique rugcleaning | silk rug cleaning | persian rug cleaning | area rug cleaning | oriental rug repair & restoration | wool rug cleaning repair & restoration | antique rug cleaning repair & restoration | silk rug cleaning repair & restoration | persian rug cleaning repair & restoration | area rug cleaning repair & restoration | Rug Repair NYC | Rug Restoration NYC | Rug Cleaning NYC | Carpet Restoration NYC | Rug Dry Cleaning|

  2. Oriental Rug Repair | commercial carpet & rug cleaner | office carpet & rug cleaning | Green Carpet & Rug Cleaning | shag rug cleaning | Deep Carpet Cleaning | Professional Carpet & Rug Cleaning | rug cleaning | rug repair & restoration |Midtown | Manhattan | NYC |NY. NearbyLocations: Rikers Island | Queens | Manhattan | The Bronx |Brooklyn 11370 | 11365 | 10026 | 10453 |11223 Additional Details: Hours: 24hours Payment: Cash, Check, AllCc SocialProfiles: https://www.facebook.com/Silk-Rug-Repair-Restoration-NYC-2229517210631926/ https://twitter.com/RugSilk https://www.instagram.com/silkcleaning/ https://www.pinterest.com/cleaningrepairlocal/ GMBListing: https://goo.gl/maps/2EtuNmbQbdZb2Vos6 GoogleMap https://www.google.com/maps/d/viewer?mid=1fzo_7Gr7zGflTE05LmWWc8r7sWUDUyib&ll=4 0.762989%2C-73.97906699999999&z=17

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