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A Summary of Chesapeake Bay Observations Compiled for the Chesapeake Bay Observing System Steering Committee Meeting on November 10 th , 2005 NWS WFO Wakefield, Wakefield, VA. www.cbos.org. NOAA National Weather Service. www.nws.noaa.gov. Air temperature (Celsius)

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  1. A Summary of Chesapeake Bay ObservationsCompiled for the Chesapeake Bay Observing System Steering Committee Meeting on November 10th, 2005NWS WFO Wakefield, Wakefield, VA

  2. www.cbos.org

  3. NOAA National Weather Service www.nws.noaa.gov

  4. Air temperature (Celsius) Sea surface temperature (Celsius) Dewpoint temperature taken at the same height as the air temperature measurement. Sea level pressure (hPa) Wind speed (m/s) Wind direction Peak 5 or 8 second gust speed (m/s) Significant wave height (meters) Average wave period (seconds) Dominant wave period (seconds) Mean wave direction corresponding to energy of the dominant period (DOMPD). Station visibility (statute miles) Pressure Tendency Water level (in feet above or below Mean Lower Low Water (MLLW)) National Data Buoy Center http://www.ndbc.noaa.gov/Maps/Chesapeake_Bay.shtml

  5. NDBC Buoy Parametershttp://www.ndbc.noaa.gov/Maps/Chesapeake_Bay.shtml • Air temperature (Celsius) • Sea surface temperature (Celsius) • Dewpoint temperature taken at the same height as the air temperature measurement. • Sea level pressure (hPa) • Wind speed (m/s) • Wind direction • Peak 5 or 8 second gust speed (m/s) • Significant wave height (meters) • Average wave period (seconds) • Dominant wave period (seconds) • Mean wave direction corresponding to energy of the dominant period (DOMPD). • Station visibility (statute miles) • Pressure Tendency • Water level (in feet above or below Mean Lower Low Water (MLLW)) NDBC moored buoy C-MAN buoy NOS station Chesapeake Biological Station

  6. NOAA Physical Oceanography Real-Time System (PORTS)

  7. Rappahannock Shoal LBB “60” Composite Real-time Plot

  8. http://va.water.usgs.gov/chesbay/RIMP/index.html

  9. Maryland DNR - Eyes on the Bay www.eyesonthebay.net

  10. Chesapeake Bay Program Water Quality Monitoring http://www.chesapeakebay.net/

  11. temperature (WTEMP) dissolved oxygen (DO) conductivity (COND) salinity (SALINITY) ph (pH) secchi depth (SECCHI) chlorophyll a (CHLA) pheophytin (PHEO) silica, whole and filtered (SIW, SIF) total suspended solids (TSS) total phosphorus (TP) total dissolved phosphorus (TDP) particulate phosphorus (PP) orthophosphate whole and filtered (PO4W, PO4F) total dissolved nitrogen (TDN) total Kjeldahl nitrogen whole and filtered (TKNW, TKNF) nitrite plus nitrate whole and filtered (NO23W, NO23F) nitrite whole and filtered (NO2W, NO2F) nitrate whole and filtered (NO3W, NO3F) ammonium whole and filtered (NH4W, NH4F) particulate organic nitrogen (PN) total organic carbon (TOC) dissolved organic carbon (DOC) particulate organic carbon (POC). Chesapeake Bay ProgramMD and VA Water Quality Monitoring Stations(Sampling is nominally 2x per month in summer; monthly the rest of the year.)

  12. 2003 Chesapeake Bay Segmentation http://www.chesapeakebay.net/ pubs/maps/2004-144.pdf

  13. Chesapeake Bay Water Quality - Current Conditions in the Main Bay Surf the clickable map to see current water quality conditions (salinity, water temperature, Secchi depth and dissolved oxygen) at representative stations, or click on the names below: Susquehanna RiverGunpowder NeckBay BridgeChoptankPotomacRappahannockYorkBay Bridge Tunnel http://www.chesapeakebay.net/status/WQcrntcond.cfm?subjectarea=TIDAL

  14. Animated Bay-wide Interpolated Data Maps http://www.chesapeakebay.net/status/map-tidal1.cfm?SUBJECTAREA=TIDAL#tidal

  15. CBNERRShttp://www.vims.edu/cbnerr/index.htm

  16. http://www.vims.edu/realtime/

  17. Old Dominion UniversityCenter for Coastal Physical Oceanography Chesapeake Bay Mouth Survey • Temperature, salinity, density, clarity, flourescence, oxygen • Monthly cruises, since 1992 • http://www.ccpo.odu.edu/~jay/cheshome.html

  18. CHESAPEAKE BAY REMOTE SENSING Maryland DNR – www.eyesonthebay.net

  19. Chesapeake Bay Remote Sensing Program http://www.cbrsp.org/tributary_images.htm

  20. http://marine.rutgers.edu/cool/sat_data/?nothumbs=0&product=sst&region=chesshttp://marine.rutgers.edu/cool/sat_data/?nothumbs=0&product=sst&region=chess Real-time, presently collected and archived

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