1. Activate Document Splitting SAP Best Practices
3. Required SAP Applications and Company Roles Required
Enhancement package 5 for SAP ERP 6.0
Company Roles
Finance Manager
General Ledger Accountant
Special Requirement of Activating Document Split
The document split has to be activated in a certain installation sequence.
Install choosen scope of SAP Best Practices
Activate document splitting
Install other building blocks which require the document split (e.g. Baseline: Cost of Sales Accounting scenario and Segment Reporting scenario).
4. Detailed Process Description Activate Document Splitting
The document splitting is a feature in the new general ledger accounting which does not lead to own processes or separate scenarios. SAP Best Practices provides an example how to check the segment and profit center assignment in general ledger documents.
5. Process Flow Diagram Activate Document Splitting
6. Legend