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Orita rites of passage for youth in the African diaspora

Orita rites of passage for youth in the African diaspora. Marilyn Maye, Ed. D. Warren Maye, M. A. Orita rites of passage for youth in the African diaspora. A strategy for valuing our children A strategy for positive youth development A program of supplementary education

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Orita rites of passage for youth in the African diaspora

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  1. Orita rites of passage for youth in the African diaspora Marilyn Maye, Ed. D. Warren Maye, M. A. FaithWorks

  2. Orita rites of passage for youth in the African diaspora • A strategy for valuing our children • A strategy for positive youth development • A program of supplementary education • A strategy that helps youth acquire different types of capital that they need for success • A strategy that’s biblically based FaithWorks

  3. “… where there is no vision, the people perish…” FaithWorks

  4. Why do so many young people fail to achieve their potential? …because not everyone brings to school /college the same types of “capital” [Bourdieu(1986), Gordon (1989)] Although they may attend the same schools, students from different communities may perform differently according to the types of capital they bring to school. FaithWorks

  5. Humancapital – Social capital – Health capital – adults in children’s lives who know a lot about and function skillfully in American life. (e.g. classroom teachers, parents, community members, etc. ) networks of people who take a strong interest in children’s academic success and try to motivate them to work hard in school; friends who are academically oriented. physical and mental health that support, not undermine, prospects for academic success Ensuring they reach their potential FaithWorks

  6. Financial capital savings and income that can buy health care, buy homes in communities with good public schools, or pay for supplementary education services such as tutoring. Ensuring they reach their potential FaithWorks

  7. Cultural capital – Educational capital – Personal capital – being familiar with the best of the collective knowledge, techniques and beliefs of their culture having supports for appropriate educational experiences in children’s homes, schools and communities belief in your own power to be successful in school and life Ensuring they reach their potential FaithWorks

  8. Reaching their potentialYour son or daughter can succeed in school, college, and adulthood - if (s)he can acquire and maintain: • Faith in the possibility of a successful future • Resiliency in the face of academic and social challenges and setbacks • Strong motivation to master his/her studies • Spiritual and cultural moorings • Emotional and physical health FaithWorks

  9. A Partnership • Your church family can help support you and your child, by providing some of the kinds of capital he or she needs to be successful in school, college, & adulthood. • The process will work best if there is a partnership between parent, student, and church FaithWorks

  10. Church – parent partnership Is your church committed to supporting you and your child in key ways? • Spiritual growth and development • Academic support • Supplementary education – rites of passage • College prep timeline and coaching FaithWorks

  11. Between ages 7 to 11 - Prevention programs OR From ages 12 and up - Intervention programs Challenges to our family-church partnership: • Street gangs • pregnancy • prison • drug, alcohol abuse • sexual promiscuity • compulsive behaviors FaithWorks

  12. Orita: rites of passage for youth of African descent by Marilyn and Warren L. Maye FaithWorks

  13. Vision Statement • Orita is an opportunity to make an even better life for our youth than we have experienced. • The Orita process helps prepare participants so that their lives will make a difference in the world. • Orita provides a positive conversation, an alternative to the negative one they often engage in and hear about themselves. FaithWorks

  14. Objectives • Create a course of study, designed and led by parents and guardians, to make youth aware of the responsibilities of adulthood and expose them to their religious and family heritage. • Conclude with a final recognition ceremony that formally acknowledges them before a community. FaithWorks

  15. Orita program components • Launch • Study • Physical Challenge • Honor • Celebrate FaithWorks

  16. Seven principles of Kwanzaa provide a unifying theme and are supported by research and by Scripture • unity of family • self determination • collective work, responsibility • cooperative economics • sense of purpose • creativity • faith FaithWorks

  17. Implementation in your setting • Phase 1: Create the vision • Phase 2: Plan strategy • Phase 3: develop tasks • Phase 4: execute and monitor • Phase 5: Finish FaithWorks

  18. Contact us at www.oritaritesofpassage.org Or By email at orita1@aol.com FaithWorks

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