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The Poisson log-bilinear Lee Carter model: Efficient bootstrap in life annuity actuarial analysis. Valeria D’Amato 1 , Emilia Di Lorenzo 2 , Steven Haberman 3 , Maria Russolillo 1 , Marilena Sibillo 1 1 Department of Economics and Statistics - University of Salerno, Italy
The Poisson log-bilinear Lee Carter model:Efficient bootstrap in life annuity actuarial analysis Valeria D’Amato1, Emilia Di Lorenzo2, Steven Haberman3, Maria Russolillo1, Marilena Sibillo1 1Department of Economics and Statistics - University of Salerno, Italy via Ponte Don Melillo, campus universitario (e-mail: vdamato@unisa.it, mrussolillo@unisa.it, msibillo@unisa.it) 2Department of Mathematics and Statistics -University of Naples Federico II, Italy via Cintia, Complesso Monte S. Angelo (e-mail:diloremi@unina.it) 3Faculty of Actuarial Science and Statistics, Cass Business School, City University, Bunhill Row London – UK - e-mail: s.haberman@city.ac.uk
Agenda The Aim The Funding Ratio The Poisson Lee Carter model The Simulation Approach Numerical Applications
The Aim • In the context of the stochastic interest rates, we investigate the impact of mortality projection refined methodologies on the insurance business financial situation.
The Aim We identify the actual contribution of the considered refined methodologies in constructing the survival probabilities in actuarial entities that can be immediately interpreted and used for risk management and solvency assessment purposes.
The Funding Ratio Let us consider a portfolio of identical policies, with benefits due in the case of survival to persons belonging to an initial group of c individuals aged x: - w(t,j) is the value at time t of one monetary unit due at time j - Xj and Yj are the stochastic cash flow respectively of assets coming into the portfolio and liabilities going out of it
The Funding Ratio indicating by Ft the funding ratio at time t. The funding ratio of the portfolio at time t is expressed by the ratio between At, the market value of the projected assets and Lt, the market value of the projected liabilities, both referred to the considered portfolio and valued at time t.
The Funding Ratio In particular, we have: where
The Poisson Lee Carter Model Because the number of deaths is a counting random variable,the Poisson assumption appears to be plausible: being exposures to the risk of death at age x, the central mortality rate for age x at time t .
The Poisson Lee Carter Model The parameters are subjected to the following constraints:
The Poisson Lee Carter Model The force of mortality is thus assumed to have the log-bilinear form:
The Simulation Approach Different simulation strategies have been applied in the log-bilinear Poisson setting: connected to the Monte Carlo approach and to the Bootstrap procedures.
The Simulation Approach We consider the bootstrap simulation approach allowing for the measurement of the mortality projections uncertainty.
The Simulation Approach The bootstrap procedure can be accomplished in different ways: • the semi parametric bootstrap from the Poisson distribution (Brouhns et al. 2005); • the semi parametric from the multinomial distribution (Brouhns et al. 2005),
The Simulation Approach The bootstrap procedure can be accomplished in different ways: • the residual bootstrap proposed by Koissi et al (2006); • the variant of the latter illustrated in Renshaw and Haberman (2008).
The Simulation Approach We resort to the bootstrap simulation approach: - the Standard Procedure - the Stratified Sampling Boostrap.
The Simulation Approach As regards the Stratified Sampling Bootstrap, we propose our bootstrap simulation approach. In particular, we intend to make efficient the bootstrap procedure by using a specific Variance Reducing Technique (VRT), the so-called stratified sampling.
The Simulation Approach The Stratified Sampling Procedure combines the stratified sampling technique together with standard Bootstrap on the Poisson Lee Carter model.
The Simulation Approach In a typical scenario for a simulation study, one is interested in determinig , a parameter connected with some stochastic model. To estimate , the model is simulated to obtain, among other things, the output X which is such that
The Simulation Approach Repeated simulation runs, the i-th yielding the output variable , are performed. The simulation study is terminated when runs have been performed and the estimate of is given by . Because this results in an unbiased estimate of , it follows that its mean square error is equal to its variance. That is
The Simulation Approach If we can obtain a different unbiased estimate of having a smaller variance than does we would obtain an improved estimator.
The Simulation Approach In the Stratified Sampling technique, the whole region of interest is split into disjoint subsets, the so-called strata: is the number of the strata
The Variance Reduction Techniques In the proportional allocation we obtain samples proportional to the size of the stratum which comes out, so that: where is the size of the population stratum and sizeof the population
The Variance Reduction Techniques Within each stratum, B semi-parametric bootstrap samples are drawn as in the efficient algorithm (D’Amato et al. 2009c) and the sample mean obtained after the stratified sampling is calculated as:
The Simulation Approach Its variance is given by:
The Simulation Approach To quote the efficiency gain of the Stratified Sampling Bootstrap (SSB) in respect to the Standard Procedure (SP), we have resorted to the following index:
The Simulation Approach We can observe the improvement in the efficiency due to the greater reduction of the SSB variance. Apparent small differences in the efficiency index can lead to significantly accurate mortality projections.
The Numerical Applications The Funding Ratio is calculated in the closed form presented above in formula (1).
The Numerical Applications We consider the case of c=1000 contracts issued at age x=35 with anticipated premiums payed during the accumulation period, extended from the issue time to age 65, and anticipated instalments R=100 payed from age 65 till the insured is living.
The Numerical Applications Demographic scenario: Lee Carter model applied to the Italian male population death rates (1950-2006) Iterative Procedure Standard Procedure Stratified Sampling Bootstrap Procedure
The Numerical Applications Financial scenario: HJM
The Numerical Applications In this framework, for the specific age at issue x=30, the funding ratio has been calculated at five different times of valuation t=5, 20, 35, 40, 45.
The Numerical Applications Table 1. Premium amounts: x=30, Poisson Lee Carter, fixed rate 4%.
The Numerical Applications Table 2. Funding Ratio: x=30, Poisson Lee Carter, interest rates HJM, t=5, 20, 35, 40, 45
The Numerical Applications Funding ratio, insured aged x=30 2 1,8 1,6 1,4 Iterative Procedure 1,2 1 Standard 0,8 0,6 0,4 Stratified Sampling 0,2 Bootstrap 0 5 20 35 40 45 valuation time,t Figure 1. Funding Ratio: x=30, Poisson Lee Carter with three different forecasting method, t=5, 20, 35, 40, 45
The Numerical Applications Table 3. % change in funding ratio at time t relative to the standard survival assumption
The Numerical Applications Figure 2. Asset at valuation time t=35, Poisson Lee Carter with three different forecasting method
The Numerical Applications Figure 3. Liabilities at valuation time t=35, Poisson Lee Carter with three different forecasting method
The Numerical Applications Table 4. Projection risk in the case of probabilities 0.6, 0.3 and 0.1 to choose respectivelythe Stratified Sampling Bootstrap, the Iterative Procedure and the Standard Procedure.
Concluding Remarks • The funding ratio indicates the degree to which the pension liabilities are covered by the assets, measuring the relative size of pension assets compared to pension liabilities.
Concluding Remarks • If the funding ratio is greater than 100%, then the pension fund is overfunded, otherwise it is underfunded or exactly fully funded if it is respectively less than or equal to 100%.
Concluding Remarks • It follows that managing the pension funding ratio constitutes one of the insurance company’s main goals.
Further Research Further developments of the research could be • Combining the Bootstrap on the Poisson LC with other variance reduction technique, in order to derive more reliable confidence intervals for mortality projections. • Quantifying the impact on actuarial measure
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