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What all Businesses Need to Know about Alexa’s Skills

Alexa has come a long way and the scenario has changed the day Amazon declared Alexa’s skills into office use to improve efficiency and convenience. Since then, we are witnessing a rush. This article talks about some factors which will help you to determine whether Amazon Alexa is good for your business or not.

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What all Businesses Need to Know about Alexa’s Skills

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  1. Call :+91-020-26434646visit : www.sphinx-solution.com What all Businesses Need to Know about Alexa’s Skills Alexa has come a long way and the scenario has changed the day Amazon declared Alexa’s skills into office use to improve efficiency and convenience. Since then, we are witnessing a rush. This article talks about some factors which will help you to determine whether Amazon Alexa is good for your business or not. Initially, the devices like Amazon Echo, Echo Plus, Echo Dot or Tap were largely focused on home use. Though they had the capability to support office work, still they were not that cunning. The race of Artificial Intelligence is even making laptop companies to implement virtual assistant. Amazon is constantly adding new features to Alexa so that she can fit any office space. The ‘shared device’ feature allows easy connectivity in the workplace removing the major hassle of the corporate. According to Amazon, Alexa can perform the major corporate tasks in half the time. How does it work? Amazon has divided Alexa for business into two categories- shared and personal devices. Shared device can be placed in public locations and can be used by all employees. Make it accessible for all so that your staff can use to finish general tasks.

  2. The personal device comes with ‘enrolled user” option so that Alexa can work as a personal voice assistant to individual workers. The personal user can link their at-home Alexa account to experience the home-office as well. Price Amazon’s devices price range from $29.99 to $229.99 plus a monthly fee of $7 per shared device and $3 per enrolled user. Enrolled users are employees who will use personal devices at work and you don’t need to personally add everyone to use the shared devices. Is it for your business? Amazon devices offer different integrations with third-party apps to make any business run efficiently. Well, now it is also easy to develop your own Alexa skills and use it for business APIs. Once integrated with Alexa, you can privately control for internal business use. No doubt that Alexa skill can boost the productivity of small, medium and large size businesses. From taking care of the content marketing to managing customer support, the skills are incorporated to gain the best results. There is a lot of debate regarding whether it is right or wrong for business. What we suggest, you need to find what skill will be perfect for your business. The best-identified skill can truly make changes. We are specialized in developing Alexa Skills that can handle any type of request. Do not let your business disappear into the crowd; bring it to the forefront with productive Amazon Alexa Skills. Our experienced team can guide to find the best Alexa skills for your business. ‘Contact US’ for a brief walk-through.

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