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Authentic Eclectic Millennial Interiors

Millennials optimize even the smallest of spaces and storage is the key. Old trunk chests repurposed into coffee tables or chai tables have more than one use and take up less space. Use them to store your extra pillows or magazines or blankets. Reclaimed Antique doors from Havelis in India used as wall sculptures express individuality and uniqueness as well as provide grounding energies. End Tables and chests created from old windows with brass work, bookcases using arched door frames and eclectic carvings, the old woods and rustic patina give the old farmhouse character.<br><br>Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/9777462<br><br><br>https://www.mogulinterior.com/antique-armoires.html<br><br>https://www.mogulinterior.com/antique-doors.html

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Authentic Eclectic Millennial Interiors

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