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Crime. Today Crime versus Deviance Causes of crime (functionalism, symbolic interactionism, conflict theory) Juvenile Delinquency Solutions Turn in your survey questions assignment from last week at the end of class. Crime vs. Deviance. Deviance.
Crime Today Crime versus Deviance Causes of crime (functionalism, symbolic interactionism, conflict theory) Juvenile Delinquency Solutions Turn in your survey questions assignment from last week at the end of class
Deviance • A deviant act is any act that that violates the norms of the society you live in • This may or may not necessarily be a criminal act in the society where you live • EX: cutting in line at the bank is deviant • EX: robbing the bank is deviant and criminal
How do we get info about crime? • Official statistics • Victimization surveys • Self-report offender surveys
Problems With Official Statistics • Many crimes are not reported. • Some reported crimes are not recorded by police. • Some rates may be exaggerated.
What causes criminal behavior? • Biological theories • Psychological theories • Sociological theories
What causes criminal behaviorSociological theories Structural Functionalism 1. Strain theory 2. Crime can be functional Symbolic Interactionism 3. Control theory 4. Labeling theory 5. Deterrence theory 6. Differential Association 7. Conflict Perspective
Structural FunctionalismRobert Merton Strain Theory/Theory of Anomie • Strain theory: when people believe a goal is important • but do not have legitimate means to attain it • they experience strain • state of anomie-a sense of normlessness • Merton created a list of the modes of adaptation to a state of anomie
Robert Merton Strain Theory/Theory of Anomie Cultural goal = goal that most people in society feel is important Institutionalized means = legitimate way of attaining the goal financial success go to college and apply for a high paying job work hard to perfect your talent and receive a high pay for it Society’s Goals: ___ Society’s Way: ___
Merton- Strain Theory Society’s Goals: yes Society’s Way: no 1.Innovation-accept the cultural goal but reject the institutional means of attaining it Example: Drug Dealer seeking financial success but not following norms of society to achieve the success
Merton- Strain Theory Society’s Goals: no Society’s Way: yes 2.Ritualism-does not buy into the goals of society but follows the routines Example:an apathetic high school student who goes through the motion of going to classes but has no desire to go to college and get a high paying job
Merton- Strain Theory 3.Retreatism- individuals have rejected both the goals of culture and retreated from society Society’s Goals: no Society’s Way: no Example: drug addict • divorce themselves from society • do not seek the goals or rewards of society • only seek access to the drug they are addicted to • willing to break the law to obtain those drugs
Merton –Strain Theory 4. Rebellion-rejecting the values and institutions of one’s culture and substituting them for a new set of values. Society’s Goals: no, makes own goals Society’s Way: maybe Example: Animal rights activist A woman rejecting the goal of attaining financial success and deciding to focus on animal rights instead
Merton- Strain TheoryThose who don’t feel strain/anomie conform: 5. Conformity-individuals who accept the cultural goals of society as well as the institutionalized means of attaining these goals. Society’s Goals: yes Society’s Way: yes Example: Business owner. Believes in the goals of personal financial achievement, studies business administration in college, earns an M.B.A and then begins their own online company
Other structural functionalist viewpoints Crime is functional for society • Strengthens group cohesion:people develop solidarity when they come together to express outrage over a criminal violation. • Punishment reiterates boundaries of what is considered right or wrong • May be a catalyst for social change
Structural functionalist Review emphasize how deviants are products of society • Deviance occurs because the structure of society makes it impossible for some people to achieve success in legitimate ways
Symbolic Interactionism Control theory • A strong social bond between individuals and society keeps most individuals from violating social norms.
Can you match the labels to the photograph? librarian sex offender lawyer teacher surgeon student CEO 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
CEO librarian teacher sex offender lawyer surgeon student
Labeling Theory Society creates deviants by labeling those who have been apprehended as different • Self-fulfilling prophecy • Example: “Spurters”
Other symbolic interactionistviewsDifferential Association Theory Interaction with others teaches individuals: • values and attitudes associated with crime • techniques and motivations for criminal behavior Some say the interaction can be virtual (through video games, movies, music) What do you think? Can video games or violence in movies increase criminal behavior?
Differential association theory argue that certain groups or subcultures in society have criminal acts woven into the texture of life
Deterrence Theory People commit crimes if the perceived consequences do not outweigh the potential benefit Example: Cheating Plagiarism
Symbolic Interactionism Review emphasizes the importance of labels, group influence, and consequences Deviance is learned through the groups we interact with and the labels we acquire Choice is based on cost/benefit assessment
Conflict theory emphasizes how the criminal justice system is controlled by a small group of people who have power • Sees the law as an instrument of oppression • The law punishes the working class because they have the potential to rebel and overthrow the current social order
Black men in the United States are 6.6 times more likely than white men to be incarcerated. More than 10% of all Black males ages 25 to 39 were in prison or jail as of June 30, 2008. (Humanrightswatch.org April 09) Latino
Whites, Latinos, and Blacks arrested for Marijuana Possession in New York City Marijuana use among races in the United States The National Household Survey on Drug Abuse Source: NHSDA 2000 http://www.oas.samhsa.gov/2k2/YouthMJuse/YouthMJuse.htm
White Collar Crime Crimes committed in course of employment • Occupational - individuals commit crimes in the course of their employment. • Corporate - corporations violate law to maximize profit.
Corporate Crime a form of white-collar crime In 2002, Firestone executives let faulty tires remain on U.S. vehicles, even though they were recalling the tires in Saudi Arabia and Venezuela. More than 200 Americans died from accidents Firestone- manufacturing defective tires, Ford- equipping vehicles with tires that were too small No Firestone or Ford Executive went to jail (Henslin, 2006)
Corporate Crime a form of white-collar crime Hughes Electronics Boeing Satellite Systems 2003, two leading U.S. aerospace companies, were accused of illegally exporting missile technology to China. The technology allowed China to improve its delivery system for nuclear weapons, therefore placing the United States at risk. The two companies pled guilty and paid fines. No executives from Hughes or Boeing went to jail. (Henslin, 2006)
Conflict Theory Review • Social inequality leads to crimes as a means of economic survival. • Those in power define what is criminal. • Law enforcement penalizes those without power (often racial minorities or those of lower socioeconomic status) and benefits those with power.
Real World Connections Read the crime/news incident ANSWER THE QUESTIONS WITH YOUR GROUP Which sociological explanation of deviance best explains the crime? Why?
5 Charged in Drug Ring Police Call Gang-Related A) Summarize the crime B) Which sociological explanation of deviance best explains the crime? Why?
Bronx Woman Arrested for Illegal Breast Enlargements A) Summarize the incident B) Which sociological explanation of deviance best explains the crime? Why?
LAPD Defends Officers Who Shot Man During Struggle A) Summarize the incident B) Which sociological explanation of deviance best explains the crime? Why?
Grand Jury Probes What Edwards Knew About Spending A) Summarize the incident B) Which sociological explanation of deviance best explains the crime? Why?
Parents of Dead Mexican Teenager Sue U.S. Government A) Summarize the incident B) Which sociological explanation of deviance best explains the crime? Why?
Juvenile Delinquency View: Juvenile Correction Facilities
Juvenile Delinquency When young people do not have what they need, what types of behaviors may they engage in? • Problem alcohol use • Problem drug use • Criminal acts • Violent acts • Missing school • Low grades in school • Unprotected sex • Teenage pregnancy
What do young people need in order to avoid these types of high risk behaviors?
Symbolic Interactionism Control theory • A strong social bond between individuals and society constrains some individuals from violating social norms. • Elements of the social bond: (a) Attachment to significant others (b) Commitment to conventional goals (c) Involvement in conventional activities (d) Belief in the moral standards of society
Symbolic Interactionism Control theory There are two control systems: 1. inner controls (conscience, morals, ideas of right and wrong) 2. outer controls (people – family, friends) that work against our tendencies to deviate. If one or more are missing people may commit crimes
Take the survey • Think back to when you were 8-15 years old • How many of the items listed were a part of your life? • Check all that applied. • Count how many you checked (you will not have to share this number with the class) • Star 3 items on External Assets page (regardless of if you had them or not) that you feel are most important in influencing a successful adult life.
40 Developmental Assets • Since its creation in 1990, Search Institute’s framework of Developmental Assets has become the most widely used approach to positive youth development in the United States. • Background—Grounded in extensive research in youth development, resiliency, and prevention, the 40 Developmental Assets represent the • relationships • opportunities • personal qualities • that young people need to avoid risks and to thrive.
40 Developmental Assets Fit into 2 categories 1. Internal Assets And 2. External Assets
40 Developmental Assets • The Power of Assets—Studies of more than 2.2 million young people in the United States consistently show that • the more assets young people have, the less likely they are to engage in a wide range of high-risk behaviors and the more likely they are to thrive. • Assets have power for all young people, regardless of their gender, economic status, family, or race/ethnicity. • Levels of assets are better predictors of high-risk involvement and thriving than poverty or being from a single-parent family. • The average young person experiences fewer than half of the 40 assets. • Boys experience three fewer assets than girls (17.2 assets for boys vs. 19.9 for girls).
Percentage of 6th- to 12th-Grade Youth Reporting Selected High-Risk Behavior Patterns by Level of Developmental Assets*
Providing Developmental Assets Developmental Assetsare basic building blocks of life that all kids need to succeed. Research with almost 3 million young people in North America shows that these assets play a powerful role in helping young people make positive choices, avoid high-risk behaviors, and thrive.
Possible Solutions QUICK WRITE 3 minutes: Which of the following proposed solutions do you think would be MOST or LEAST effective at reducing crime among youth and adults? Why? • Youth programs (boys and girls clubs, after-school activities, high quality pre-school) • Community programs (neighborhood watch) • Legislative action (increase gun control) • Reducing poverty (better education, on the job-training) • Alternatives to prison (probation, psychological treatment, house arrest, group therapy) • Prison reform (increase occupational training programs) • Parental responsibility laws (making parents responsible for delinquent behavior of their children) • Better law enforcement (strictly enforced curfews or focus on combating street gangs) • Juvenile boot camps (scared straight approach) • Parenting Training (parenting classes, resources, counseling) • Decriminalization of some laws for adults (drug use, gambling, prostitution)
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