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Interest Group Meeting on High Value Fruits Research [Congruent with CGIAR System Priority 3A] Nairobi, 6 June 2007. Objectives : Share key on-going research activities to identify knowledge gaps and research issues that are amenable to, and urgently require, collaborative research projects.
Interest Group Meeting on High Value Fruits Research[Congruent with CGIAR System Priority 3A]Nairobi, 6 June 2007 Objectives: Share key on-going research activities to identify knowledge gaps and research issues that are amenable to, and urgently require, collaborative research projects. 2. Prioritize researchable issues needing to be addressed to create viable fruit industries in developing countries (the goal to achieve the high-value crop vision). - input into CP pre-proposal development 3. Set up a mechanism(s) (interest group, network, website, etc.) to organize and manage fruit research -- e-discussions, research and policy workshops, conferences and forums, and other forms of knowledge exchange to promote fruit research. 4. Organize to pursue funding opportunities from various sources for joint research for development activities.
Expected Outputs • Improved understanding of what key partners are currently doing and comparative advantages identified. • Priority research areas amenable to joint research activities identified. • Teams established to develop proposals for funding from donors. • Idea notes for priority projects drafted. • Partner building mechanism(s) set up to organize and manage collaborative activities (interest group, network, website, etc.?).
Agenda8:30 Welcome by Tom Lumpkin8:45 Background and meeting purpose by Barry Shapiro9:00-9:15 Relevant CGIAR System Priorities, especially 3A by Dyno Keatinge 9:15-9:30 Fruit results from the Global Horticultural Assessment (Patrick Brown)9:30-12:00 Brainstorming session in plenary starting with sharing of "one" relevant research activity by each institutional partner (10 min each) focusing on its: - a major research gap to be filled - the relevance to CGIAR System Priorities - the critical need for new collaborative research - the potential for funding and funding strategy10:45-11:00 Coffee Break11:00-12:00 Brainstorm sharing continues in plenary12:00- 1:00 Lunch together1:00 - 2:30 Plenary prioritization of researchable issues into 5 top collaborative research projects and formation of project teams2:30 - 3:00 Coffee Break3:00 - 5:00 Project team drafting of idea notes for funding proposals5:00 - 6:00 Sharing of idea notes in plenary6:00 - 6:30 The way forward -- network organization, follow up (milestones, deadlines, etc) in plenary
Priority Research Themes (internal planning framework) • Systems Improvement and Diversification -- ICPM, water and nutrient management, environmental sustainability. • Post-harvest technologies – losses, creating value addition, (processing, product development, food technology). • Marketing and Policy – trade, linking poor farmers to markets, IPR, quality standards. • Biodiversity conservation and improvement – characterization, collection, selection/breeding, biotech. • Nutrition and health – enhancing diets, food safety (mycotoxins), nutritional quality Noted consistency with Horticulture Comprehensive Assessment, CG Science Priority 3A, and draft 3A Framework
Cross-cutting issues for research priorities • Focus on poor – ensuring they benefit from opportunities, poverty reduction (equity). • Ensuring Market – demand driven, strategy (niche, geographic focus, mix of indigenous and exotics, value addition), conducive policy environment. • Impact – scaling out/up strategy, short run (outputs) and long run (outcomes and impacts). • Gender • Knowledge sharing and capacity building – stakeholders (also entrepreneurs), institutions. • Funding opportunities and strategy
Need for a fruit-specific interest group? Uniqueness of fruit (versus vegetable) research issues • Perennial nature of most fruits. • Breeding opportunities and challenges (conservation of germplasm, propagation), as well as transfer of improved material. • Risk management – investment/return period, land tenure, climate change. • ICPM challenges – unique diseases/insects, care of trees. • Making sure the poor benefit –phytosanitary requirements, processing capacity and scale of investment and operations.
Way forward – mechanisms to promote partnership Mechanism(s) (community of practice, network, consortium) Outcome – Community of Practice • Objective – promote/share/facilitate knowledge sharing and partnership in fruit research. • Convened by Global Horticulture Initiative (GlobHort). • Mechanism – virtual sharing via partner list server, linking of partner websites, etc. • Outcome-oriented research theme and funding proposal development – convening institutions to be chosen after CP pre-proposal meeting.
Output achievement • Improved understanding of what key partners are currently doing. • Priority research areas amenable to joint research activities identified (internal planning framework) • Started to fill in impact pathways analysis framework (impacts, outcomes, outputs and activities) for internal planning and external marketing). • Idea notes for research projects to be drafted later depending on outcomes of CP pre-proposal meeting. • Research teams to be established to develop funding proposals later depending on outcomes of CP pre-proposal meeting. • Partnership promotion mechanism – Community of Practice.
Center investment in SP3A – What, Where and with Whom in the CGIAR1 1. All centers are collaborating with multiple NARES and ARI Partners in addition to the CGIAR, SWEPs and affiliated centers.
Center investment in SP3A – What, Where and with Whom in the CGIAR [Contd..] 1. All centers are collaborating with multiple NARES and ARI Partners in addition to theCGIAR, SWEPs and affiliated centres.
Key Center Specialization in Crops, Environments and Disciplines(Contd..)