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Chronicles of Narnia (1)

world of narnia

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Chronicles of Narnia (1)

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  1. The chronicles of Narnia The chronicles of Narnia

  2. Lion the witch and the wardrobe During World War II, the Pevensie children, Peter, Susan, Edmund and Lucy, are evacuated from a London suburb to Professor Digory Kirke's country home. Lucy discovers a wardrobe and enters Narnia. Seeing a lamppost, Lucy encounters a faun named Mr. Tumnus, who invites her to his home. He puts Lucy to sleep by playing a lullaby on his flute. When Lucy wakes up, Tumnus is grieving. He explains that Jadis, the White Witch, cursed Narnia to eternal winter 100 years ago. Any humans encountered are to be brought to her. Tumnus instead sends her home. When she returns to Professor Kirke's house, hardly any time has passed; and her siblings disbelieve her story. Edmund later follows Lucy into the wardrobe, entering Narnia. Searching for Lucy, he meets the White Witch, who claims to be queen. She offers him Turkish Delight and the prospect of becoming king if he brings his siblings to her castle. After she departs, Edmund and Lucy reunite. Lucy tells Peter and Susan what happened, but Edmund lies. Professor Kirke suggests she is telling the truth, though they remain unconvinced.

  3. End of the first story While fleeing the housekeeper after accidentally breaking a window, the four siblings retreat to the wardrobe and enter Narnia. They castigate Edmund for lying and force him to apologize to Lucy. They discover the Witch has taken Mr. Tumnus, and meet a couple of anthropomorphic beavers, who tell them about Aslan. According to the beavers, Aslan intends to take control of Narnia from the Witch. The four must help Aslan; as it has been prophesied that if two sons of Adam and two daughters of Eve sit on the four thrones, the White Witch's reign will end. Edmund sneaks off to visit the Witch. When he reaches her castle, she is furious he has not delivered his siblings. The Witch sends wolves to find the children and the beavers, who barely escape. Edmund is chained in the Witch's dungeon and meets Tumnus. The Witch demands Edmund reveal his siblings' location. After Tumnus claims that Edmund knows nothing, The Witch tells Mr. Tumnus that Edmund betrayed him, then turns Tumnus to stone. then the war begins and they win from the war and became kings and queens in Narnia

  4. Prince Caspian • This the second adventure of peter, Edmund ,lucy ,Susen after a year but a long time for Narnia. one day they were in the train station and suddenly they Appear from a Iceland and they realise it was Narnia and there castle  • Story of this is the king of the new Narnia is king Miraz don't have children for that reason he take cared of Caspian x the son of Caspian the ix and one day the nurse of Caspian said the story of old Narnia can prince Caspian like that story very much but king Miraz didn’t believe that story  • Then peter and king Caspian fight against Miraz and they kill him then the telmarine relatives of Caspian were send back to Telmer Peter the high king Reigns Caspian as a new king of narnia

  5. The voyages of the Dwan trader • This story represents about voyage or a adventure which two of Pevensies take with their annoying cousin Eustace . Also with present king of Narnia Caspian the  .The ship's crew is riding to seek the beginning of the world's end where they think Aslan's country rests upon .Lord Darian ,sir Ripicheep , Ralf and many more significant characters join to this marvellous journey .The whole point of taking this journey is to find the seven lords who have been banded from Narnia by king Miraz .

  6. The silver chair • Eustace Scrubb, now a reformed character following the events of The Voyage of the Dawn Treader, encounters his classmate and new friend Jill Pole at their school, Experiment House, where they are miserable. Jill has been tormented by bullies and is hiding from them. Eustace tells Jill about his Narnian adventures, and how his experiences there led to the changes in his behaviour – which Jill warns is likely to see him targeted by the bullies as well. Eustace suggests asking for Aslan's help, and as the bullies converge on them, the two blunder through a gate that leads them to Aslan's Country. • They encounter a cliff, where Jill shows off by approaching the edge, and Eustace, trying to pull her back, falls over the edge. Aslan appears and saves Eustace by blowing him on a magical wind stream to Narnia. He charges Jill with helping Eustace find King Caspian X's son, Prince Rilian of Narnia, who disappeared some years earlier. He gives Jill four Signs to guide them on their quest and then blows Jill into Narnia, where Eustace is already waiting by a great castle. They watch as an elderly and frail man takes ship and sails from the harbour. To Eustace's dismay, they learn that the elderly man is actually King Caspian; by failing to greet him they have missed the first Sign. Seventy years have passed since Eustace was last in Narnia, even though less than a year has passed in his world. They also learn that Caspian has sailed off to visit again the lands they had sailed to when he and Eustace were young, although many Narnians believe that he has set off to

  7. Silver chair • seek Aslan in order to ask who can be the next King of Narnia when he dies. Caspian is obviously deteriorating with old age, and his people fear that he will not live for much longer. • Caspian's Lord Regent Trumpkin the Dwarf, now very elderly and deaf, provides Jill and Eustace with rooms in Cair Paravel, but on the advice of Glim feather the Owl, they make no mention of their quest. Glimfeather summons them to a Parliament of his fellow talking owls, who explain that Prince Rilian disappeared a decade earlier while searching for a large green serpent that had killed his mother. • Jill and Eustace are flown to the marshes on the northern edge of Narnia where they meet their guide, Puddle glum, a gloomy but stalwart Marsh-wiggle. They journey toward the giant-lands north of Narnia. Hungry and suffering from exposure, they meet the Lady of the Green Kirtle accompanied by a silent knight in black armour. She encourages them to proceed northward to Harfang, the castle of the "Gentle Giants", who she says would be glad to have them at their Autumn Feast. Jill and Eustace, overcome at the thought of comfort and warmth, are eager to go; only Puddleglum argues against the journey to Harfang. After a long journey in harsh weather, and braving a mysterious chasm in a driving snowstorm, they are welcomed at Harfang. • From the castle the three see that in the snowstorm they had blundered through the ruins of a giant city in the valley below, thereby missing Aslan's second Sign. They also see the words "Under Me" engraved on the road, which is the third Sign. Discovering from a cookbook in the kitchen that they are the main course for the Autumn Feast, they make a narrow escape from Harfang. Following the Sign, they take shelter in a cave under the ruined city, where they fall down a long dark slope into Underland.

  8. The last battle

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