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Health Insurers Must Ensure Satisfaction

Online Health insurance plans by Bajaj Allianz include individual health insurance, family floater health insurance, add on health cover, senior citizens and women specific critical health insurance policies.<br>https://www.bajajallianz.com/Corp/health-insurance/health-family-floater.jsp<br>

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Health Insurers Must Ensure Satisfaction

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  1. Best Health Insurance in India

  2. Health Insurers Must Ensure Satisfaction

  3. Earlier this year, we published a blog post detailing the channels customers use when purchasing health insurance. But mapping customers’ physical interactions with a company is only part of the story – understanding their emotional evolution is just as important. • According to Forrester’s Consumer Techno graphics data, a mere 50% of consumers who purchase their own health insurance feel that the brand puts them first; others believe health insurers do what’s best for their own bottom line at the expense of customers. • The former are not only emotionally satisfied, they are also loyal to their current health insurer and willing to spend on additional products and services:

  4. Furthermore, consumers who experience a positive emotional relationship with their health insurance provider are more likely to engage with digital tools on their insurer’s website or mobile app, are more confident in their own healthcare decisions, and feel empowered to manage and improve their health. • Therefore, the Best health insurance in India challenge is not only to reach consumers across fragmented online and offline channels but also to resonate with consumers emotionally. • This means that adopting a customer-centric mindset is no longer a nice-to-have for health insurers; it is a must-have.

  5. The research reveals that boosting satisfaction doesn’t necessarily involve cutting prices and adding benefits as much as setting and meeting customer expectations. • Health insurers that give individuals the information and connection they need successfully manage emotions and pull the key levers of satisfaction that make customers feel valued. • [Source:http://blogx.forrester.com/anjali_lai/15-07-30 the_data_digest_health_insurers_must_ensure_satisfaction]

  6. Follow us on https://www.facebook.com/BajajAllianz http://www.linkedin.com/company/653474 https://plus.google.com/+BajajAllianzGIC/posts https://twitter.com/BajajAllianz https://www.youtube.com/user/BajajAllianzGIC https://instagram.com/bajajallianzgeneral/

  7. To know more on Best Health Insurance in India: https://www.bajajallianz.com/Corp/health-insurance/health-family-floater.jsp Thank You….

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